
  • 网络GnH;Gross National Happiness;National happiness index;GWB
  1. 国民幸福指数的变化在宠物经济中的体现

    Changes of GNH Embodied in the Pets Economy

  2. 从1972年开始,不丹放弃国内生产总值的测算,取而代之的是“国民幸福指数”。

    Since 1972 , Bhutan 's GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index .

  3. 要GDP还是要GNH?&科学发展观视野下的经济增长和国民幸福指数评析

    Aiming at GDP or GNH & Economic growth and happiness index of the people in the light of the scientific development view

  4. 北京奥运会对国民幸福指数的影响及评价体系的构建

    Effects of Beijing Olympic Games on National Happiness Indexes and Construction of Evaluating System

  5. 国民幸福指数出现在大家面前——从泰国到英国等各地政府都开始使用这一指标。

    Enter the National Happiness Index , which has been brought in by governments everywhere from Thailand to the UK .

  6. 明确指出在构建和谐社会进程中必须走出若干理论认识误区;着重提出国民幸福指数是全面衡量和谐社会的最重要指标;

    Several theoretical mistakes in the process of constructing harmonious society must be avoided and Chinese happiness index is the important index to measure harmonious society .

  7. 21世纪人类进入精神经济时代,“国民幸福指数”正在成为衡量社会经济整体发展水平的重要指标。

    The21th century is intellectual economy , The National Happiness Index is becoming one of the most important measuring indexes for level of social and economic development .

  8. 近年来,国民幸福指数越来越引起人们的关注,如何定义幸福感,幸福怎样量化,也成为一门新颖的课题。

    In recent years , National Happiness Index has drawn increasing attention . The way to define the happiness and quantify the happiness has become a new topic .

  9. 道路绿化项目是一个多部门参与、多方位资金投入,事关国民幸福指数和满意程度的民生基础设施建设。

    Road greening project needs participation of several departments , and investment of all aspects . It is the basic project which matters happiness and satisfaction of people s livelihood .

  10. 本文以江苏省十三市的国民幸福指数测评为例,分别采用综合得分法和幸福指数多维测算法来计算幸福指数。

    This paper has taken the example of 13 cities in Jiangsu province to calculate the national happiness index , which had taken the overall score method and the multidimensional measuring method .

  11. 不丹王国在上个世纪70年代提出国民幸福指数的理念,以国民幸福为发展目标来治理国家,得到了极大的关注。

    Bhutan in the 70s put forward the idea of " national happiness index ", The national happiness as a development goal to govern the country , this practice has won great attention .

  12. 自上世纪70年代,不丹王国提出并实施幸福计划以来,西方发达国家纷纷效仿,开始进行国民幸福指数研究,快乐经济学的研究方兴未艾,发展迅速。

    Since the 70s of last century , the Kingdom of Bhutan proposed and impled the concept . Western countries followed and began to study Gross National Happiness Index . " Happiness economics " research is developing rapidly .

  13. 一个具有中国特色的国民幸福感指数应该在这个过程中有一个任务。

    A national happiness index with Chinese characteristics should have a role in this process .

  14. 英国已经就公众的生活满意度进行了民意调查,而且,也可能成为首个由官方出面调查国民总体幸福指数的国家。

    Britain already polls the public on their life satisfaction levels , but could become the first country to officially monitor its general happiness .