
  • 网络IERS;international earth rotation service;International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
  1. 国际地球自转服务组织负责决定何时加减闰秒。

    Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service .

  2. 国际地球自转参数服务的新组织

    New Organization of IERS

  3. 同时采用4个台站的国际超导重力仪长期连续重力观测资料和国际地球自转服务中心提供的同步地球自转参数,研究了极移引起的地球重力场变化特征。

    The changing character of the Earth 's gravity field is studied in this paper by using simultaneously long-term continuous gravity observations recorded with international SG at 4 stations and the ERP from IERS .