
  1. 天上高挂着四个太阳。

    Four suns were in the sky .

  2. 人们全举了头往天上看,天上果然出现了四个太阳。

    It made all people raise their heads to watch the sky , certainly where there were four suns .

  3. 过去的经验里,天上是有过月亏和日蚀的,但同时有四个太阳却没有遇过,以为是眼睛看错了;

    In the past the eclipses of the sun and the moon had been witnessed but never those four suns in the sky , the identification of which was thought to be a mistake of their vision .

  4. 所以宇宙分为四个部分(太阳、月亮、星星和黄道带),身体分四个感官(眼、耳、鼻、口),地球分为四种物质(水、火、土、石)。

    thus the universe is divided into four sections ( Sun , Moon , stars , and zodiac ) , the body into four sense organs ( eye , ear , nose , and mouth ) , and the Earth into four substances ( fire , water , earth , and stone ) .

  5. 在探测到这一结构四个星期之后,太阳发射的强烈冲击波将之化为幻影。

    Four weeks after the probes found it , the third ring was wiped out by a strong shock wave emanating from the sun .