
huí xíng zhēn
  • paper clip
回形针[huí xíng zhēn]
  1. 根据早期办公室博物馆的资料,能弯曲的金属丝回形针的专利最早出现在1867年的美国,发明者是塞缪尔B非伊。

    According to the Early Office Museum , the first patent for a bent wire paper clip was awarded in the United States to Samuel B. Fay , in 1867 .

  2. 磁铁,吸起,螺丝刀,图钉,回形针

    Magnet , pick up , screwdriver , thumbtack , paper clip

  3. 他用回形针别好了文件。

    He fastened the papers together with a paper clip .

  4. 用回形针把这些文件夹在一起。

    Fasten these papers together with a paperclip .

  5. 回形针体表定位CT导引下经皮肺穿刺活检的临床体会

    Clinical Experience of the Percutaneous Puncture Biopsy of Lung Under CT-Guidance Marked by Clip

  6. 目的介绍CT导引下使用回形针体表定位经皮肺穿刺活检的临床经验。

    Objective To report our experience of the needle biopsy of lung lesions guided by computed tomography ( CT ) with clip marked .

  7. 有R3订书钉,几盒回形针,36包A3纸,

    There were some R3 staples , several boxes of paper clips , thirty-six packs of A3 paper ,

  8. 几年后,我们家搬到了果园路(OrchardRoad),那个最年长的红头发的堂兄还来和我玩过,并向我表演如何用回形针打开挂锁的技术。

    Years later , when we had moved to Orchard Road , the redheaded eldest of the cousins came to play with me and showed me how to open a padlock with a bent paper clip .

  9. 任何人都可以把这个“synth”放在必应地图上供人浏览,地图中照片拍摄地点上会有一个回形针图标显示。

    Anybody can then make the synth accessible through Bing Maps , represented by a pin icon on the spot where the images were shot .

  10. 它赞助过椅子制作比赛,将一块空地变成活动板房的陈列场,还展出过回形针,仿佛它们是罗斯科(Rothko,抽象表现主义艺术家&译注)的作品似的。

    It has sponsored chair-making competitions , turned a vacant lot into a showcase of prefabricated housing and exhibited paper clips as if they were Rothkos .

  11. 人们现在才发现,这个部门时至今日还在靠回形针和橡皮筋工作,而高频交易员们使用的电脑则排成了行,足以使《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(BattlestarGalactica)里的首席武器官垂涎三尺。

    This is the part that , as people are only now finding out , is held together by paper clips and rubber bands , while the high frequency traders run computer arrays that would make the chief weapons officer of Battlestar Galactica drool .

  12. 回形针出口包装分析与改进

    The Analysis and Improvement of the Export Packaging of Paper Clips

  13. 给你回形针的前两秒才刚决定。

    About two seconds before I slipped you the paper clip .

  14. 这是跳线电缆和回形针导线之间的混乱状态。

    It was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads .

  15. 默认地,标记以红色的回形针表示。

    By default , a marker is rendered as a red pin .

  16. 要重设你的巴斯光年用回形针按住…

    To reset your Buzz Lightyear , insert paper clip ...

  17. 将回形针从包裹它的电线中抽出。

    Slide the paper clip out of its wire covering .

  18. 用一个回形针把这份档案夹起来。

    Use a paper clip to hold this file together .

  19. 我认为有一个回形针就管用了。

    I think one of these paper clips will do the job .

  20. 从我这里拿些回形针去吧,我有很多。

    Take some of my paper clips-i have a bunch .

  21. 请用回形针将这些收据夹住。

    Fasten these receipts with a paper clip , please .

  22. 我从学校秘书那里讨了一些回形针。

    I scrounged some paperclips off the school secretary .

  23. 回形针的顶点指向地图上的地址位置。

    The tip of the pin points to the address location on the map .

  24. 而且还偷了办公室里的回形针

    And I stole all those paper clips .

  25. 莎莉:我得承认我拿了些回形针回家。

    Sally : I have to admit that I have taken some paperclips home .

  26. 然后我就把这些回形针扭成飞机形状别在我的….衬衫上

    And then I was cliping like airplane 's shapes onto my ... shirt .

  27. 他老是拿我的回形针。

    He keeps taking my paper clips .

  28. 和回形针放在一起。

    Check in with your paper clips .

  29. 我用回形针把文件夹起来。

    I clip the document together .

  30. 在街角小店里可以买到细绳、胶水、回形针之类的东西。

    You can buy string , glue , paper-clips and suchlike items at the corner shop .