
  1. 透过颇具宗教神秘色彩的记述,该文展示了十五世纪我国瓷器在青藏高原的文化内涵,为我国瓷文化补充了新的视野。

    Through the mysterious religion record , this article displays the culture connotation of Chinese porcelain in Qinghai Xizang Highland in the 15th century , which holds new field of vision to Chinese porcelain culture .

  2. 青瓷青瓷是我国传统国瓷,始于五代。青瓷的特点是质坚胎薄、线条优美、光泽柔和,从商周的原始青瓷,到唐代“南青北白”,青瓷的技艺在宋代达到颠峰。

    Celadon , a famous type of anaent Chinese stoneware , came into be-ing during the period of the Five Dynasties.It is characterizecf by simple but refined shapes , jade-like glaze , solid substance and a distinc-tive shrrle.prototype first emerged as early as the Shang Dynasty , gained the equal fame with white porcelain in the Tang Dynasty .