
lǎ mɑ
  • lama
喇嘛 [lǎ mɑ]
  • [Lama] 藏语意为上师。喇嘛教对僧侣的尊称。又作剌麻

  1. 要学习和静修20到25年才有资格成为喇嘛。

    It takes twenty to twenty-five years of study and meditation to qualify as a lama .

  2. 亚历克斯:他可能是一位喇嘛或权威。

    Alexei : He 's probably a lama or a guru .

  3. 碑文讲的是喇嘛教史。

    The inscription on the stele tells the history of Lamaism .

  4. 你在喇嘛庙玩得如何?

    How was your visit to the Lama Temple ?

  5. 喇嘛庙是个有趣的地方,建筑很美。

    The Temple is such an interesting place and the buildings were very beautiful .

  6. 喇嘛教在蒙古帝国有其特殊地位,享有蒙古人的国家保护。

    A special place in the Mongol empire was reserved for Lamaism . Lamaism enjoyed state protection .

  7. 寺庙例事在哲蚌寺,喇嘛完成每天清晨的早课后,依然在沉思。

    Monastery Ritual Monks remain deep in thought after an early morning prayer meeting at Drepung Monastery .

  8. 受争议的“呜呜组啦”仍然占据媒体头条。因为这种喇嘛吹出的声音占据着整个足球赛事的声道。

    The controversial vuvuzela continued to headlines just as noise from the monotonal horns has dominated the sound track of this football festival .

  9. 这个建筑群建于17世纪,最初是一位皇子的宅邸,后来逐步改建成一座喇嘛庙,如今它是北京香火最旺、最华美的佛寺之一。

    Built as a prince 's home in the 17th century , the complex was gradually transformed into a lamasery and is today one of the most active - and colorful - Buddhist temples in the city .

  10. 各类宗教的兼蓄并容与喇嘛教的地位:和唐朝时期一样,当来自西方和亚洲内陆的各种宗教传人中国的时候,元朝总是敞开大门,欢迎这些来自西方的、具有不同宗教信仰的商人。

    The intermingling of different religions and the position of Lamaism : Like the Tang Dynasty , when many religions came to China from the West and from the inland of Asia , Yuan China as open to the merchants coming from the West , who had different religious beliefs .

  11. 在拉萨哲蚌寺,身穿绛红僧袍的喇嘛们仪式性地辩论经文奥义——何为“真实”的本质,巧不巧——他们这样做实际上是迫于执政者的要求,只要能赚到美元,后者就乐于鼓励旧习俗。

    Those red-robed monks practicing ritual debating - on the nature of reality , no less - at the Drepung monastery in Lhasa are in fact doing so at the behest of their rulers in faraway Beijing , happy to encourage old customs so long as those will bring in dollars .