
  1. 浅谈电视摄影中的固定画面

    The shooting technique of still and moving picture in TV

  2. 所述广告展示牌设有可连续变换的固定画面和移动画面。

    The advertisement display card is provided with fixing pictures and moving pictures which can continuously be converted .

  3. 我们固定画面,可以看到我保持头在较低的位置,并且呼吸的时候略向后看。

    If we freeze it right here , you can see that I do this by keeping my head low , and by looking slightly back when I breathe .

  4. 如果我们现在固定画面,你可以看到前伸手臂在努力前伸时,波浪就在头的上部,呼吸就在这里进行。

    If we freeze the screen right here , you can see the lead hand extended in the water , the bow wave just above my head , and the breath .

  5. 通常用于模拟凝固过程的动画AVI,类似于电影电视,缺乏互动能力,只能在固定的视场、视角下观看固定的序列画面。

    The conventional AVI for numerical simulation , similar to movie and television , only looks on fixed sequent picture at fixed view field and view angle due to lacks of interaction ability .