
  • 网络consolidation;solidification
  1. 冻结土体的水分迁移和固结作用

    The Underground Water Migration and Consolidation Effect of the Frozen Soil

  2. 超静孔隙水压力消散引起的固结作用;

    Consolidation effect due to increase of effective stress in surrounding soil after excess pore pressure dissipation ;

  3. 超固结作用总是会减小动力作用的破坏效应。

    The over-consolidation of soil can always decrease the damage effect of dynamic loading .

  4. 应用了对尾砂有高强度固结作用的新型胶凝新材料;

    New type gelation material having high strength solidification function for tailings was applied ;

  5. 复合地基不仅置换部分强度大幅度提高,天然土部分由于排水固结作用和挤密作用也使强度有所提高。

    The strength of compound foundations can be improved not only the partial of the column but also the natural soil owing to the effect of consolidation and densification .

  6. 该实验是在各项异性的固结作用后保持差应力,使用孔隙水控制装置在体积不变的应变控制条件下将孔隙水注入。

    In the test , after anisotropic consolidation , keeping the deviator stress , pore water is injected using pore water control apparatus under a constant volumetric strain controlled condition .

  7. 成膜机理,通过吸附交联、粘附形成连续致密膜,该膜渗透率特别低,对井壁起固结作用。

    ⑷ film forming mechanism , that is , forming dense film through adsorbing , cross linking and adhere which has extraordinary low permeability and play a role of concretion borehole wall .

  8. 它不仅能提高持力层的承载力,减少地基变形量,同时还可以加速地基的排水固结作用。

    It can not only increase the bearing capacity of supporting course , but also reduce the deformation modulus of the foundation and accelerate the drainage and consolidation function of the foundation .

  9. 结果表明由于槟榔树根系在土中分布较浅,对土的固结作用不明显,不能提高边坡稳定性,反而会促使边坡发生滑坡失稳。

    The result indicated that the root in the soil of betelnut trees distribution is shallower , of soil consolidation effect is not apparent , can improve the stability of the slope , but will make landslide slope instability .

  10. 本文认为,人工岛护岸在静力固结作用下会产生不均匀沉降,不均匀沉降的绝对值较大,但是由于尺寸巨大不均匀沉降造成的坡度较小。

    The results indicate that the artificial island revetment under static consolidation will produce uneven settlement . uneven settlement of the absolute value is larger , but due to huge size little gradient caused by the uneven settlement . 4 .

  11. 硅酸盐稳定井壁的实质是一种化学封堵、固结作用,而沥青类、聚合醇类封堵型井壁稳定剂主要是通过物理作用来达到稳定井壁的目的,因而抑制能力相对较弱。

    Different from plugging wellbore stabilizers such as asphalt materials and polyalcohol , the wellbore stabilizing mechanism of silicate is chemical sealing and cementing action , while the latter approaches this target just by physical action , resulting in their relative weaker inhibiting ability .

  12. 研究表明:由于桩周地基土的再固结沉降作用,工程桩基产生较大的沉降量,其值远大于垂直荷载作用下的桩基沉降;

    The research indicates that the pile settlement due to soil reconsolidation settlement is far more than that due to vertical load , and this kind of settlement will go up with time .

  13. 因此,进行数据整理时应考虑到固结压力的作用。同时,蠕变实验中存在着一个时间尺度效应。

    Furthermore , there is a time scale effect in the creep tests .

  14. 从桩土相互作用的原理出发,研究了在桩周地基土再固结沉降的作用下,工程桩基沉降的计算方法。

    In addition , calculation methods of pile settlement due to soil reconsolidation settlement is studied by using the interaction effect principle .

  15. 通过对扬尘起动机理、扬尘规律和抑尘机理的分析,得出依靠保湿、凝并和固结三种作用来抑制扬尘的机理。

    Through mechanism of occurrence and suppression and law of fugitive dust , retaining moisture and aggregation and consolidation are primary function of suppressing fugitive dust .

  16. 地下水系统结构特征以及固结压密作用的物质基础&松散盖层的厚度、岩性,是构成地面不均匀沉降的充要条件。

    The structure of groundwater system and the properties of the unconsolidated coverage ( the thickness and the lithological characteristics ) constitute the necessary and sufficient conditions for inhomogeneous subsidence .

  17. 固结磨料抛光垫作用下的材料去除速率模型

    A model of material removal rate with fixed abrasive pad

  18. 最后,以数值方法研究了矩形荷载作用下成层饱和地基二维固结与简谐荷载作用下成层饱和地基固结的区别。

    Finally , the difference of layered saturated soils consolidation between rectangle and harmonic vibration loads is studied in this dissertation .

  19. 软土的蠕变是指外力作用后变形随时间增长的现象,固结是指外力作用后土体骨架中超静孔隙水压力消散的过程。

    Creep of soft soil means that deformation is rising with time under certain outside force . Consolidation is the course of super pore-pressure dissipation after loading .

  20. 主要因为前者有利于地基土颗粒之间的剪切与重组及其土的三维结构改变,有利于桩间土排水固结和挤密作用的发挥,且置换因素亦有较大作用;

    For the former process , the excellent effect should be contributed to the effects of drainage consolidation and surrounding soils compaction as well as the replacement factors .

  21. 结果表明,影响地表沉降变形的主要原因是盾构法施工过程中产生的地层损失引起地层移动、衬砌结构的变形、土体的固结和次固结作用等。

    The results show that the main reasons affecting the ground surface subsidence during the shield construction are ground movement formation , formation changes of the original stress state , the soil consolidation and secondary consolidation .

  22. 分析动力排水固结法与传统排水固结法作用机理的不同。提出通过有效夯击变形系数、最终有效变形系数及有效能量作用系数来评价动力排水固结的加固效果。

    The reinforcement mechanics of dynamic consolidation method and traditional drain methods were always compared .

  23. 当考虑固结时间充分大时,CPRI和PRI两程序的计算结果吻合,从而验证了考虑土体固结的桩土承台共同作用理论的正确性,初步实现了考虑土体固结共同作用的全过程分析。

    The results of CPRI agree with that of PRI when time is long enough , which indicates that the method of pile-soil-raft interaction considering soil consolidation is correct . long pile . The behavior of the pile ?