
huí ɡuī cè shì
  • regression testing
  1. 本人所在项目组目前采用传统的手工测试方法,进行面向Web系统的版本回归测试。

    My project group currently uses the manual testing for regression testing for the Web system .

  2. 基于Web程序的手工测试以及回归测试是十分费时的,有时甚至是不断重复的。

    Manual testing and regression testing of Web-based applications are time consuming and sometimes quite repetitive .

  3. 面向对象Java语言的类成员防火墙回归测试

    Regression Test of the Class Member Firewalls for the Object-Oriented Java Language

  4. RationalFunctionalTester是一个自动化的功能性测试以及回归测试工具。

    Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional testing and regression testing tool .

  5. 最后,给出构件系统回归测试的多Agent框架,研究了各Agent的具体职责和实现细节的问题。

    Last the component system regression test multi-Agent ( CRAM ) and the realization details is also proposed .

  6. 基于动态切片和UML图的回归测试用例生成

    Regression Test Case Generation Based on Dynamic Slicing and UML Diagram

  7. 自动化回归测试在Java项目中的实现

    Automation regression testing in Java project

  8. 它还提供了一个社区可在开发Web服务实现时使用的公共回归测试平台。

    It also provides a common testbed of regression tests that the community can use during the developmen of their Web Service implementations .

  9. 关键字regression用于您想要建立一个自动化回归测试用例的需求

    A regression keyword for a requirement for which you want to build out an automated regression test case

  10. 基于UML的面向对象软件回归测试研究

    Research on Object-Oriented Software Regression Testing based on UML

  11. 进一步,基于Java语言的增量编译算法,提出了一种类层次的回归测试用例选择算法。

    Based on the Java incremental compilation algorithm , it presents a class level regression testing selection algorithm .

  12. 实验结果表明该方法对GUI系统的一致性测试、回归测试和资源消耗测试是非常有效的。

    It shows that this method is effective in GUI testing .

  13. 基于UML构造回归测试依赖集

    Dependence Aggregate of Regression Testing Based on UML

  14. 测试人员常常仅限于为回归测试使用GUI自动化。

    Testers are often limited to using GUI automation for regression testing .

  15. ·建立构件系统回归测试的多Agent框架,为构件系统回归测试的工具实现做出基础性研究工作。

    Based on the research and algorithms , a component system regression test multi-Agent is applied . The basic realization details is also proposed .

  16. 自动化黑盒测试、GUI级回归测试工具在行业中被广泛应用。

    Automated black box , GUI-level regression test tools are popular in the industry .

  17. RationalPerformanceTester为功能性的测试、回归测试、GUI测试以及数据驱动测试,提供了自动化的测试功能。

    Rational Performance Tester provides automated testing capabilities for functional testing , regression testing , GUI testing , and data-driven testing .

  18. 集成了网页功能测试,GUI控件测试,回归测试以及压力测试等。

    Integration web function test , GUI control test , regression testing and stress testing .

  19. 对主干来说,CI服务器自动并持续地运行集成测试和回归测试。

    For the trunk , the CI server automatically and continuously runs integration tests and regression tests .

  20. 类层次回归测试用例选择算法不仅支持Java面向对象中的继承等特性,而且满足增量性质。

    The class level regression testing selection algorithm not only supports the inheritance feature of the object-oriented Java programming language but also have incremental property .

  21. RationalFunctionalTester通过将一些手动的步骤自动化,并帮助您创建回归测试中使用的测试套装来提高效率。

    Rational Functional Tester helps make testing more efficient by automating manual tests and helping you create test suites to be used in regression testing .

  22. 在成功对ERA系统实施自动化回归测试之后,明显降低了测试人员的工作量,提高了测试效率,取得了积极的测试效果。

    The successful implementation of the automated regression test significantly reduces the workload , improves the efficiency of the regression test and achieves satisfactory test results .

  23. 具体来说,本文的主要工作如下:(1)提出了一种基于UML活动图比较的回归测试用例生成方法。

    The main contributions include : ( 1 ) Propose an approach on regression test cases generation by comparing activ-ity diagrams .

  24. 在此测试平台下,根据边界值、等价类等测试方法规划测试用例,对该Web组件进行功能、性能上进行测试,以及进行回归测试。

    Under the testing platform , marking out the testing case according to boundary value and equivalence and testing the Web component with function testing , load testing and functional regression testing .

  25. 本文紧密依据软件回归测试的特点,研究并实现了自动回归测试管理系统ARTM(AutomaticRegressionTestManager)。

    This paper is focused on the characters of distributed applications . It studies and realizes an Automatic Regression Test Manager ( ARTM ) .

  26. 对每个工作分支来说,CI服务器自动并有规律地(如果不能持续地)运行集成测试和回归测试。

    For each work branch , CI server automatically and regularly ( if not continuously ) runs integration tests and regression tests .

  27. 用于WCDMAUTRAN系统集成回归测试的自动化测试方案

    The Automation Test Scheme for WCDMA UTRAN System Integration Regression Test

  28. 这种策略基于Kung等人在其回归测试方法中提出的测试层次概念,并且融入了增量测试的观点。

    The strategy is based on the notion of testing level from regression testing method of Kung etc.

  29. IBMRationalFunctionalTester是特别适用于QA专家的一个工具,QA专家执行Java、.NET、WEB和基于终端应用软件的功能和回归测试。

    IBM Rational Functional Tester is a tool geared specifically for QA professionals who perform functional and regression testing of Java , . NET , Web , and terminal-based applications .

  30. 设计的框架不仅可以支持单元回归测试,而且可以支持DLL文件的测试。

    The designed framework not only can support the unit regressive test , but also can support the DLL file test .