
  • 网络DHL;ups;TNT;fedex
  1. 英国当局正在着手调查一份可疑的国际快递包裹为何未被发现并成功运往土耳其。

    A major investigation is underway in Britain into how a fake bomb was transported on the UPS cargo plane from Britain to Turkey without being detected .

  2. 在我国加入WTO以后,国际快递巨头纷纷进入我国市场,我国快递市场进入了一个繁荣发展的新时期。

    After China accessed to WTO , international express tycoon rushed to domestic market and express industry come to a new prosperity time .

  3. 而以UPS、联邦快递等为首的国际快递公司目前已占了我国国际快递市场一半以上的份额。

    More than one half market shares has been taken by such companies as UPS and Federal Express .

  4. 国际快递(DHLUPSFDXTNT等)有著优势的价格,完美的服务。

    International Express ( DHL UPS FDX TNT , etc. ) has advantages of price and perfect service .

  5. 在更多的中国人涌向海外时,中国的快递公司也在以UPS或DHL几分之一的价格提供国际快递服务。

    As more Chinese head abroad , Chinese delivery companies have sprung up that offer international delivery at a fraction of the price of companies like UPS and DHL .

  6. 近年来,云南邮政速递业务被严重分流,平均市场增长率只有2%,而国际快递巨头DHL增长率高达30%。

    In recent years , the express delivery business of China post has been seriously diverted , the average growth rate is only 2 % , whereas the growth rate of DHL , the international express delivery giant , reaches 30 % .

  7. 利益区隔,市场区隔,国际快递业。

    Benefit Segmentation , Market Segmentation , International Express Industry .

  8. 全方位为您提供国际快递服务。

    To provide you with a full range of international express delivery services .

  9. 这意味着国际快递将从今天起全线涨价。

    This mean that international express delivery will whole line markup from today .

  10. 国际快递是门到门的服务,但不含税。

    International Express is door to door service , but not include the tax .

  11. 我在敦豪国际快递的快递帐号为1234567。

    My DHL account number is1234567 .

  12. 尤其在复苏势头最为强劲的中国市场,几大国际快递企业之间的竞争更为激烈。

    Several large international express companies are having much more fierce competition especially in china market .

  13. 除上面列出的国际快递本身禁止运输物品外,每一国家亦会有特殊规定。

    Besides the upper unacceptable freight list , there are some unique regulations in each country .

  14. 安世通国际快递公司(Aramex)总经理吉姆·阿默尔说,空域关闭让他所在公司每天收入的四分之一付诸东流。

    Aramex logistics company managing director Jim Armour says the cost his company about a quarter of its daily revenue .

  15. 同时,国际快递巨头纷纷抢占国内快递市场,使得快递行业的竞争日趋激烈。

    Meanwhile , the international express delivery giants have to seize the domestic express delivery market , so the industry is increasingly competitive .

  16. 完整的意见书,包括所有脚本拷贝和补充材料,应发送给我们的一个包有一个追踪号码由国际快递。

    Complete submissions , including all script copies and additional materials , should be sent to us by international courier in one package with one tracking number .

  17. 开发慈溪国际快递业务慈溪不仅需要国际物流从业者,还需要市场,找到适合我们做的业务并且把它开发出来。

    Opening the cixi 's air waybill Cixi need not only international logistics workers , but also market , to find and open it which fitting for us .

  18. 中外运深圳分公司作为外运发展下属的一家分公司,目前主要经营的是国际快递、国际传统的货运代理业务以及其他综合物流项目业务。

    Sinotrans Shenzhen Branch as the Sinotrans development under a branch , mainly engaged in international express , international traditional freight forwarding business and other integrated logistics project business .

  19. 民营快递企业与先天条件良好的国际快递巨头们和中国邮政进行竞争,就必须应对市场需求,赢得顾客,占领市场,才能在激烈的竞争中站稳脚。

    If private express delivery companies want to gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition , they must respond to market demand , win customers and dominate the market .

  20. 随着中国对外国竞争开放,国际快递公司大举涌入,它们正利用自己的全球经营范围和技术专长,进军这个增长迅速的市场。

    As China has opened to foreign competition , international package companies have poured in , using their global reach and technological expertise to break into the fast - growing market .

  21. 我国加入世贸以来,现代物流配送、国际快递等成为外商拓宽在华投资领域的手段和新的投资热点。

    Since China 's accession to WTO , modern transportation , international express transportation and so on have been the new ways and hot points for overseas businesses to enlarge investment in China .

  22. S企业是一家中小型国际快递民营企业,现已完成创业阶段,开始注重管理,要求开展绩效管理。

    S company is a private small - and medium-sized enterprises ( SME ) engaged in international express . It has completed start-up stage , further focusing on management , especially performance management .

  23. 国际快递业务中外资快递企业占有绝对优势,国内区域间市场也而临的外资快递企业的巨大威胁,本土快递企业面临着重大的发展问题。

    In China , foreign express enterprises have absolute advantage in international express business , and also threaten domestic inter-regional market to domestic enterprises , so , domestic enterprises are facing major development issues .

  24. 在巨额利润的诱惑下,国际快递巨头纷纷抢占中国市场,国内民营快递更是如雨后春笋般涌现。

    In the temptation of profit of a huge sum , international express giants have to seize the Chinese market , domestic private express delivery is like bamboo shoots after a spring rain emerged .

  25. 不论是从事国际快递、异地快递,还是同城快递的企业,为了争取更多的市场份额,会不断优化自身的快递网络,提高快递网络的效率。

    The company whether engaged in international express , remote delivery , or city express business , will continue to optimize its delivery network to improve network efficiency delivery in order to gain more market share .

  26. 中国经济持续稳定发展以及潜力巨大的国内快递需求,使四大国际快递公司非常看好中国未来的快递市场。

    According to the continue and stabilize development of Chinese economy and the enormous potential request of express , the international express corporations thought that it is very important to occupy Chinese express market in the future .

  27. 本文就以四大国际快递公司之一的联邦快递公司作为研究对象,针对其快递运作中的实际情况和存在问题,提出实施客户关系管理的必要性。

    This paper takes one of the four major international express companies as the research target , accounting for its physical operations in the actual situation and existing problems , raises up the necessary of the launch the customer relationship management .

  28. 本文试图结合国内及国际快递市场现状和邮政体制改革要求,以延边快递为切入点,分析延边地区快递业发展所面临的发展问题。

    This article attempts to unify domestic and the international express market present situation and the postal service organizational reform request , and take Yanbian express as the breakthrough point , and then analyzes which development question the Yanbian area express industry development faces .

  29. 当客户透过友嘉国际合约快递公司负责运送服务,于一般都会地区收送服务时的收费标准。

    Standard transportation charges as the customer ask for the pick-up delivery service through Decaview Asia courier service in assigned area .

  30. 近年来,在国家大力支持发展快递物流业的良好背景下,国际国内快递物流市场竞争不断加剧,快递物流行业也取得了空前迅猛的发展。

    Recently , the competitions are increasing during both international and domestic express logistics market and also made an unprecedented rapid development in those areas .