
  • 网络Home New Year;Seventeen Years
  1. 他今年回家过年。

    He 'll be home for the Spring Festival .

  2. 家人到病房探望你。你说,盼望能够回家过年。

    I 'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home .

  3. 中山有约百万外来员工,每年有大半会选择回家过年。

    There are about one million migrant workers in Zhongshan .

  4. 对于李丽丽(音译)来说,找个新男友回家过年竟然是件很简单的事。

    Finding a new man to take home for the holidays proved surprisingly easy for Lily Li .

  5. 不久,又会有几千名急着回家过年的人拥进来。

    Up the elevator stream the next few thousand people eager to get home for Chinese New Year .

  6. 中国的制造商通常会在春节长假前加快发货速度,因为春节期间外来打工者都会回家过年,生产也会暂停。

    Manufacturers often speed shipments ahead of the long holiday when migrant workers return home and production lines fall silent .

  7. 爸妈再也不逼你结婚了,今年回家过年吧!

    Dad and mom won 't ever force you to get married anymore , come home for Chinese New Year !

  8. 深圳大学社会学教授何明(音译)建议年轻人们可以对于回家过年这件事抱着一种开明的态度。

    He Ming , a professor of sociology at Shenzhen University suggested young people should return home with an open mind .

  9. 怀着盼望回家过年的心情,大一新生们在火车站排了几个小时队来买票。

    Freshmen , eager to get home for the Chinese New Year , queue up at the railway station for hours .

  10. 近日他收到家中来鸿,让他回家过年。

    Several days before , he had received a letter from his family who asked him to return for the Spring Festival .

  11. 至少有一部分流动工人可以在回家过年时夸耀一番了。

    Some migrants , at least , had good news to boast about on their return home for the Spring Festival holiday .

  12. 今年初的雪灾中,很多人都被困在回家过年的路上,他以个人的名义向旅客们表达了歉意。

    Early this year , when snow storms , millions stranded during Chinese New Year , he personally apologized to train passengers .

  13. 他知道这时父母亲都在急切地等着他回家过年。

    He knew ? that at this moment his parents were eagerly waiting for him to return ? home for the New Year .

  14. 一些男士表示会带女朋友回家过年。

    Some young men said they would take their girlfriend home to have dinner with parents on the Chinese New Year 's Day .

  15. 星期天是中国的春节,但恶劣天气使数百万试图回家过年的旅客受阻。

    Weather conditions are disrupting travel in China as millions of people try to head home for the Lunar New Year on Sunday .

  16. 每年春节,母亲总要宰一头猪犒劳我们几个从外地回家过年的孩子。

    Every Spring Festival , mother always killed a pig to reward us when we came home for the Spring Festival from other places .

  17. 作为外来务工者,辛苦了一年,如何才能舒服地回家过年呢?

    How can the workers , after a year 's hard work , be able to comfortably travel back home to celebrate the festival ?

  18. 很受欢迎的24集电视剧《租个女友回家过年》素材就来源于此。

    It even provided the theme for a popular 24-part television series , " Renting a Girlfriend to Go Home for New Year . "

  19. 国家卫生健康委员会表示,随着越来越多的人回家过年,中国正面临着不断上升的病毒检测需求。

    The National Health Commission says China is facing rising demand for virus testing as more people are traveling home for the Spring Festival .

  20. 新的实名购票制度实行之后,春节回家过年的旅客在火车站候车的时间可能要延长了。

    People returning home for the Spring Festival can expect lengthy delays at train stations after the introduction of a new ID-based ticket booking system .

  21. 新年前几天,一个卫兵对另一个卫兵说,这个大人物是被特许回家过年的。

    A few days before the Chinese new year , one guard was telling the other that the VIP was going home for the new year .

  22. 随着数以亿计的农民工回家过年,许多工厂要关闭大半个月,办公室的运转速度也大幅减缓。

    With hundreds of millions of migrant labourers travelling home , many factories shut for the better part of a month and offices run at half-speed .

  23. 如果忍受不了家人唠叨的话,你可以去中国网购巨头淘宝网上去租个男友回家过年。

    Those who can 't handle the pressure of nagging parents can rent a boyfriend for the day through China 's online shopping giant , Taobao.com .

  24. A:因为大家都回家过年啦,这是个家庭团聚的日子,不太属于狂欢的节日。

    A : That is because everyone goes home for Chinese New Year ; it is a family holiday , not so much a party holiday .

  25. 广州市以出口为主的行业雇用了上百万的外地工人,这些来自全国各地的人们都在等著回家过年。

    The Guangzhou area 's export-oriented industries employ millions of migrant workers who are trying to return to their homes in other parts of the country .

  26. 根据新华社报道,随着乘客和农民工回家过年,政府预计今年的旅客人数是36.2亿

    With commuters and migrant workers returning home , the government expects 3.62 billion journeys to take place this year , according to Xin hua news .

  27. 几千万中国人想要回家过年,然而强烈的严寒却使得他们旅程陷入极度混乱之中。

    Severe winter weather is causing worsening travel chaos in China as tens of millions of people try to return home for the Lunar New Year holiday .

  28. 亲爱的朋友,春节有没有给你带来压力?在异地继续工作和回家过年之间,如何作出选择呢?

    My dear friends , does the spring festival put pressure on you ? How to make a choice between staying at workplace or returning back home ?

  29. 这种挑战在年初尤其突出,每年这个时候,大批企业关门停产,数以千万计的农民工回家过年。

    This challenge is particularly acute at the start of the year when businesses close and tens of millions of workers head home for the Chinese New Year .

  30. 二十几年前,来到大城市打拼的韩国人自驾车满载礼物回家过年是风风光光;

    Two decades ago , it was a glory for those migrant workers in big cities to have one 's car loaded with gifts for family when driving home .