
nánɡ zhōnɡ xiū sè
  • 熟语broke;light purse makes a heavy heart
  1. 他们独立自主,囊中羞涩,并且能够忍受各种不便。

    They are independent , impecunious and able to tolerate all degrees of discomfort .

  2. 她囊中羞涩,拿不出多少跟大家分享,

    She didn 't have much to share materially

  3. 格林和DSG都表示,影响其盈利的因素主要是消费者囊中羞涩,而非企业存在特定问题。

    Both Sir Philip and DSG said it was mainly the cash-strapped consumer rather than company-specific problems that were taking their toll on profits .

  4. 然而,囊中羞涩的现象却出现在了融资市场上。

    Yet pockets of deep stress have emerged in funding markets .

  5. 囊中羞涩的客户将得到各地分支机构的免费退休计划建议。

    Poorer clients receive free retirement advice at their local branch .

  6. 另一边则是富裕世界里囊中羞涩的政府。

    On the other stand the cash-strapped governments of the rich world .

  7. 廉价的自助餐吸引了胃口大但囊中羞涩的顾客们。

    The budget buffet attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited pocket books .

  8. 目前大部分钱是来自于此。但继续往前推进的话,特斯拉比起竞争对手来就会有点囊中羞涩了。

    But going forward , Tesla will have less of a cash cushion than competitors .

  9. 最近我囊中羞涩。

    I am short of money recently .

  10. 他只好又起身回家,比来的时候更囊中羞涩。

    So he started home again , even poorer than when he had set out .

  11. 这对于本来就囊中羞涩的地方政府来讲肯定会有一定的影响。

    This will certainly be some influence in terms of the already cash-strapped local governments .

  12. 但是囊中羞涩的年轻人会成为父母亲的经济负担。

    Anyway , the cash-strapped young people could be an economic burden to their parents .

  13. 他们无一不是独立自主、囊中羞涩,而且能够忍受种种令人咋舌不已的不便。

    They are invariably independent , impecunious and able to tolerate staggering degrees of discomfort .

  14. 我又囊中羞涩了,借点钱给我吧。

    I 'm in the red again , would you mind lending me some money ?

  15. 调查发现,高能量食品是囊中羞涩的购物者的更好选择。

    The survey found that higher-calorie , energy-dense foods are the better bargain for cash-strapped shoppers .

  16. 兰黛发现,当女性囊中羞涩的时候,口红便成为相对便宜的好东西。

    When women can 't afford pricier indulgences , Lauder mused , lipstick offers a cheaper compromise .

  17. 推出小包装产品是消费品公司从囊中羞涩的消费者获得更高利润的一个可靠方法。

    Smaller packages are a tried-and-true formula by consumer-goods companies to generate higher profits from cash-strapped consumers .

  18. 囊中羞涩和脱离工作的滋味,让他感觉到不快乐。

    In the bag and shy away from the taste of the work and let him feel unhappy .

  19. 当这一数字乘以4或6后,高昂的花销使得囊中羞涩的学生们望而却步。

    Multiply that figure four or six times and it mounts up for students ' on a limited budget .

  20. 它不会大幅降价或推出性能平平的产品来迎合新兴市场中那些囊中羞涩的消费者。

    The company doesn 't slash prices or create subpar products to meet less affluent consumers in emerging markets halfway .

  21. 她现在认为应该将增长缓慢、生钱有道的杂货业务与增长迅猛、囊中羞涩的零食业务分而治之。

    Rosenfeld now thinks that they should separate the slow-growing cash-flow-generating grocery businesses from the fast-growing , money-hungry snack businesses .

  22. 本人囊中羞涩偏偏又懒,故求购二手的便宜的洗衣机(非迷你型)。

    I as as a poor but lazy man , want to buy a second-handed washing machine ( not mini ) .

  23. 一个神秘的圣诞老人为囊中羞涩的人们提早送出了圣诞礼品&他用2万美元为他们买了单。

    A secret Santa brought an early Christmas gift to cash-strapped shoppers by spending $ 20,000 paying off their outstanding bills .

  24. 真正贫穷的不是囊中羞涩的人,而是贪得无厌的人。

    It is not the man who has too little , but the man who craves more , that is poor .

  25. 你是否还在因为囊中羞涩而无法与她步入婚姻的殿堂而郁郁寡欢呢?

    Are you still in the bag because it can not be shy with her into marriage halls and so unhappy ?

  26. 一个神秘的圣诞老人为囊中羞涩的人们提早送出了圣诞礼品——他用2万美元为他们买了单。

    A secret Santa brought an early Christmas gift to cash-strapped shoppers by spending $ 20000 paying off their outstanding bills .

  27. 是啊,现在这种状况下,恋人们也都囊中羞涩,用于浪漫的开支也不得不紧缩啊。

    B.Yes , during the current situation , lovers have to spend less on romantic items to ease the financial hardship .

  28. 但是大选日期近在咫尺,许多州又如此囊中羞涩,这些防御措施的效果如何尚不清楚。

    But the election is so close , and states so cash-strapped , that it is unclear how effective these defences will be .

  29. 这里虽然女多男少女多,但还是有人因为囊中羞涩收入少而难以找到另一半找不到伴侣。

    There are more females than males in the city , but some might struggle to find a soul mate with little money .

  30. 千万不要因为囊中羞涩影响了你拥抱生活中的美好事物权利,特别是在这种生命中极为珍贵的时刻。

    A Never let a lack of funds stop you from living life fully , especially when it 's a once-in-a-lifetime event like this .