
ɡuó jiā yù suàn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • state budget management
  1. 政府行政性资产管理作为国有资产管理的重要组成部分,是国家预算管理的必要延伸,是一项专门的管理行为。

    As an important part of our state-owned asset management , the state-owned asset management of administration is necessary extendibility of state budget management and a special dealing of administration .

  2. 国家预算管理制度是一个统一完整的体系,在中央部门预算改革开始后,必须进一步实施地方预算管理制度的配套改革。

    As it is a whole and united system , the local budget management system must keep up with the reform of central government department budget .

  3. 国库管理与运作是国家预算管理和中央银行宏观调控不可缺少的基础性工作,是财政政策和货币政策结合点,在财政金融活动乃至国民经济活动中具有重要地位。

    The management and operation of the state treasury is a fundamental job for the management of the state budget , and for the implementation of the macroeconomic policy of the central bank .

  4. 发达国家科技预算管理体制及对中国的启示

    The R & D Budget System in Developed Countries and Its Implication to China

  5. 西方国家运用预算管理成功的经典案例,已在中国广为传颂。

    Classic case of success the use of budget management in Western countries , has been widely honored in China .

  6. 西方国家对于预算管理研究与应用起步较早,拥有标准的理论体系和丰富的案例作为参考依据。

    For budget management , western industrial developed countries started much earlier on research and application . They have a standard theory system and rich cases for references .

  7. 在西方发达国家,全面预算管理已被企业广泛使用,并成为企业内部管理体系的一个重要组成部分。

    In western developed countries , Comprehensive Budget Management ( CBM ) has been widely adopted by enterprises and become an important component of business internal administration system .

  8. 结合我国国情和国外,尤其是欧美发达国家的政府预算管理实践,提出完善我国部门预算改革的对策建议。

    Considering conditions in China and overseas , especially the practice of governmental budgeting management in European and American countries , it raises advice in improving budgeting reform in China .

  9. 地质调查项目专项经费属国家推行部门预算管理的对象,实行地质调查项目设计预算管理,是地质调查项目专项经费管理的重要手段。

    Special funds of geological survey projects belong to the object of national budget administration . It is an important mean of special fund management in geological survey projects to carry out budget management .

  10. 为了强化预算的分配和监督职能,健全国家对预算的管理,加强国家宏观调控,保障经济和社会的健康发展,根据宪法,制定本法。

    In accordance with the Constitution and for the purposes of strengthening the distribution and supervisory function of budget , improving the budget management of the state , intensifying the micro-scope regulation and control of the state , and ensuring the sound socio-economic development , this law is enacted .

  11. 国家自然科学基金预算管理

    Budget management of the National Natural Science Fund

  12. 西方国家对人力资源预算管理问题的研究和探讨起步比较早,而我国对人力资源预算管理的研究和时间都相对滞后。

    The research and investigate with the budget management of HR in Western countries is earlier than our country .

  13. 第三部分是概述有代表性发达国家对公共事业预算管理经验,得出可借鉴的经验。

    The third part is a summary about public affairs budget management experience of representative developed countries . And draw useful experience .

  14. 该部分主要介绍了美国、澳大利亚和香港等国家和地区高校预算管理的主要作法。

    In this part , some measures of budget management in institutions in America , Australia and Hong Kong have been introduced .

  15. 部门预算编制和专项调查是国家财政部根据预算管理与改革的需要,为规范资金管理,提高资金使用率,而采取的科学管理方法。

    In order to standardize capital management and raise its utilization rate , Chinese Ministry of Finance adopts the following scientific management methods : department budget compilation and special survey according to the requirements of budget management and reform .

  16. 最后在分析发达国家养老保险基金预算管理经验的基础上,提出了我国建立基本养老保险基金预算管理的必要性和内容,并分析了实现基本养老保险基金预算管理的条件创设。

    Finally , on the basis of analysis of budget management experience in pension fund in the developed countries , propose the necessity and content for the establishment of the basic old-age insurance fund budget management system and analyze how to create the conditions to realize budget management pension fund .

  17. 预算外资金是国家机关、事业单位和社会团体为代行政府职能,依据国家法律法规和具有法律效力的规章而收取、提取和安排使用的,未纳入国家预算管理的各种财政性资金。

    Capital over budget are all kinds of financial capital without bringing into budget management , that is state departments , nonprofit organizations and social organizations collect , draw and arrange according to state laws and codes , regulations with force effect on behalf of the government .