
jiā bīn
  • distinguished guest;honoured guest;contributor
嘉宾 [jiā bīn]
  • [honorable guest] 佳宾

  • 我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。——《诗·小雅·鹿鸣》

  1. 她访问英国时做过几个访谈节目的特邀嘉宾。

    She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain .

  2. 节目里有位神秘嘉宾。

    There was a mystery guest on the programme .

  3. 请大家起立,欢迎我们的演讲嘉宾。

    Would you all rise , please , to welcome our visiting speaker .

  4. 我打算邀请70位嘉宾参加婚礼。

    I 'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding .

  5. 默里在一个直播的电台节目里当嘉宾。

    Murray was a guest on a live radio show .

  6. 我的特邀嘉宾将是喜剧演员本·艾尔顿。

    My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton .

  7. 她被故意排除在嘉宾名单之外。

    She has been deliberately left off the guest list

  8. 我作为特邀嘉宾参加展览。

    I was invited as a special guest to attend the exhibition .

  9. 在一档很受欢迎的电视节目《朗读者》中,嘉宾被邀请上台来阅读他们喜欢或写的诗歌和文章。

    In Readers , a popular TV show , people are invited to read poems and articles they like or wrote .

  10. 在此情况下,违例的会员或嘉宾一概视作擅自进入论。

    In such event the offending member or guest shall be trespasser .

  11. 我们的实习生也会在嘉宾抵达演播室的时候向他们致以问候

    Our interns also greet our guests when they arrive in our studios .

  12. 我们的特约嘉宾JackGuo将在我们的“特别演讲”环节和你分享他的思想。

    Our special guest Jack Guo will share with you his ideas at our Special Session .

  13. 而且我们会通过成员、EF教师、嘉宾的演讲来给大家分享更多经历。

    We will have members , teachers and honored guests to give presentations by sharing their story .

  14. 于是我为我的MV写了一个脚本,达成一个理念,然后邀请我的爸爸作为特别嘉宾亮相。

    So I wrote a script for my MV and had a concept and invited him as a special guess apperence .

  15. 今天我的另一位嘉宾simoncowell今年53岁

    And another one of my guest today , Simon Cowell , he 's 53 years old .

  16. 金砖四国其它国家只能作为特别嘉宾出席g8峰会,它们对该组织没有那么大的热情,这可以理解。

    The other BRICs , who only get to the G8 as special guests , are understandably less enthusiastic .

  17. 他已经做过NBA夏季联赛和高水平青年比赛的嘉宾主持,TNT电视台有可能是他下一步落脚的地方(想一想,一场比赛中解说员比球员更著名的场景…)。

    He has already worked as a guest analyst for NBA summer league games and high-profile youth games.TNT could be his next step .

  18. 当夜首场的嘉宾包括威尔·史密斯和摇滚乐队U2。

    His guests for the opening night were Will Smith and rock group U2 .

  19. 据此前报道,路易·CK(LouisC.K)将于本周首次主持SNL,当晚音乐嘉宾是fun乐队。

    As previously announced , Louis C.K. will host for the first time on Saturday with musical guest fun .

  20. 当年,他在LV曼谷专卖店开业仪式上,曾冲着一位拎着仿冒LV包的女官员愤怒咆哮,那场景令所有到场嘉宾都感到了震撼。

    He once shouted at a female officer with a counterfeit LV who showed up in the opening ceremony of LV Bangkok Branch , shocking everybody there .

  21. 我是早安美国节目的HilarieBarsky,今天我们的嘉宾是CindyCrawford。

    I 'm Hilarie Barsky for Good Morning America , now my guest is Cindy Crawford .

  22. 充满传奇色彩的滚石乐队周一晚上在芝加哥联合中心举办了演唱会,乡村音乐巨星泰勒斯威夫特作为特邀嘉宾,和乐队主唱贾格尔一起动人地合唱了1965年的永恒经典《AsTearsGoBy》。

    The country superstar was the surprise guest of the legendary rockers ' concert at Chicago 's United Center Monday night , joining Mick Jagger for a touching duet of the Stones ' timeless 1965 classic As Tears Go By .

  23. 在过去的几个周中,包括汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)、朱莉娅·罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)和乔治·克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)在内的名人嘉宾纷纷对莱特曼表示敬意。

    Over the last few weeks , a parade of celebrity guests including Tom Hanks , Julia Roberts and George Clooney have paid their respects to Mr. Letterman .

  24. 埃德温杜鲁门(edwintruman)(嘉宾):对于亚洲人从金融危机中学到了什么教训,沃尔夫和鲁比尼的总结确实含有大量有益的分析。

    Edwin Truman ( guest ) : The Wolf / Roubini lessons Asians learnt from their financial crisis contains a lot of useful analysis .

  25. 海瑟薇将于11月10日第三度亮相SNL舞台,当晚的音乐嘉宾是第四次做客SNL的蕾哈娜(Rihanna)。

    Hathaway will return for her third appearance on Nov. 10 , with four-time musical guest Rihanna .

  26. Mitchell,欢迎光临。我特别要欢迎来自海外的嘉宾和代表。

    Mitchell , so nice of you to come . In particular , I would like to welcome our distinguished guests and delegates from overseas .

  27. 为此,2009年1月我欣然接受了一个机会&作为青年总裁组织(YoungPresidentsOrganization)内罗毕和达累斯萨拉姆(DarEsSalaam)分会的特约嘉宾访问肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚。

    That was the reason I jumped at the opportunity in January , 2009 to visit Kenya and Tanzania as a guest of the Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam chapters of the Young Presidents Organization .

  28. 最后,我们再次衷心感谢陈文静女士及两位嘉宾为我们深圳大学SIFE团队所做的一切。

    Finally , we are very grateful to Mrs Chen and two guests and what they have done for our SIFE Shenzhen University team .

  29. 节目嘉宾之一是另一位卫尔斯理大四学生劳拉·布鲁诺(LauraBruno),另一位则是瑞吉斯学院(RegisCollege)的院长,这家女子学院由于入学人数剧减,在2007年改制为男女同校的大学。

    One guest was Laura Bruno , another Wellesley senior . The other guest was the president of Regis College , a women 's school that went coed in 2007 to reverse its tanking enrollment .

  30. 一个月前,在自斯大林(Stalin)时期以来莫斯科红场举行的规模最大的阅兵式上,一位外国嘉宾与阅兵式上展示的令人生畏的武器一样吸引了世人的关注。

    A month ago , in the largest military parade held on Red Square since the days of Stalin , one foreign guest drew as much attention as the fearsome hardware on display .