
ɡuó wēi
  • Guowei;national prestige;national power and influence
国威 [guó wēi]
  • [national power and influence;national prestige] 国家的名望声威。也指军力而言

  • 大振国威

  1. 唐代疆域广阔、政治稳定、经济繁荣、文化畅达、国威远播、对外开放发达,拥有强大的文化力度。

    Tang Dynasty , a vast territory , political stability , economic prosperity , cultural accessibility , national prestige spread far and wide , open development , has a strong cultural force .

  2. 国人斗志昂扬,充满自信&这种自信,是汉唐精神的回归,是昔日那种雄强的国威感的回归。

    Chinese high morale , self-confidence - a confidence is the return of the spirit of the Han and Tang is old male that the return of a strong sense of national prestige .

  3. 北京市国威跆拳道俱乐部现状调查及发展对策

    Beijing Guowei Taekwondo Club Investigation and Development Strategies

  4. 我国体育健儿打出了国威,打出了中国人民的雄心壮志

    The Chinese athletes demonstrated their national strength and prestige and showed the aspiration of the Chinese people

  5. 如果忍气吞声,听任对方的羞辱,那么国威何在?

    If swallow , allowing the other side 's humiliation , then the prestige of the country ?

  6. 这是一个礼赞祖国,讴歌时代,振奋民心,展示国威的红色十月。

    This is a praise of the motherland , Acura times , encouraging people to show Paul Red October .

  7. 中国·国威科技竭诚欢迎各界人士惠顾赐教,精诚合作共创美好未来!

    China Guowei Science & Technology Co. , Ltd welcome all circles personage to patronize wholeheartedly and sincere cooperation to built a better future !

  8. 郑和下西洋的主要目的在于宣扬大明的强盛国威,但他经常卷入出访地的政治。

    While Zheng He 's main aim was to show the superiority of Ming China , he often got involved in the local politics of places he visited .

  9. 从幼时开始,我的理想就是成为一名真正的军人,保卫主权,捍卫国威。

    Since I was a child , I have been dreaming to become a soldier one day who can protect the sovereignty of our country and safeguard her reputation .

  10. 第四章对国威燃气公司资产评估的进行了实证研究,从实证的角度进行了分析。从而得出以下结论:城市燃气企业受行业特点影响,采用收益法评估较为合理。

    Chapter 4 is the study of the gas company assets valuation , and arrive at the following conclusions : For urban gas company , under the influence of the industry , Income Approach is more reasonable to the assets valuation .

  11. 在世界政治、军事战略格局急剧变化的今天,飞航导弹作为主战武器之一,对于增强国防实力、提高国威军威、保卫国家主权、促进科学技术及国民经济的发展将发挥重要的作用。

    At present time when the strategic structure of political and military posture all over the world is rapidly changing , the cruise missile , as one of the main weapons , will play an important role in developing national defense , economy and science and technology .

  12. 明成祖即位后,为了加强与东南亚国家的联系,也借此炫耀大明帝国的国威,开始了一连串大规模的海上活动。从公元1405到1433年,受明成祖派遣,郑和先后七次率领庞大的船队进行远航。

    In order to strength the relations with countries lying to the west of China as well as to flaunt the national power of the Great Ming Empire , Em-peror Ming Chengzu launched a series of marine activities.Between 1405 and 1433 , Zheng He was ordered seven times to ad as an en-voy to these countries , known as