
  • 网络Foreign procurement;Overseas procurement
  1. 为什么他们决定要向国外采购这些东西而不是在国内买呢。

    Why they decided to purchase overseas instead of in house who knows .

  2. 工作描述:业务助理,国外采购,报关相关事宜。

    Handle Program : sales assistant , foreign purchase , customs issue more than two years .

  3. 国外采购并随时跟踪样品,出货日,到港日及相关进口文件。

    The overseas purchase and tracks the sample , shipment date , destination date and correlated import documents .

  4. 真是让人惊讶奥巴马的团队,竟然无法将国外采购和第三世界不断增长的中产阶级联系起来。

    It is amazing that the Obama admin can 't make the connection between outsourcing creating a middle class for third world countries .

  5. 最近,该国中央计划处已经禁止从国外采购一些工业设备,要求企业安装新型节能系统。

    The country 's central planning agency recently barred purchases of some used industrial equipment from abroad , requiring companies to install newer energy-efficient systems .

  6. 除了大型的生产设备,是集团从国外采购的之外,国产的一些设备以及辅助设备包括质量方面的一些检测设备,都是我们工厂自己采购的。

    Beside the group purchase the main produce equipment from overseas country , we need to buy the assistant equipment including the test equipment and tooling .

  7. 不仅供货期不能保证,同时,从国外采购的全套液压系统价格一般没有商量的余地;

    Not only can not guarantee delivery time , the same time , procured from abroad , prices generally do not have a full set of hydraulic system-negotiable ;

  8. 消息人士说,对此可能有其它的解释,包括从国外采购来的设备有污染。伊朗官员从未说过那里曾经有浓缩铀活动。

    The sources said there could be other explanations , including contamination of equipment bought from abroad , but Iranian officials had not reported nuclear enrichment activity at the site .

  9. 中国房地产巨头、亿万富翁王健林最近对《新京报》抱怨道:“中国消费者乘飞机跑到国外采购奢侈品,只会给其他国家增加就业机会和税收。”

    Wang Jianlin , a billionaire property tycoon , recently complained to Beijing news that , " Chinese people sit on airplanes to deliver jobs and tax money to foreign countries . "

  10. 南非米勒酿酒公司曾花费数十年时间,试图用高端啤酒占据新兴市场,当时公司的大部分投入,如大麦与酒瓶,均从国外采购。而其现行的小型供应链措施则与之前截然不同。

    SABMiller 's micro supply chain moves are a sharp departure from its decades-long attempt to flood emerging markets with premium beers , with much of their inputs like barley and bottles sourced abroad .

  11. 但由于该行业进入门槛较低,竞争日益激烈,加上全球电子商务的发展,国外采购商可以在世界范围内采购价格最低的商品。

    However , due to lower barriers to entry in the industry , increased competition , coupled with the development of global e-commerce since 1999 , foreign buyers are possibly purchase at the lowest price all around the world .

  12. 国外的采购商更加信任像中国制造网这样有着详实产品数据的老牌电子商务平台。

    Foreign buyers more confidence in Chinese-made network such as detailed product data with old electronics business platform .

  13. 本文就国外公共采购法律体系的主要特点及对我国公共采购立法的启示谈点管蠡之见。

    This paper discusses main characteristics of foreign purchase law system and enlightenment on domestic public purchase legislation .

  14. 每届展会可吸引20万名国外的采购者,其中多达十分之一来自非洲。

    It attracts 200,000 foreign buyers to each session , with up to a 10th of them from Africa .

  15. 包括进一步放松资本流出和进口限制,以及到国外进行采购的特别计划。

    Policies can-indeed , already do-include further liberalisation of capital outflow and imports , along with special programmes to buy goods abroad .

  16. 2014,传统电商巨头天猫国际与京东开始试水,向国外直接采购商品。

    Online shopping giants like Alibaba Group 's Tmall International and JD.com Inc. opened the floodgates in 2014 to purchasing goods from overseas vendors .

  17. 在现代市场经济下,国外政府采购法律已经形成体系,与之有关的制度也趋于细化。

    In the modern market economy , the law of foreign Government Procurement has been formed system and related system also tend to be more detailed .

  18. 由于对全球采购的研究起源于国外全球采购的发起国,因而多是站在采购方的立场上的,从供应方角度进行的研究很少。

    For studies on global sourcing originated from foreign countries which launched it , most of them are from the side of purchasers and few are form the angle of suppliers .

  19. 减少顺差的办法不是靠人民币汇率的简单波动,也不是靠减少出口,而要靠把外汇更多的到国外去采购、旅游、教育、消费以及到海外去投资。

    What 's more , the reduction does not depend on fluctuations of currency 's exchange rate or reduction of export , but on overseas purchase , tourism , education and investment .

  20. 再次,考察了国外政府采购市场的建设情况,总结了发达国家政府采购市场的特点、经验,为健全和完善我国政府采购市场提供有益的借鉴。

    Moreover , it investigates the construction of foreign government procurement markets , summarizes their characteristics and experience so as to offer beneficial reference for perfecting the market of government procurement of our country .

  21. 随着中国改革开放的现代化进程的不断深入,家具行业出口贸易在国际贸易的比重不断得到提高,大量的国外家具采购团进入中国寻找商机。

    With the modernized progress of the Chinese reform and opening-up policy , the proportion data of Chinese furniture export trade is developing fast in our international trade . Large numbers of foreign furniture purchasing mission entered Chinese market for business opportunities .

  22. 国外无源元件采购指南

    Foreign Passive Components Buyers Guide

  23. 我们的产品出口到世界多个国家并且作为某些国外客户的采购代表给予客户优良的服务和产品。

    We export products to many countries in the world and act as source representative for some oversea companies .

  24. 也谈国外大型企业物资采购管理方式

    On Management of Material Purchasing in Large Enterprise Abroad

  25. 国外网络数据库的采购策略

    Strategies of Purchasing Online Databases from Abroad

  26. 在国外,政府电子采购方式已经得到了普遍应用,并引起了许多国际经济组织的高度重视,但在国内,由于网络应用不普及等原因,政府电子采购方式还处于起步阶段。

    Abroad , the government e-procurement has been widely used and caused a lot of attention of international economic organizations , but in our country , due to network not widely used and other reasons , the government e-procurement is still in its infancy .