
  1. 中国国家航天局与俄罗斯国家航天集团公司将就国际月球科研站的规划、设计、建设以及运营等事宜进行商讨,合作建设并运营该科研站。

    The CNSA and Roscosmos will negotiate on matters about the international lunar research station 's planning , design , construction and operations , and will work together to build and run it .

  2. 在建造国际月球科研站项目的框架内,中俄两国利用在空间科学、空间技术和空间设备等方面积累的经验,将共同制定建造国际月球科研站的路线图,并开展紧密合作。

    Through this program , China and Russia will take advantage of their expertise and experience in space science and technology and spacecraft to produce a plan for the station and will cooperate closely on the following steps .

  3. 两国希望面向所有国际合作开放国际月球科研站,加强科学研究交流,推进全人类和平探索利用太空。

    Both nations want to open the station to international cooperation so it can serve as a platform to boost scientific exchanges and foster peaceful exploration and development of outer space .