
  • 网络international development assistance;IDA
  1. 以阿富汗问题为主的伦敦会议星期四开幕,会上将讨论国际发展援助的问题。

    The London conference on Afghanistan opens Thursday and is to include talks on international development assistance .

  2. 国际发展援助项目的复杂性和跨文化性更要求一套科学、畅通的项目沟通管理体系,才能实现项目目标。

    Complexity and cross-culture of international development assistance projects require a scientific and unimpeded system of project communication management so as to realize project objectives .

  3. 当国际发展援助为科学提供资金的时候,捐助者越来越多地向潜在的资助接受者询问他们能用这笔资金实现什么收益。

    When international development aid funds science , donors increasingly ask potential grant recipients what benefits they will achieve with the money .

  4. 请和燕姿一块儿帮助慈援组织扩展国际发展援助计划,马上购买慈援的“爱心熊猫”!

    Video Discription : Join Yanzi in the support of Mercy Relief 's development programme by purchasing the new goodwill panda , SunSun !

  5. 如中国通过联合国发展援助系统、世界银行和各区域合作组织积极参与国际多边发展援助,同时中国也加大了人道主义援助和对不发达国家的援助规模等。

    So through UN development aid systems , World Bank and various regional organizations , China actively participates in Multinational development aid and increases its humanitarian aid and foreign assistance towards under-developed countries .

  6. 国际多边发展援助是指能够提供多边援助的世界性及地区性机构帮助发展中国家及地区发展经济和提高社会福利的具体活动,是国际经济合作的重要方式之一。

    As one of the most important activities in international economic cooperation , international multilateral development assistance is the specific help given by global or regional donors , including international or regional organizations and institutions , to help developing countries and regions develop themselves and improve social welfares .

  7. 参加有关讨论的一些人士主张,美国应当削减国际发展和卫生援助,以此节缩开支。

    Some participants in that ongoing debate say the United States should cut back international development and health assistance as a means of reducing spending .

  8. 就在本月,当印度政府宣布它可能会购买法国、而非英国的战机时,尽管国际发展部的援助活动仍在继续,但人们却再一次听到了这种呼声。

    This month when , despite continued aid activity , the Indian government said it might buy French warplanes rather than British ones , these calls were renewed .

  9. 国际发展慈善组织行动援助(actionaid)粮食安全政策主管梅雷迪思亚历山大(meredithalexander)表示,他们希望英国将自己承诺的捐款交给该基金。

    Meredith Alexander , head of food aid policy at Action Aid , the international development charity , said it wanted the UK to channel promised aid money through the trust fund .

  10. 尽管用于国际卫生发展的资金援助额最近大幅提高,但大部分卫生资金仍然来自国内渠道,即使在一些非常贫穷的国家中也是如此。

    Despite dramatic recent increases in international financial assistance for health development , most spending on health still comes from domestic sources , even in some very poor countries .

  11. 在当今国际社会,政府发展援助已经成为一种屡见不鲜的外交活动,涵盖了经济、政治、军事等方方面面。

    ODA has been a kind of diplomatic activity which is often seen in world community nowadays . It contains economy , politics , and military affairs and so on .

  12. 国际经济合作主要包括国际直接投资、国际间接投资、国际发展援助、国际科技合作、国际承包工程与劳务合作和国际经济政策的协调与合作等形式。

    International economic cooperation mainly takes the forms of international direct investment , international indirect investment , international development aid , international scientific cooperation , international contract project and service cooperation , the cooperation and coordination of international economic policies etc.