
  • 网络International Federation of Robotics;ifr
  1. 国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationforRobotics)预测,到2018年,服务业机器人数量将增至3100万台。

    The International Federation for Robotics predicts that the number of service robots will rise to 31m by 2018 .

  2. 据国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)称,到2017年,中国安装的工业机器人数量将居全球之首。

    According to the International Federation of Robotics , it will have more installed manufacturing robots than any other country by 2017 .

  3. 根据国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)统计,2012年,全球共售出大约300万台家用和个人用途的服务型机器人,销售额达12亿美元。

    An estimated 3 million service robots , which are intended for personal and domestic use , were sold in 2012 , according to the International Federation of Robotics , representing sales of $ 1.2 billion .

  4. 国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)预计,到2017年中国的操作性工业机器人库存将增长逾一倍至42.8万台,届时中国将成为全球机器人装机量最多的国家。

    The International Federation of Robotics estimates that the stock of operational industrial robots in China will more than double to 428,000 by 2017 , when the country is set to lead the world in installed robots .

  5. 尽管全球范围内已经在大量使用工业机器人——国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)的调查显示,2015年工业机器人销量为24.8万台——但服务业机器人的销量要少得多。

    While there has been a global boom in the use of industrial robots , with 248000 units sold in 2015 according to research by the International Federation of Robotics , sales of service sector robots have lagged behind .

  6. 国际机器人联合会主席JunjiTsuda在他的《全球工业机器人市场》报告中指出,在2017年,全球约有38.7万台工业机器人售出,同比增长31%,创造了500亿美元的收入,而中国则是这一强劲增长背后的关键驱动因素之一。

    In his report of Global Market of Industrial Robots , Junji Tsuda , president of International Federation of Robotics ( IFR ) , noted that about 387000 industrial robots were sold in 2017 worldwide , up 31 % year-on-year , creating $ 50 billion in revenue , with China as one of key drivers behind the strong growth .