
  • 网络Team assessment
  1. 实行科学的严格合理的、团队考核与个人考核相结合的、任期中考核与任期满考核相结合的考核制度。

    Undertaking scientific and strict appraisal system which puts team appraisal together with individual appraisal , appraisal during the tenure together with appraisal by the tenure .

  2. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考

    Strategic Team - based Performance Appraisal System : Some Key Issues

  3. R&D团队绩效考核及薪酬激励机制设计

    Design of Performance Evaluation and Motivation Mechanism for R & D Team

  4. 团队绩效考核的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Performance Appraisal of Teams

  5. 借鉴已有的团队绩效考核方法,结合博弈分析建立了基于博弈论的团队绩效考核体系。

    Learning from the existing team performance appraisal methods , combined with analysis of game theory and established a team performance appraisal system based on game theory .

  6. 本文以提高团队绩效考核的准确性为出发点,利用博弈论的方法分析了团队生产与绩效考核问题。

    In this paper , to improve the accuracy of team performance appraisal as a starting point , using game theory analysis of team production and performance appraisal issues .

  7. 但是,在研究与实践中,团队绩效考核方式是注重团队绩效还个体绩效一直以来存在争议与困惑。

    Unfortunately , in the theoretical research and management practice , the disputes and puzzles whether team performance or individual performance should be stressed have been existed all the while .

  8. 新的团队绩效考核体系不同于传统的绩效管理的分析范式,丰富了团队绩效考核理论,对提高团队绩效有着积极的作用。

    Thus , the new team performance appraisal system is different from the traditional analysis of performance management paradigm . Our research has enriched the theory of team performance appraisal ; improving team performance has a positive effect .

  9. 同时,本文对营销团队绩效考核特性的理论探讨有利于完善营销团队绩效考核管理理论,这是本文的理论创新点。

    At the same time , this article carries on the discussion to the marketing team achievements inspection characteristic to be advantageous to the consummation marketing team achievements inspection management theory , is this article theory innovation spot .

  10. 以期能为企业的销售团队绩效考核提供理论和实践上的指导。

    With a view to provide theoretical guidance and practical application when the enterprise make performance on sales team . It is expected that the system can supply a guidance in the theory and practice for the enterprise to make performance appraisal .

  11. 借助关键绩效指标(KPI)以及平衡记分的思想,初步建立了研发团队的绩效考核指标体系;

    The basic performance indicators system is established under the help of KPI and balanced score theory .

  12. 第三,研究团队性绩效考核对知识共享影响过程中的调节机制。

    The moderating mechanism of team-based performance appraisal on knowledge sharing .

  13. 对销售团队的绩效考核直接影响其绩效水平,进而影响企业的整体绩效与盈利。

    They affect the overall performance and profitability .

  14. 即,有哪些变量会对团队性绩效考核与知识共享之间的关系产生影响,它们又是如何影响的。

    That is , which variables do influence the relationship between team-based performance appraisal and knowledge sharing ?

  15. 关系型心理契约情境下企业应该采用360度绩效考核方法和团队型绩效考核方法。

    Under the situation of transactional psychological contract , enterprise should adopt all-round performance appraisal method and team performance appraisal method .

  16. 如何激励销售团队,如何考核销售团队成为各大企业首先面临的问题。

    How to motivate the sales team , to become the major companies are first faced with the problem of assessing the sales team .

  17. 公司对业绩评估过程进行了重审,让员工个人目标更为清晰,同时全面改革了对客户质询的处理以及团队业绩的考核。

    It reviewed the appraisal process to make individuals ' objectives clearer and overhauled the handling of customer inquiries and the measurement of team performance .

  18. 团队管理:团队绩效考核;

    Team Management : Team performance evaluation ;

  19. 分配公平感、人际信任与团队承诺在团队性绩效考核对知识共享的影响机制中起到了完全中介作用。

    Distributive justice perception , interpersonal trust and team commitment take a full mediating role all together in the relationship between team-based performance appraisal and knowledge sharing .

  20. 然而,由于研发团队工作本身的特点以及团队成员对绩效考核的公平、公正、准确以及结果使用等方面的较高需求,使得研发团队绩效管理成为一个难点。

    However , because of the characteristics of the R D works and the team numbers ' high requests in performance assessment , the R D team performance management has been a difficult .

  21. 在企业中建立一个良好的绩效考核体系不仅能为企业的薪酬分配提供可靠的依据,而且能使团队的整体绩效得以改进,销售团队的绩效考核更是如此。

    To build a good performance appraisal system can not only provide the enterprise a reliable basis for the distribution , but also improve the overall team performance . So is the performance appraisal of sales team .

  22. 然而,现有的关于绩效考核方面的研究成果又不能完全适应IT企业研发团队的特点,因此,建立一套适合IT企业研发团队的绩效考核体系是非常必要的。

    However , the results of existing researches on the performance evaluation can not fully meet the characteristics of R & D team .

  23. 项目团队管理是工程项目管理的核心内容,成功实施工程项目管理团队的绩效考核是搞好项目团队管理、提升项目管理水平、实现工程项目建设目标的基础和保障。

    Project team management is a core job of project management . It is the guarantee for achieving the project objectives and improving project management level to implement project management team performance assessment successfully .