
  • 网络International public relations
  1. 此外,本文还梳理了近年来杭州城市形象国际公关的实践,总结其经验,提出了不足。

    In addition , this paper sums up the practice of international public relations of Hangzhou in recent years and summarized its experience and point out the disadvantage .

  2. 本文从国际公共关系学的视角出发,对城市形象国际公关管理进行理论研究和实践总结,创造了城市形象国际公共关系管理的模式,并对其基本问题进行分析。

    This article view from the international public relations ' perspective , analyzed the theory and the practice of the international public relations of city reputation , and created the model of international public relations management of city reputation .

  3. 京东国际公关高级总监约什·加德纳(JoshGartner)表示,京东希望能“大大提高其贷款决策的效率”。

    The Chinese online retailer , said Josh Gartner , senior director for international communications for JD.com , hopes to " greatly improve the efficiency of deciding who should be offered credit or not . "

  4. 根据爱德曼国际公关公司(Edelman)的数据,如今,82%的消费者认为企业提供符合家庭支出水平的健康商品很重要。

    Today , 82 % of consumers feel that it 's important for companies to offer healthy products that fit family budgets , according to the Edelman public relations firm .

  5. 缺乏国际公关和有效信息传播的经验。

    A.Our government has comparatively weak awareness of international PR.

  6. 众所周知,公共关系的类别很多,主要有政府公关、营销公关、危机公关、国际公关等。

    It is well known that there is a variety of public relations mainly including governmental , marketing , crisis and international relations etc.

  7. 会议口译另外一个重要的工作来源就是高端中介服务行业,比如说国际性公关公司与专业会议组织者(PCO)。

    A more significant source of work for conference interpreters is the higher-end intermediation service , like international PR companies and PCOs .

  8. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(KaiserKuo)介绍说,该公司的计划是把小型巴士投入公交车路线。

    Its approach is to put smallish buses on public transport routes , said Kaiser Kuo , director of international communications for Baidu .

  9. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(KaiserKuo)表示,与携程达成的协议,将让去哪儿有更多机会在移动搜索和基于地图的产品上开展合作。

    Kaiser Kuo , the international communications director for Baidu , said the agreement with Ctrip would give Qunar more opportunities to cooperate on mobile search and map-based products .

  10. 阿里巴巴国际企业公关业务主管詹妮弗·库伯曼表示,这100万只是个“保守”数字。

    Jennifer Kuperman , head of international corporate communications at Alibaba , said that the 1 million figure is nothing but " conservative . "

  11. 现任智囊机构-国际危机公关集团的主管的前澳大利亚外长格利茨。伊文思将掌管此委员会。

    Gareth Evans , a former Australian foreign minister , and head of the International Crisis Group , a think-tank , will co-chair the commission .

  12. 尽管如此,百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广表示,“我们在这个领域势头不错。”

    In spite of this , Kaiser Kuo , the international communications director for Baidu , said , " We 've got momentum in this space . "

  13. 若您也想收到这份资料,请与国际扶轮的公关部联络。

    Contact the RI Public Relations Division if you would like to be added to the mailing list .

  14. 为了在国际商务或者国际政府公关方面取得成功,在设计网站时满足目标受众的文化需要是很重要的。

    It is very important to meet the cultural needs of the expected web users in order to be successful in international e-business or in building up public relations and publicity of all levels of governments .