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  1. 中国天主教爱国会副会长LiuBainian证实了星期四将在位于东部的江苏省徐州市任命一名新的主教。

    Liu Bainian , vice president of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church Association , confirmed Tuesday that a new bishop would be ordained in the city of Xuzhou , in Jiangsu Province in eastern China .

  2. 他们在星期四将举行一次珠宝拍卖。

    They 're holding an auction of jewellery on thursday .

  3. 一些大国的外交官预计星期四将在巴黎讨论伊朗的核计划和导弹活动。

    Big-power diplomats are expected to discuss Iran 's nuclear program and missile activity Thursday in Paris .

  4. 奥巴马星期四将再次发表讲话,但最近事态的发展可能会使他的讲话不像上次那么受欢迎。

    He tries again with a speech Thursday , but recent events may have made his audience less receptive .

  5. 布朗星期四将同意大利总理贝卢斯科尼举行会晤,讨论有关的经济计划。

    Gordon Brown will meet to discuss economic plans Thursday with his Italian counterpart , Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi .

  6. 红十字会东亚地区负责人卡尔。瑙克勒说,红十字会星期四将发出募集1千万美元的初步呼吁。

    Carl Naucler , East Asia 's managing director for the Red Cross , says the organization will make an initial appeal for $ 10 million on Thursday .

  7. 盖茨说,他星期四将在安卡拉告诉土耳其领导人,土耳其军队为追击库尔德分离分子而进入伊拉克境内5天,这一行动应当是短期的,而目标也应限制在很小范围。

    Gates said he would tell Turkish leaders in Ankara Thursday that their five-day-old incursion into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish separatists should to be short and narrowly focused .

  8. 在谈判陷入六个月的停顿后,中国、美国、北韩、韩国、日本和俄罗斯的谈判人员星期四将再次在北京会面,进行为期三天的会谈。

    After nine months on hold , negotiators from China , the United States , North and South Korea , Japan , and Russia will gather Thursday in Beijing for three days of talks .

  9. 世界卫生组织在四月份将德尔塔毒株定性为“待观察变种”,5月11日又将该毒株定性为“须关切变种”。

    The World Health Organization designated Delta as a variant of interest in April and a variant of concern on 11 May .

  10. 第四,将杂多酸离子液体H2O2催化氧化体系应用于催化氧化苯甲醇反应研究。

    The " heteropolyacid-ionic liquids-hydrogen peroxide " system was also applied in catalytic oxidation of benzoic alcohol .

  11. 本系列第四部分将详细介绍此Android应用程序。

    The fourth article in this series explains the details of this Android application .

  12. 第四部分将从市场竞争出发,对CP公司销售人员薪酬体系进行再设计。

    Competition in the market starting from the fourth part , on the CP sales staff pay system redesign .

  13. 第四章将SWOT量化模型和迈能公司的情况结合起来,设计出一套战略规划以供参考。

    In chapter IV , we take Magnum Co. Ltd for example , applied SWOT model , design a set of strategic planning for use .

  14. 第四章将A(p,n,4p-5)多面体X表示成映射锥的形式,即(?)

    In Chapter 4 , the polyhedron A_ ( p , n , 4p-5 ), say X , is presented in the form of mapping cone .

  15. 文章系统地比较了分布交互仿真(DIS)与高层体系结构(HLA)的性能差异,并分析了四种将DIS升级到HLA的方法。

    This paper compares the differences of DIS with HLA and analyses four ways , which can upgrade simulation system from DIS to HLA .

  16. 第四章将该方法推广到了高维情形以及Poisson问题和一般问题,并再次以算例验证了该方法的有效性。

    Chapter 4 generalizes the method to higher-dimensional problems , the Dirichlet-Poisson problem and general problems . The method is verified effective again through numerical examples .

  17. 第四章将介绍提高介孔硅基材料SBA-15水热稳定性方法的系统性研究。

    Systematic study on how to improve the hydrothermal stability of SBA-15 mesostructures materials were introduced in chapter ⅳ .

  18. 第四,将SplitBregman方法应用到经典TV模型和TV-L1模型,使效率得到很大的提高,并取得较好的实验效果。

    Fourthly , we put Split Bregman method applied to the classical TV model and TV-L1 model , and it has achieved a better experimental result efficiently .

  19. 第四章将光学Hartley变换描写为张量形式,获得了离轴椭圆高斯光束以及离轴电磁高斯谢尔模光束通过Hartley变换系统传输的解析表达式。

    Analytical formulas are obtained for describing the propagation of the off-axial elliptical Gaussian beam and the off-axial electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam passing through the optical Hartley transform system .

  20. 第四,将小波分析技术应用于实际中的光缆故障诊断系统,完成OTDR曲线分析模块。

    Finally , the paper applied the wavelet analysis to the cable fault diagnosis , and completes the critical OTDR curve analysis module . The module could real-time , accurate positioning the points in cable fault .

  21. 我们采用系统级仿真的方法来研究LTE中各种多天线传输方式在特定条件下的性能,因此在第四章将介绍系统级仿真的概念、流程以及研究一些关键技术及算法的建模实现。

    We will analyze the performance of different MIMO schemes in LTE using the system level simulation , so in chapter 4 it will introduce the conception of system level simulation and the process of simulation as well as some methods of modeling .

  22. 四是将Delta法与EVT结合,提出了一种新的决策风险管理,增加决策价值的方法,即决策风险Delta-EVT模型。

    It also supports overall management by measurement of risk of decision-making and construction of its model . Fourth , we put a new method to increase the value of the decision-making with the management of the risk of decision-making . That is Delta-EVT model .

  23. 这表明未来四年将是一段解决问题的时期。

    This means four years of problem-solving out in the country .

  24. 第四章将清真餐饮业现代性转型理论运用到实际中,在微观层面上通过创新企业文化实现企业文化资本的增值;

    Chapter four concentrates on the practice of the modernity transformation theory .

  25. 四个将永远改变我俩生命的字。

    Four little words that can change our lives forever .

  26. 今天四个人将出庭,以欺诈罪起诉。

    Four people will appear in court today , charged with fraud .

  27. 第四,将女性推到一个绝对主人翁的地位。

    Fourth , will push to an absolute master women .

  28. 第四章将重点放在文化分析上。

    The forth chapter puts the keystone on the culture .

  29. 第四章将着重论述老子无为思想对我国和谐社会构建的启示。

    Fourth chapter focuses on inaction of the harmonious society in China .

  30. 第四部分将研究视角投向到我国实践中的公司僵局问题上来。

    Part IV : It returns to the practical issue in our country .