
  • 网络International Day of Persons with Disabilities;International Day of Disabled Persons;International Day of People with Disability;WORLD DISABLED DAY
  1. 声音2:12月3日是国际残疾人日。

    Voice 2 : December the third is the International Day of Disabled Persons .

  2. 声音1:列宁在来信中谈到了我们做的国际残疾人日节目。

    Voice 1 : Lenin writes about our programme for International Day of Disabled Persons .

  3. 国际残疾人日是思考其他人不同生活的好时机。

    International Day of Disabled Persons is a good time to think about the different lives other people have .

  4. 声音2:借国际残疾人日这一特殊的日子,我们将花些时间来聆听残疾人问题专家的看法,这些专家也是残疾人。

    Voice 2 : For International Day of Disabled Persons , we give some time to listen to the words of the experts in this subject - those with disabilities .

  5. 声音3:“感谢重点报道所做的‘国际残疾人日’节目,这对我来说非常重要。我闭上眼睛。想到了自已的身体状况。我想到的是那些身体有缺陷的人——他们不能走路,或看不见东西。”

    Voice 3 : " Thanks Spotlight for the programme , ' International Day of Disabled Persons . ' It was very important to me . I closed my eyes . And I thought about my physical condition . I thought about people less able - who cannot walk , or see . "