
shānɡ jī
  • business opportunities;niche
  1. 对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了。

    Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe

  2. 南水北调工程商机无限

    Limitless Business Opportunities behind the Divert Water from South to North Project

  3. 他始终密切关注商机。

    He 's always on the qui vive for a business opportunity .

  4. 他们看到市场上一个竞争不激烈的商机。

    They spotted a niche in the market , with no serious competition .

  5. 我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机。

    I think we have found a niche in the toy market

  6. 法律已经将那些逐寻更好商机的人们拒之门外。

    The law already denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities .

  7. 这些18小时城市正在迅速崛起,并为置业投资提供了巨大商机。

    These 18-hour cities are rapidly on the rise and offer great opportunities for homeowner investment .

  8. 这几乎无法为市区的商家带来晚间的商机,也因此令店家难以为继,令提供城市维护的税收十分困难。

    This generated little commerce for downtown businesses in the evenings , which made business and generating tax revenue for municipal upkeep difficult .

  9. 许多商家看到了早餐市场的巨大商机,而不是仅仅出售高脂肪的食物。

    Many see breakfast as a big opportunity , and not just for fatty food .

  10. 中国将继续通过进博会等开放平台,支持各国企业拓展中国商机。

    China will pursue creative ways to grow foreign trade . Through the CIIE and other platforms of opening up , we will continue to support companies from around the world in exploring business opportunities in China .

  11. 抢先赢得商机的DATAMINING&基于数据仓库的数据挖掘技术

    Data Mining Gaining the Commerical Chance-Data Mining Based on Data Warehouse

  12. Web服务的出现给企业应用带来了前所未有的商机。

    The emergence of Web service has brought great opportunities to enterprise applications .

  13. 面对WTO中国非织造工业的发展商机

    Nonwoven Industry and Its Commercial Opportunity of China in Face of WTO

  14. 但是,Internet在为企业带来巨大商机和效益的同时,它的负面效应也日益严重。

    But Internet bring great business affairs and economy benefit , simultaneity , bad effect also is severity increasingly .

  15. 随着Web服务技术、规范的发展,Web服务技术已被人们广泛接受和认同,越来越多的商业和企业都将自己的服务发布为Web服务形式,以便为自身带来更大的商机。

    With the development of the technology and the specifications of web services , the concept of web service has been widely accepted by people .

  16. 中国已经加入WTO,获得了在全球经济中进行竞争的巨大商机。

    China has already joined WTO , has obtained the enormous opportunity for business of the competition in global economy .

  17. 吴政学从提供买得起的奢侈品中看到了商机,由此创建了85度C;为此,他用各种原料做试验,寻找附加值。

    Mr Wu set up 85C after he saw an opportunity to provide affordable luxury ; hence the experimenting with ingredients in search of added value .

  18. 目前,我国已是WTO的成员国,为了在公平竞争的原则上获取更多的商机,我国已在众多行业制定了许多国家标准。

    In order to acquire more business opportunities on the principle of fair competition , our country has developed a number of national standards in many industries .

  19. 挖掘CEPA商机提升深圳物流

    Develop Business Chance Brought by CEPA and Improve Logistics in Shenzhen

  20. 带来无限商机的端到端WAP解决方案

    End-to-End WAP Solution Provides Unlimited Business Opportunities

  21. 各种形式的VOD应用将给INTERNET和3G无线网络带来新一轮的商机,因此与之相关技术的研究具有非常重要的应用价值。

    All kind of VOD applications will bring new chance and hope to INTERNET and3G network ; therefore the research of related technology is great important .

  22. 3R原则下的商机

    Business Opportunity attribute to 3R Principle

  23. 一位熟悉布莱尔的人表示:布莱尔在中东为他的TonyBlairAssociates(TBA)发现的商机要多多了。

    He sees a lot more business for Tony Blair Associates in this region , says a person who knows Mr Blair well .

  24. 我认为PayPal对这一商机非常感兴趣,但并不打算亲自上阵。

    I think it was viewed by paypal as a very interesting opportunity , but not one that it wanted to take on itself .

  25. 2012年第三季度,AMD启动了重组行动:降低对不景气的PC业务的关注,着重拓展新的商机,包括670亿美元的全球视频游戏市场。

    During the third quarter of 2012 , it initiated a company restructuring , placing less emphasis on sluggish PC sales and focusing on areas of opportunity , including the $ 67 billion global video game market .

  26. 最后指出了今后在Hudson海湾地区进行水文研究的方向。海湾:战后商机浮现

    The report is concluded by a discussion of future directions for hydrological research in the Hudson Bay region . The Gulf Area : Business Opportunity made clearly after the Iraq war

  27. 然而,USANA依然恪守承诺,确保能不分市场,给大家提供最吸引人的商机。

    Yet , USANA remains committed to ensuring that we offer the richest opportunity for everyone , regardless of the market .

  28. 你有建议或者关于payace服务还是商机的说明吗?

    Do you have any suggestion or comment regarding the PayAce services or business opportunity ?

  29. IDC可穿戴设备研究经理RamonLlamas介绍,来自中国和其他新兴市场的需求上升,厂商急于寻求新的商机。

    Ramon Llamas , research manager of wearables at IDC , said demand from China and other emerging markets is on the rise and vendors are eager to seek new opportunities .

  30. 我谨代表USANA全公司,感谢您为分享USANA为真正的健康与真正的财富所提供的商机所做出的努力;

    On behalf of all of USANA , I want to thank you for all you do to share USANA 's opportunity for true health and true wealth .