
ɡuó jiā yù suàn
  • national budget
  1. 我建议将国家预算分割成三部分。

    I suggest a threefold division of the national budget .

  2. 印度在3月份公布了国家预算,其中包括一些令外国企业大感惊讶的税收议案。

    Tax proposals in the national budget unveiled in March stunned foreign firms .

  3. 布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。

    President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country 's budget deficit

  4. 国会批准了国家预算。

    The congress approved the budget .

  5. JohnDeasy:“经济衰退对国家预算产生巨大影响,而且我们的经费也大幅度下降。”

    JOHN DEASY : " The recession has had an enormous impact on the state budget and we have had a huge drop in funding . "

  6. 穆迪信用评级服务公司表示抗击埃博拉一役将为国家预算带来压力,而商业上的放缓将使得税收及每个国家的年度GDP增长减少。

    Moody 's credit rating service says the costs of fighting Ebola will strain national budgets , while the slowdown in commerce will cut tax revenues and could make measurable cuts in each country 's annual GDP growth .

  7. 基于宏观经济系统仿真实例,根据LMI的可行解,给出满足特定经济指标的最优国家预算内投资策略值。

    Based on the macroeconomic system simulation example , according to the feasible solution of LMI , give the specific value of the optimal state budget investment strategy which meet specific economic indicators .

  8. 但世行首席运营官斯莉•穆尔雅妮•英德拉瓦蒂(SriMulyaniIndrawati)表示,在今年发放的贷款中,近乎半数(约45%)将以世行所称的“发展政策贷款”的形式发放,即直接贷款给国家预算,与具体实际项目无关。

    But almost half of this year 's lending - about 45 per cent - would come in the form of what the World Bank called " development policy lending , " or lending directly to national budgets that is not tied to specific physical projects , said Sri Mulyani Indrawati , the bank 's chief operating officer .

  9. 国家预算的重点应当是人力建设,而不是致命武器。

    National budgets should focus on building human capacity , not deadly weapons .

  10. 但在光景不好的年份里,这会导致国家预算出现缺口。

    But this will create gaps in national budgets in a bad year .

  11. 国家预算已经不受控制了。

    The federal budget is out of control .

  12. 建立分类管理的国家预算体系

    Study on the National Budget System with Classified

  13. 按照目前的油价,许多欧佩克产油国承受不起本国的国家预算。

    At current levels a number of OPEC producers cannot cover their national budgets .

  14. 如国家预算节省百分之十,就是二十多万亿元。

    Ten percent of the state budget is equal to over 20,000 billion yuan .

  15. 巴基斯坦国家预算和财政政策

    National budget and fiscal policy in India

  16. 他表示,一些欧盟官方机构将必须加强对国家预算的监督。

    Some European authority will need to undertake stronger oversight of national budgets he says .

  17. 国家预算系统平衡表

    Balance of the state budget system

  18. 一般而言,国家预算不向国家政策性银行提供利率补贴。

    Generally the State budget does not provide interest rate subsidy to the State Policy Banks .

  19. 但海地65%的国家预算依然依赖外国援助。

    But Haiti still depends on foreign aid for over 65 % of the state budget .

  20. 国家预算和债务委员会

    National Budget and Debt Committee

  21. “在国家预算中,增加教育及文化事业经费之比率”;

    That " the proportion of the national budget allocated to education and culture shall be increased ";

  22. 在国家预算中,我们看到每年政府的拨款不断地在减少。

    In terms of the National Budget , we see a diminishing amount allocated year by year .

  23. 本周,财政部在国家预算中将军费增加了25%。

    The finance ministry raised military spending by 25 per cent in the national budget this week .

  24. 国会计划用两个月时间来决定如何削减国家预算。

    Congress has given itself another two months to decide on how to cut the federal budget .

  25. 国家预算在宏观经济层面的目标应当是帮助平衡经济发展。

    The aim of the macroeconomic side of a national budget should be to help balance the economy .

  26. 国家预算委员会已经指派美国政府责任署对胡维尔大楼做一个全面检查。

    The committee has directed the Government Accountability Office to do a full review of the Hoover building .

  27. 五编制和执行国民经济和社会发展计划和国家预算;

    5 to draw up and implement the plan for national economic and social development and the state budget ;

  28. 请注意,用这五亿法郎我们就可以支付国家预算开支的四分之一。

    Note this : with five hundred millions we could pay one quarter of the expenses of our budget .

  29. 泰国的卫生筹资采取国家预算投入和社区筹资相结合的基本方式。

    The basic way of health financing in Thailand is the combination of the governmental budget and the community financing .

  30. 按照公共经济学国家预算理论,一切财政资金都要纳入预算内进行管理。

    According to the public economics national budget theory , all financial funds should be all included in managing budgetary .