
  • 网络cyst fluid;cystic fluid;hydatid fluid
  1. 囊液分析鉴别甲状腺良、恶性囊肿的临床意义

    Analysis of cyst fluid for differentiating the benign or malignant characteristic of thyroid cyst

  2. 羊棘球蚴囊液抗原B诊断早期实验棘球蚴病鼠的研究

    A Study of Antigen B from Hydatid Cyst Fluid of Sheep for Earlier Experimental Period Immunodiagnosis of Hydatidosis Mice

  3. P1和囊液粗抗原对包虫病病人血清存在严重的交叉反应,而P(25-55)交叉反应较低。

    With sera of hydatidosis patients , P1 is highly cross reactive , while P25-55 is less so cross-reactive .

  4. 方法:CT及MRI检查21例颅咽管瘤患者,均经手术病理证实,囊液进行内容物的镜下分析。

    Methods : 21 cases of craniopharyngioma confirmed by operation and pathology underwent CT and MRI examination . The cystic fluid were analysed microscopically .

  5. 结论测定CEA在囊液中的含量及其与血清含量的比值对判断囊性乳腺肿块的良恶性有鉴别价值。

    Conclusion CEA determination may be helpful for the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant breast cystic mass .

  6. 单克隆抗体技术分泌抗细粒棘球蚴囊液抗原McAb杂交瘤细胞株的建立

    Establishment of hybridoma cell line secreting monoclonal antibodies ( McAb ) against hydatid cyst fluid antigen

  7. 囊液为长T1长T2水样信号,CT值与脑脊液近似。

    The cystic fluid displayed water signal intensity of long T 1 and long T 2 , with its CT value similar to CSF .

  8. 方法对7例儿童巨大单房性骨囊肿在C臂X光机监视下经皮穿刺抽尽囊液后注入自体骨髓和异体骨粉。

    [ Methods ] 7 cases of giant unicameral bone cysts in children were reported , The treatment included percutaneous aspiration of fluid in the bone cyst and injection of autologous bone marrow and allogeneic bone powder .

  9. 方法对经前腹壁穿刺治疗有损伤脏器风险的卵巢巧克力囊肿患者8例,采取CT引导下经臀部穿刺抽吸囊液和注射无水酒精硬化治疗。

    Methods Eight patients with ovarian chocolate cysts , with high risk of organ injuries if approached via anterior abdominal wall , had been treated with needle puncture aspiration and ethanol sclerosis via gluteal pathway .

  10. 应用SPA-ELISA、SDS-PAGE和IB(免疫印迹)技术对猪肉及人皮下结节内猪囊虫囊液的抗原成份进行了分析比较。

    Cysticercus cellulosae antigens in cyst fluid from pork and human tissues were compared with SPA-ELISA , SDS-PAGE , and immunoblot techniques .

  11. 照射后立即取出棘球蚴,分别测囊液、囊壁、距离囊壁5mm部位肝组织的温度。

    The temperature of the hydatid fluid , cyst wall and hepatic tissue around the cyst was detected respectively just after the HIFU irradiation .

  12. 包虫囊液皮试(Casoni试验)、B超、X线及放射性核素肝扫描有诊断价值。

    Casoni 's intradermal test , type B ultrasonic , X ray examing and nuclear imaging of liver had diagnostic significance .

  13. 颅咽管瘤囊液的MRI信号在T2加权像上一般呈较均一的高信号,而在T1加权像上则呈低、等、高等多种表现,反映了囊液内不同病理成分的存在。

    Craniopharyngioma fluid collections were found to be uniformly hyperintense on T 2-weighted images . However , on T 1-weighted images , the signal intensity of the fluid ranged from hypointense to hyperintense , reflecting the presence of pathological contents in these tumors .

  14. 结果角化囊肿患者囊液及血清中sIL-2R水平高于其他颌骨囊肿;角化囊肿术后复发患者囊液和血清中sIL-2R水平高于初发者。

    Results ① the level of sIL-2R of CF and serum in OKC was higher than that in other odontogenic cysts , ② the level of sIL-2R of CF in the recurrent OKC was higher than that in primary OKC .

  15. 囊液与头节有3条分子量相同的主带(60、46、38KDa),与囊壁只有1条分子量(46KDa)相同主带。

    Three major bands ( MW60 , 46 and 38 kDa ) were found to exist both in cyst fluid and cyst wall .

  16. IEF结果表明,囊液分离出28条蛋白带,头节囊壁和全囊分离出34条蛋白带。

    A protein band characteristic for the cyst fluid was observed . IEF showed 28 protein bands in the cyst fluid and 34 bands in both extracts from the scolex-cyst wall complex and the whole cyst .

  17. 资料与方法搜集29例经病理证实的Rathke′s囊肿,分析Rathke′s囊肿的囊液性质和囊壁组织成分与影像学的关系。

    Materials and Methods Twenty-nine Rathke ′ s cleft cysts patients with pathological proved were collected and investigated the relationship between radiological and histological findings in the nature of the cyst fluid and cyst wall .

  18. 结论:综合考虑囊液颜色、粘滞度、细胞学、甲状腺激素(T3、T4)、K+离子浓度、LDH活性,特别是LDH1的比例会对甲状腺囊肿良、恶性的鉴别提供更多的有价值的信息。

    Conclusion : The combination of multiple variables such as color , thyroid hormone ( T 3 , T 4 ), electrolytes , LDH activity ( espicially the LDH 1 ) can provide more valuable data for detecting the feature of thyroid cyst .

  19. 方法常规消毒,穿刺抽出囊液;根据囊肿大小注射2.5%碘酊0.1~1.0ml,囊肿较大者可加0.1ml的地塞米松一起注射。

    Methods To puncture and draw out cystic liquid after routine disinfection : 2.5 % iodine 0.2 ~ 2.0 ml was injeced depending on cyst size . Bigger cysts were injected with 0.1 ml Dexamethasone .

  20. 囊液中含有糖蛋白和脂蛋白。

    Glycoprotein and lipoprotein were found to exist in cyst fluid .

  21. 肝棘球蚴囊液、残腔液厌氧菌感染的研究

    Studies of Anaerobic Infection in Hydatid Fluid and Remnant Cavity Fluid

  22. 原发性颅内肿瘤患者脑囊液细胞学检查

    Analysis of brain cystic fluid cytology of primary intracranial tumor

  23. 猪肉和人皮下猪囊虫囊液抗原的免疫印迹分析

    Immunoblot Analysis of Cysticercus Cellulosae Antigens Taken from Pork and Human Tissues

  24. 潴留性囊肿囊液多为浆液性,囊壁细胞多为扁平上皮;

    Serous fluid and flat epithelial cell existed mainly in retention cyst .

  25. 包虫囊液接种昆明小鼠后某些细胞因子变化的观察

    An Observation on Some Cytokines Level in Kunming Mice Inoculated with Hydatid Fluid

  26. 注入99.7%无水酒精,酒精量以抽出囊液的25.0%为合适。

    A 25.0 % cyst volume replacement with 99.7 % ethanol was appropriate .

  27. 泡球蚴组织及囊液同工酶初步分析

    Preliminary Analyses on the Isoenzymes of Tissues and Cyst Fluid of Alveolar Hydatid

  28. 双氧水处理包虫囊液的实验研究和临床观察

    Experimental Study and Clinical Observation of Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide in Treatment of Hydatid Cyst

  29. 不同源包虫囊液作为人体包虫病诊断性抗原的免疫化学分析

    Immunochemistry analyses of different source hydatid fluids as the diagnostic antigen in human hydatidosis

  30. 细粒棘球蚴囊液抗原的研究Ⅰ.抗原的纯化及其免疫诊断价值

    Purification of the parasitic antigen from human hydatid cyst and evaluation of immunological diagnosis