
ɡuó huì fǎ àn
  • parliament act
  1. 只有国会法案才能矫正这种形势。

    Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation

  2. 但是,拓宽居住地必须通过国会法案。

    But it takes an act of Congress to expand a reservation .

  3. 国会法案所赋予他们的行政职责。

    Administrative duties laid upon them by acts of parliament .

  4. 而建立新的工业申报制度则需要通过新的国会法案。

    Creating new reporting rules for industry would require an act of Congress .

  5. 雇用攀爬的男孩为烟囱清洁工是被英国国会法案所禁止的。

    The employment of climbing boys as chimney sweeps was prohibited by an Act of Parliament .

  6. 他们说今晚要通过国会法案将你保释出来

    They said it would take an act of congress to get you out on bail tonight .

  7. 使加拿大成为一个国家的新法案是一项叫做“1867年英属北美法案”的英国国会法案。

    The new legislation that created Canada was a British act of Parliament called " The British North America Acts of1867 " .

  8. 我想如果我们没有力量宣布国会法案无效,美国也不会走向死亡。

    I don 't think the United States would come to an end if we lost our power to declare an Act of Congress void .

  9. 两年后,在十九世纪后期,签署一项国会法案,总统尤利塞斯格兰特宣布黄石地区的公共公园。

    Two years later , in the late nineteenth century , an act of Congress signed by President Ulysses S. Grant proclaimed the Yellowstone region a public park .

  10. 纵观美国国会法案的内容,国会议员针对人民币汇率争端的(拟)处理途径可以分为国内途径和国际途径。

    Throughout the contents of the currency exchange rate bills , the pathways from the congress members to settlement of Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate can be divided into domestic channels and international channels .

  11. 周二,国会将法案呈交总统签署为法律。

    Congress sent the bill to the president to sign into law on Tuesday .

  12. 1848年的今天,俄勒冈州领土范围据美国国会的法案成立。

    1848-Oregon Territory organized by Act of U.S.Congress .

  13. 这个过程始于国会通过法案,结束连锁性移民和抽签签证。

    This process begins with Congress passing a bill to end chain migration and also end the visa lottery .

  14. 在最终议案敲定前,国会外援法案必须得到参议院的一致通过,之后才交由布什总统签字。

    House foreign aid legislation must be reconciled with a Senate version before a final bill can go to President Bush for signature .

  15. 今晚,我请求国会出台法案,批准至少投资1.5万亿美元建造新的基础设施。

    Tonight I 'm calling on Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $ 1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment that our country so desperately needs .

  16. 下周,国会表决法案,这将会给予工作的女性她们需要的工具来要求同工同酬。

    Next week , there 's a vote in Congress on a bill that would give working women the tools they need to demand equal pay for equal work .

  17. 这就是我在九月份提交给国会就业法案一个至关重要的部分,其目的是帮助州政府防止更多的裁员和雇佣更多失去了工作的教师们。

    That 's why a critical part of the jobs bill that I sent to Congress back in September was to help states prevent even more layoffs and rehire even more teachers who had lost their jobs .

  18. 答:总统可以否决国会通过的法案。

    A : The President vetoes a bill .

  19. 他向国会提出一法案。

    He introduced a bill before parliament .

  20. 国会通过该法案,禁止歧视有身体和精神残疾的人。

    Congress passed the law to bar discrimination against people with physical or mental disabilities .

  21. 他在国会通过的法案,都是侥幸险胜。

    He squeaked through in both houses .

  22. 国会通过的法案一经总统签署立即生效。

    A bill pass by congress become effective as soon as the president sign it .

  23. 眼下政局意味着,他近期再次向国会提交相关法案将会徒劳无功。

    Politics makes it futile for him to go through Congress again in the near future .

  24. 国会通过该法案是为了减少象1929年股市崩溃那样而造成的存款风险。

    Congress passed the law to reduce risk to deposits following the stock market crash of1929 .

  25. 国会出台的法案将这项禁令扩大至所有工作场所。

    There is a bill in Congress that would extend the ban to all work places .

  26. 一份让各州要求揭露财产所有人身份的提案已经送入美国国会。该法案由来自两党的人员共同提交,目前却遭到搁置。

    A bipartisan bill to make the states require disclosure of ownership is now before Congress , but it has stalled .

  27. 十多年后,在最新国会医疗保健法案中的支出收入差将是650亿美元。

    The gap between spending and revenue in the latest House healthcare bill would be $ 65bn in just over a decade .

  28. 因此,典型地讲,不利公开宣传的目标在事实查明之后将得不到补救,除非国会通过私法法案。

    Thus , the target of adverse publicity will typically have no redress after the fact , unless Congress passes a private bill .

  29. 他说,他的政府在继续和立法部门领导人会谈,等他们星期三回到国会后推动法案的通过。

    He said his administration is continuing talks with legislative leaders to move forward on a bill when they return to Capitol Hill Wednesday .

  30. 今天早上,众议院议长约翰·博纳接受采访时被问道,为什么最近国会通过的法案这么少。他表示,应以废除多少法律来评判国会的工作。

    House speaker John Boehner was asked in an interview earlier this morning , why the congress is passing so few laws these days .