
  • 网络iaea;AIEA;The International Atomic Energy Agency
  1. 与此同时,刚巧国际原子能机构在维也纳召开董事会议。这次会议从星期一开始,天野之弥在会上指责德黑兰“没有给国际原子能机构提供必要的配合”,他“不能确定伊朗所有的核材料会被用于和平活动。”

    The remarks coincide with a meeting of the IAEA board in Vienna , which began Monday , in which Amano complained that Tehran " has not provided the agency with the necessary cooperation , " and that he could " not confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is [ being used ] in peaceful activities . "

  2. 各国承诺提供新资源帮助国际原子能机构(IAEA)履行其职责。

    Nations pledged new resources to help the IAEA meet its responsibilities .

  3. 一个月前,国际原子能机构(InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency)证实,此次事件中无人因辐射患病或死亡。

    No one has been killed or sickened by the radiation - a point confirmed last month by the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  4. 巴基斯坦说,其所有核电站都愿意接受国际原子能机构(InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency)的检查。该机构是联合国下属的组织,负责监管核安全。

    Pakistan says all its nuclear plants will be open to inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency , a United Nations organization that polices nuclear safety .

  5. 切尔诺贝利事故之后,国际原子能机构(IAEA)收紧了标准。

    After Chernobyl , the International Atomic Energy Agency introduced tighter standards .

  6. 首先,他们同意国际原子能机构(IAEA)检查员对伊朗的核设施进行监督。

    They first agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to monitor their nuclear facilities .

  7. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)各理事国通过了对印度核设施进行核查的安全保障协议。

    International Atomic Energy Agency governors have adopted a plan for inspecting India 's nuclear facilities .

  8. 至于是否对伊朗采取进一步的制裁,将取决于国际原子能机构(iaea)和欧盟(eu)原定于本月提交的评估报告。

    A decision on further sanctions will depend on assessments due this month from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Union .

  9. 国际原子能机构(AEA)观察员重返朝鲜又引发另一个问题。

    The return of IAEA inspectors could pose another problem .

  10. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)表示,日本已请求得到专家团以帮助对付不断升级的核危机。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency said Japan had requested expert missions to help tackle the escalating nuclear crisis .

  11. 简要介绍了国际原子能机构(IAEA)近年来在研究堆开发与安全管理方面的重要举措,以及未来发展的趋势。

    This paper presents the recent activities of IAEA on the research reactor safety , and the trends in the future .

  12. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)表示,总体形势仍十分严峻,但似乎并没有在恶化。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency said that the overall situation remained very serious but did not appear to be deteriorating .

  13. 伊朗同意在4月初与国际原子能机构(简称IAEA)举行技术会议,澄清悬而未决的问题。

    Iran has agreed to hold technical meetings in early April with the International Atomic Energy Agency to clarify outstanding concerns .

  14. 该问题已引起国际原子能机构(IAEA)和安全管理界的高度关注,但尚未较好地解决。

    The problem has received high attention from International Atomic Energy Association ( IAEA ) and safety management area but remains unresolved .

  15. 伊朗原子能机构同意国际原子能机构(简称IAEA)的检查员进入两个地点。

    The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has agreed to grant access to two locations to inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Organization .

  16. 国际原子能机构(IEA)指出,2011年全球改善能源效率的项目投资为1800亿美元。

    The International Energy Agency ( IEA ) says that in 2011 $ 180bn was invested globally in projects aimed at improving energy efficiency .

  17. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)呼吁增加对一种可能应对全球粮食危机的核技术的投资。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) has called for increased investment in a nuclear technology that could tackle the global food crisis .

  18. 本文介绍了反应堆工程退役的基本概念、过程和国际原子能机构(IAEA)规定的三级退役。

    This paper introduces the basic concept and procedure of the decommissioning of nuclear reactor project and the three stages of decommissioning defined by IAEA .

  19. 一位巴基斯坦官员表示,根据国际原子能机构(IAEA)制定的国际标准,中国未来供应核反应堆时,将配备安全措施。

    A Pakistani official said future supplies of nuclear reactors from China would come with safeguards according to international standards applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  20. 据国际原子能机构(IAEA)称,东京电力公司将向太平洋排放超过1万吨的低放射性污水。

    According to the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , TEPCO will have to release over 10,000 tons of low-level radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean .

  21. 其次,国际原子能机构(IAEA)在放射性废物领域的监管实践又为我们科学设定监管流程提供了实证的资料。

    Second , the practice conducted by IAEA in the regulating field of radioactive waste materials supplies us the empirical data for us to set the scientific regulation workflow .

  22. 朝鲜于是将相关设备搬回宁边,并于本周命令国际原子能机构(iaea)官员拆除在宁边的封条和监控摄像机。

    North Korea has responded by returning equipment to Yongbyon and , this week , ordering International Atomic Energy Agency officials to remove seals and surveillance cameras from Yongbyon .

  23. 因为一个逃避国际原子能机构(IAEA)核查、无视联合国要求的世界将会使所有的人更不安全和所有的国家更没有保障。

    Because a world in which IAEA inspections are avoided and the United Nation 's demands are ignored will leave all people less safe , and all nations less secure .

  24. 国际原子能机构(iaea)今日将会宣布,向朝鲜派遣一组调查人员,确认宁边反应堆已关闭。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency is set to announce today that it is sending a team of inspectors to North Korea to confirm that the Yongbyon reactor is shut down .

  25. 国际原子能机构总干事、日本资深外交官天野之弥(YukiyaAmano)表示,该机构正与东京方面讨论细节。

    Yukiya Amano , a veteran Japanese diplomat who heads the IAEA , said the agency was discussing details with Tokyo .

  26. 1968年,在《防止核武器扩散条约(NPT)》的影响下,国际原子能机构到各核能源国进行检查,确保核能源的安全及和平利用。

    Under the1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT ), the IAEA conducts on-site inspections to ensure that nuclear materials are used only used for peaceful purposes .

  27. 有人将伊朗的声明描述为对国际原子能机构(IAEA)两天前投票谴责德黑兰做出的情绪化回应。国际原子能机构是联合国的核监督机构。

    Some described the Iranian announcement as an emotional response to a vote to censure Tehran , taken two days before at the International Atomic Energy Agency , the United Nations nuclear watchdog .

  28. ROSATOM指出,国际原子能机构在此前的非核国家监管了核电站的建设。

    ROSATOM points out that the International Atomic Energy Agency monitors and regulates power plant construction in previously non-nuclear countries .

  29. 美国国务院表示,朝鲜将允许国际原子能机构(iaea)核查人员回到一直在进行铀浓缩的宁边(yongbyon)核设施。

    The US State Department said North Korea would allow for the return of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to the Yongbyon facility , where it has been enriching uranium .

  30. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)发布的最新报告表明,伊朗正迅速增加浓缩铀的库存。如果伊朗决定发展核武器的话,这些浓缩铀可以用作原料。

    The latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals that Iran is rapidly increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium , which could be rendered into weapons-grade material should Tehran decide to develop a nuclear device .