
huí bì zhì dù
  • challenge system;withdrawal system;recusation system
  1. 完善刑事诉讼法官回避制度之思考

    On Improving the Challenge System of Judge in Criminal Procedure Law

  2. 论我国古代任官回避制度及其当代价值

    On the Ancient Officials ' Challenge System and Its Contemporary Value

  3. 为消除该负面影响,可以由政府向ODR网站注入资金、申请商业贷款、对缴纳会员费的企业实行无因回避制度。

    To eliminate this negative impact , we can inject liquidity into the ODR website by government , grant loans from commercial banks , adopt peremptory challenge to enterprises which pay membership fees .

  4. 完善现行法官回避制度的理论思考

    Some Theoretical Considerations of Improving the Current Challenge System for Judges

  5. 构建罢免程序中的回避制度,确保程序公正;

    Construct challenge system in removal proceeding to ensure procedural justice .

  6. 谈建立审判委员会委员的回避制度

    On Building Withdrawal System of the Members of the Adjudicatory Committee

  7. 回避制度的价值追求是程序公正。

    The aim of the challenge system is the fair procedure .

  8. 略论清代的司法回避制度

    On the System of Judicial Withdrawal in the Qing Dynasty

  9. 刑事回避制度研究

    An Improvement Study on the Challenge System in Criminal Proceeding

  10. 公务回避制度的比较与思考

    Comparison and Reflections on the Withdrawal System in Public Affairs

  11. 建立我国刑罚执行中的回避制度

    Constructing Avoidance System in Implementation of Our Country 's Penalty

  12. 但回避制度很少被付诸实践;

    But the challenge system is seldom put into practice .

  13. 浅谈我国刑事诉讼中法官回避制度的完善

    On the System of Judges Avoidance in Chinese Criminal Proceedings

  14. 建立会计人员任职回避制度浅探

    Talk about the Establishment of Tenure of Office Dodge System for Accounting Staff

  15. 第五章,我国行政公务回避制度的实施。

    The fifth chapter : implementation study on administrative withdrawal in public affairs .

  16. 中国公务员回避制度研究

    A Research on Avoidance System of Chinese Civil Service

  17. 论刑事诉讼中建立无因回避制度的必要性和可行性

    On Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Peremptory Challenge in the Criminal Procedural Law

  18. 《刑事诉讼法》回避制度的缺陷及立法建议

    The Defects of Challenge System in " Criminal Procedure " and Legislative Proposals

  19. 回避制度作为一项法律制度,有着悠久的历史。

    As a legal system , the Challenge System has a long history .

  20. 自动规避障碍物;回避制度考略

    Can avoid obstacles automatically ; Study on Evading System

  21. 回避制度的短板分析及重构

    The Short Planks and Reconstructing of the Challenge System

  22. 如何落实回避制度,加强配套措施建设;

    How to implement avoidance system and intensify construction of the relative measures ;

  23. 回避制度:历史经验及现代启示

    Withdrawal System : Historical Experience and Modern Enlightenment

  24. 浅析中国古代的司法回避制度

    The brief analysis Chinese ancient judicial avoiding system

  25. 这与我国回避制度的立法思想、立法技术和回避处理程序的行政化有密切关系。

    It is relevant to the legislation idea , legislative technique and administrative procedures .

  26. 农地改革应当尽量回避制度弹性过小的制度安排。

    Too small flexibility should be tried to avoid in the farmland system reformation .

  27. 我国行政回避制度之检视

    Inspecting the Administrative Avoiding System of Our Country

  28. 其次,探究当前熟人社会中民事诉讼回避制度的困境。

    Secondly , it explores the plight of challenge system in the acquaintances society .

  29. 因此要改革回避制度诸多不完善的地方,笔者认为,转变整个民事诉讼制度的思路是最根本的。

    So , changing the entire system of civil litigation is the most fundamental ideas .

  30. 诉讼中的回避制度应予完善

    On Improving the Challenge System in Lawsuits