
  • 网络Tobruk;TOB;Tobruq;Tubruq
  1. 他带领巡逻队在图卜鲁格无人区巡逻时遭迫击炮弹击中身亡。

    In Tobruk , leading a patrol in no-man 's land , he was blown up by a mortar bomb .

  2. 在一系列灾难之后,图卜鲁格沦陷了,而就在这时,艾伦迎来了30岁生日。

    It was in fact his thirtieth birthday when the fall of Tobruk came as the latest in a series of disasters ,

  3. 1942年9月,英国的情况稍微好转了。在图卜鲁格沦陷之后,没有再受到太严重的损失。

    In September 1942 the British position was a little less hopeless , but only inasmuch as there had been no serious loss since that of Tobruk .