
  • 网络International Consumer Electronics Show;ICEF;CES-WINTER EDS ELECTRONICS SHOW
  1. 中兴开发的智能手表已在国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)以及世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)等商贸展会上亮过相了。

    The ZTE smartwatch has already been shown off at trade shows such as CES and Mobile World Congress .

  2. 每年1月国际消费类电子产品展览会(ConsumerElectronicsShow,简称:消费电子展)在拉斯维加斯盛大开幕时,电视生产商总会争相发布“全球最大”、“全球第一”、“全球最好”的产品。

    Each January , when the Consumer Electronics Show hits Las Vegas , TV makers claim their top sets to be the ' world 's largest , ' ' world 's first , ' and ' world 's best . ' This year ,

  3. 公司的发言人告诉法新社,三星公司在周五接到德国杜塞尔多夫辖区法院禁止营销的命令之后,周日将其7.7英寸的GalaxyTab7.7从德国柏林国际消费类电子产品及家用电器展览会(IFA)上撤回。

    Samsung Sunday removed its Galaxy Tab7.7 inch from the annual IFA show following an order Friday from a district court in Duesseldorf banning sales and marketing , a company spokesman told AFP .