
shānɡ xínɡ wéi
  • commercial act;commercial conduct;mercantile transaction
  1. 商事主体和商行为是商法的基本范畴和商事法律体系的核心内容。

    Both merchant and commercial act are the basic categories of commercial law and key contents of commercial law system .

  2. 商行为明显不同于一般民事法律行为,理应以特殊的规范进行规范。

    That commercial act is different from common civil law act , so it should be regulated by special legal norms .

  3. 它们是第三方监理、管理咨询公司、企业用户和ERP软件商行为的表现,并指出企业质疑ERP能否真正适合企业的信息化建设或者对ERP全面否定的观点是没有依据的。

    Then it points out that the viewpoint that enterprises doubt whether ERP truly suits enterprise informationization construction and even comprehensively deny ERP isn 't based .

  4. 根据研究结果,文章提出了坚持IPO发行的市场化改革方向,加强信息披露、完善股权结构、提高上市公司质量以及规范承销商行为等方面的政策建议。

    The suggestions is that : to stick to the market orientation for IPO issue , to enhance information supervision , to improve quality of the listing companies and to shape rightly the behaviors of the underwriters in the stock market of China .

  5. 证券商行为规范及法律责任探讨

    A Discussion of the Securities Dealers ′ Behavior and Legal Liability

  6. 规范承销商行为,提高承销商声誉。

    ( V ) Regulate the underwriters ' behavior and boost their reputation .

  7. 商事公告是一种具有私法性质的商行为。

    Business notices are business acts that are of the nature of private law .

  8. 伪劣商品的防范与中间商行为分析

    The Prevention of Fake & Inferior Commodities And the Analysis of Dealers ' Behavior

  9. 保险是一种典型的商行为,是现代社会的一项重要商事制度。

    Insurance is a typical commercial behavior , meantime animportant commercial system of modern society .

  10. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。

    Business is owned by two partners .

  11. 商行为特征的法理分析

    Research into Legal Characteristics of Business Behavior

  12. 截至现在,我国理论界仍未对网络商行为的概念作出一个明确界定,更不用说其它相关理论的研究。

    As of now , there is not a clear concept about it , not to mention the other theory .

  13. 根据商行为的效率优先原则,形式审查制度在学界的统治地位日渐形成。

    Based on the efficiency rules of commercial trade , the formal investigation theory has established the monopoly position in the academia .

  14. 商行为独立性的探究&兼论我国商行为立法模式的构建

    The Investigation on the Independence of Commercial Act & Also on the Construction of Our Country 's Lawmaking Mode of Commercial Act

  15. 因此研究电力市场理论、分析其他发电商行为对发电商科学参与市场竞价至关重要。

    Hence , it is important for the power generation companies to study the theory of the electricity market and the action of the others .

  16. 上列机构中在职的工作人员和国有企业中的管理人员不得设立商人,不得从事商行为。

    Any staffs in post of the above mentioned organizations or managerial staffs of state-owned enterprises shall be prohibited to establish merchants and conduct commercial acts .

  17. 中间商行为因素中,对顾客忠诚影响最大的两个为服务效果和服务水平,且这两个因素对顾客主导的顾客忠诚因素影响也最大。

    Serving effect and the standard of service have maximal influence to customer loyalty . And these two factors also have maximal effect on customer-driven factors relate to customer loyalty .

  18. 商行为的营利性和商主体的法定性是商主体区别于民事主体最重要的法律特征。

    And the nature of setting up by law is the legal characteristic of commercial subject . They are the most important legal characteristics of commercial subject different from civil law subject ' s.

  19. 商人的商行为随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的形成和发展,业已成为社会生活中倍受关注的对象,文章从含义、价值等方面探究规范商人商行为的商法所具有的价值。

    With the forming and development of the socialist market economy system of China , the merchant commercial act has already become the target that is paid close attention to in our social life .

  20. 从商法的视角看待商业贿赂行为,它不仅是一种不正当的商行为,而且是一种非法的商行为,大多数国家把它列入反不正当竞争法的范畴,我国也是如此。

    From the commercial perspective , commercial briberies are not only improper business conducts , and are illegal business conducts . China , as well as most countries put commercial briberies in the scope of anti-unfair competition law .

  21. 商号是商事主体从事商行为时使用的名称,是商事主体的重要标志,也是人们评价商事主体的核心标志。

    Trade name is the designation which the commercial subject indicates himself in the commercial activities , but also one of the main commercial core of the evaluation . The commercial subject uses the trade name as an important symbol of himself .

  22. 我国《证券法》强化了对证券商行为的规范及行政责任之规定,但弱化了相应的民事责任制度,导致法律责任的失衡。

    China ′ s Law of Securities strengthens the regulations on the standards and administrative obligations of securities dealers , but on the other hand , weakens the corresponding system of civil liability , which leads to the imbalance of legal liability .

  23. 其中,主观规范包含回收现状、生产商行为和政府行为三类;行为态度包含现状改善态度、二手交易态度和回收补贴态度三类。

    The subjective norms contain the recovery status , the manufacturer actions and the government actions ; the attitudes toward the actions contain the attitude to improvement of the recovery status , the attitude to second-hand trade and the attitude to subsidies categories .

  24. 本章是全文研究的理论基础,主要从信息不对称、投资者行为和承销商行为三个方面全面系统地介绍了当前国内外实证研究的成果和理论假说。

    This chapter is a full study of the theoretical basis , mainly from information asymmetry , investor behavior and underwriters conduct a comprehensive and systematic introduction to three aspects of the current domestic and foreign research results of empirical and theoretical hypotheses .

  25. 分析了电力市场的基本特征,运用古诺模型对电力市场特征引发的发电商行为效应进行分析,指出利润最大化的动机促使电力市场中以合谋为表现形式的策略性行为产生。

    Major features of power market are analyzed , and Cournot-model is used to describe the behavior effectiveness induced by market features . The motive of profit-maximizing results in collusion , which is one of the tactic actions in power market is introduced .

  26. 同时受3G牌照发放和WTO环境变化等因素影响,可以预期包括中国移动在内的我国移动通信行业运营商的行为方式特别是价格战略将发生重要的变化。

    Simultaneously receives the 3G license plate provide and factor influences and so on WTO environmental variation , may anticipate will move including China our country mobile communication profession operation business behavior way is specially the price strategy has the important change .

  27. 基于关系结合方式的中间商自发行为研究

    Research on the Spontaneous Behavior of Middlemen Based on Relational Bonds

  28. 电力市场监管中发电商投机行为存在性排序

    Ranking the Possibilities of Speculations of Power-Generating Merchants in Power Market Monitoring

  29. 政府对中间商售假行为的约束机制研究

    Governmental Restriction System Against Intermediaries Selling Fake Commodities

  30. 房地产市场中政府与房地产商的行为博弈分析

    The Game Theory Between the Government and the Developer of Real Estate in the Real Estate Market