
  • 网络Logo design;design;trademark design
  1. 他从事商标设计工作长达25年之久。

    He has over 25 years " experience on logo design .

  2. 其非凡的设计能力广泛地应用于商标设计、标志制作、模型绘制、插图描画、排版及分色输出等等诸多领域。

    The extraordinary design capabilities widely used in logo design , sign making , model drawing , illustration drawing , layout and color output , and so many other areas .

  3. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  4. 论中国古陶瓷器物上的铭文与商标设计

    Discussion about the inscription and the trademark design on the ancient porcelain

  5. 如果需要新月形或者特别盖印,请接触有关商标设计部门。

    For crescent or special imprinting , contact logo express .

  6. 图像化生存&谈医药商标设计

    Being Image - About Medicine Brand Design

  7. 论商标设计与品牌形象

    Dissertation of Trademark Designation and Brand Image

  8. 现代商标设计的涵义构思艺术

    The Meaning Design Arts of Modern Trademark

  9. 借用与变异手法例析&从商标设计谈两种设计方法

    Borrowing and variation in the brand design

  10. 腾冲翡翠商标设计构思探讨

    Trade mark designing of Tengchong Jadeite

  11. 商标设计与注册要求

    Trademark Design and Registration Requirements

  12. 在这家新开张的维他命水“闪店”中,顾客可以尽享人体彩绘和商标设计活动。

    In the newly launched Vitaminwater pop-up shop , customers can indulge in body-painting and label-designing activities .

  13. 本文具体分析了英文商标设计中所存在的问题,总结了英文商标的设计原则。

    The paper analyzes the problems in designing the English trademarks and summarizes the principles of designing them .

  14. 引你走进卖场血拼的,并不仅仅是精美的商品包装和商标设计。

    It 's not just the packaging and brand design that lures you into a store to buy things .

  15. 好的商标设计作为传达企业内涵的代表,对一个企业的成长起着至关重要的推动作用。

    Good trademark design conveys the philosophy of a company and serves as a critical driving force for its growth .

  16. 创意设计的过程很复杂,不论是设计任何东西,比如从产品设计到公司商标设计,都是如此。

    Creative design is a complex process that can be applied from everything to making products to creating company logos .

  17. 造型美在商标设计中十分重要,商标设计要遵循一定的原则来突出造型美。

    Beautiful image is very important in the design of trade mark which should be highlighted on base of certain principles .

  18. 袋子上的商标设计很酷,我怎么以前没见过呀。

    Well , that 's kind of a cool logo there on the bag . I haven 't seen it before .

  19. 因此,如何刺激购买者的欲望,增加购买者的认知,已经成为商标设计的重心了。

    Therefore , how desired of buyers to increase the awareness of buyers , it becomes the focus of the logo designed .

  20. 商标设计就是根据企业的品牌战略内容,选择能够体现行业特点和企业精神,具有独创性的名称和图形。

    According to the strategic brand program of enterprises , brand design combines the name and graphic with industrial feature and enterprising spirit which is never been invented .

  21. 在北京新开张的酷乐仕维他命水“闪店”中,顾客可以尽享人体彩绘和商标设计活动,同时还能品尝他们的维他命水产品。

    In the newly launched Glaceau Vitaminwater pop-up shop in Beijing , customers can indulge in body-painting and label-designing activities while at the same time sampling the vitamin water products .

  22. 在以画室名义承接月份牌画的同时,杭稚英还将业务范围扩展到商标设计、商品包装,塑造了一批有影响力的商业品牌。

    In addition to the calendar picture painting business , Hang Zhiying also extended the scope of business to the logo design and packaging , and a group of influential business brands were created .

  23. 通过对现代企业商标设计与注册艺术性的阐述,帮助企业加强商标设计意识和注册要求的认识,提高企业商标运用的价值作用。

    By presenting the trademark design and registration arts of modern enterprices , this paper helps the enterprices to strengthen their realization of trademark design and their understanding of registration requirements , and to improve the value of trademarks .

  24. 英国知识产权局(IntellectualPropertyOffice)对这个问题给出了否定的答案。该局不仅负责英国知识产权的总体政策,还负责英国专利、商标和设计权的批准。

    The UK 's Intellectual Property Office , which is responsible for overall UK intellectual property policy as well as granting UK patents , trademarks and design rights , thinks not .

  25. 德国汉堡地区法庭于5月2日颁布了一项暂时禁令,禁止中兴通讯提供、营销或拥有具有特定商标与设计的USB调制解调器。

    The Hamburg regional court issued a temporary injunction on May 2 saying ZTE was forbidden to offer , market or possess USB modems with a certain trademark and with a certain design .

  26. 慎重对待商标的设计与命名;

    To deal with the trademark design and name seriously ;

  27. 商标标志设计中的抽象表现

    The discussion of abstract show method in trademark mark design

  28. 商标形象设计在包装中的作用研究

    Study of the Function of Trademark Image Design in Packaging

  29. 商标,设计与版权专利杂志。

    Patent journal including trademarks designs and copyright .

  30. 公司商标正在设计中。

    The brand of company is under designing .