
  • 【法】international market value
  1. 同时,市场价值是垄断价格的直接基础,国际市场价值是国际市场价格的直接基础。

    At the same time , market value is the immediate basis for the monopoly of price and so is the relation between international market value and international market price .

  2. 相反地,如果中国突然停止干预外汇市场,将会引发美元在国际市场价值的极速的短期内下滑并且迫使美国利率上升。

    Conversely , if China suddenly stopped intervening in the foreign exchange market , it might trigger a sharp short-run decline in the international value of the US dollar and drive up US interest rates .

  3. 在国际市场价值高的品牌,在中国市场未必价值就高;品牌价值是其各项价值要素的综合体现。

    Accordingly , the dissertation concludes that brand with high value in the international market may not necessarily lead to high value in Chinese market . Brand value is a comprehensive reflection of all value factors .

  4. 研究得到如下结论:(1)本文分别利用国内和国际非市场价值评价研究数据库,通过效益转移方法核算大连星海公园的游憩价值,得到每人每天的消费者剩余分别为530.47元和338.49元。

    Get the following conclusions : ( 1 ) This dissertation used Domestic and International Benefit Transfer to evaluate the recreational values of Dalian Xinghai Park , get the consumer surplus per person per day respectively , 530.47 yuan and 338.49 yuan .

  5. 正是因为地理标志具有这些与众不同的特征,使其具有指示功能、保证功能和升值功能,越来越受到各国的关注,在国际市场上也的价值也越来越高。

    It is because of these special characteristics of GIs , make it has instruction function , maintain value function and appreciation function , and get more the attention of all countries .

  6. 国际价值是在国际市场上形成的价值。

    International value is that formed in the international market .