
ɡuó jì xínɡ shì jǐnɡ chá zǔ zhī
  • International Criminal Police Organization
  1. 国际刑事警察组织表示,人口贩卖以及非法移民产业的价值高达280亿美元。

    Interpol says human trafficking and illicit migration is a $ 28 billion enterprise .

  2. 如果她蔑视法庭,我们将通知国际刑事警察组织。

    Were she to be found in contempt of court , Interpol could be notified .

  3. 这发表在联合国环境规划署和国际刑事警察组织的一份新报告上。

    That 's according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme and Interpol .

  4. 警察,行动在数百从反应史无前例的呼吁由帮助的国际刑事警察组织在辨认尼尔的人的技巧,搜寻他在东南亚。

    Police , acting on hundreds of tips from people who responded to an unprecedented appeal by Interpol for help in identifying neil , are searching for him in Southeast asia .

  5. 国际刑事警察组织发布红色通缉令,要求逮捕一名美国外交官的妻子,此人在英国酿成车祸导致一名年轻男子死亡。

    The International Criminal Police Organization has issued a Red Notice for the arrest of a U.S. diplomat 's wife over a car crash that killed a young man in Britain .