
  1. 中国公民国内旅游业务、票务、旅游商品零售。

    Chinese citizens domestic tourism operations , ticketing , travel retail .

  2. 第三类:经营中国公民国内旅游业务的旅行社。

    Category 3 : Tourist agencies that handle domestic tourist business for Chinese citizens .

  3. 国际旅行社的经营范围包括入境旅游业务、出境旅游业务、国内旅游业务。

    The business scope of international travel agencies shall include the inbound tourism business , outbound tourism business and domestic tourism business .

  4. 随着国内旅游业务的迅猛增长以及人们逐渐把预订习惯从线下转为线上,目前国内旅行预订网站的业绩和数量正在发生巨大的变化。

    With the rapid growth of domestic tourism and people moving booking habits from offline to online , dramatic changes take place on Chinese travel booking websites .

  5. 中国公民出境旅游业务和国内旅游等业务。

    Chinese citizens outbound tourism business and domestic tourism , and other businesses .

  6. 从事外国人入境旅游、国内旅游及相关业务、特许经营中国公民出境旅游业务的全资质国际旅行社。

    It is fully qualified to operate in the spheres of foreigners'entry travel , domestic travel and other relative business , and is franchised to operate exit travel for the Chinese nationals .

  7. 国内旅行社的经营范围仅限于国内旅游业务。

    The scope of business for domestic tourist agencies shall be limited to domestic tourist services .