
  • 网络commercial trust;business trust
  1. 我国传统财务管理学注重研究公司的财务管理活动,对商事信托的理财实践重视不够。

    Our traditional finance management pays much attention to studying the activity of company financial control , inadequate researching of business trust finance .

  2. 本文在比较商事信托和公司制度的基础上,对信托理财和公司理财的目标、内容、方法等方面进行了探索性的研究。

    Based on the comparison in business trust and company system , this article does explorative research on the trust finance and company finance in the different aspects of goal , content and method of managing finances .

  3. 商事信托制度的现代发展

    On the Development of Trust of Commercial Cases in Modern Times

  4. 本文第三章是重点章节,主要介绍商事信托风险隔离功能的保障性机制。

    I mainly analyze the security mechanism of risk isolation function .

  5. 论商事信托在商事组织关系中的应用

    On the Application of Commercial Trust to Commercial Organizational Relationship

  6. 商事信托促进高技术产业化的法律思考

    The Legal Considerations on the Promotion of Commercial Trust to High-tech Industrialization

  7. 其后法国和德国也大规模发展商事信托,并立法加以规范。

    France and Germany were followed by the trust , and the large scale development of commercial legislation is regulated .

  8. 商事信托制度发端于英美法系,在现代市场经济中得到了广泛的应用。

    The system of trust of commercial cases derives from Anglo-American law system and is widely used in the modern market economy .

  9. 第一,将传统商事信托应用到共同基金运作时,新增的资产保管人这一层受托关系将会带来巨大的代理成本。

    On the first hand , the depositary will bring huge costs when the commercial trust is used to operate mutual fund .

  10. 信托财产的独立性使商事信托成为其他法律制度如代理或合同所不能替代的法律制度。

    The independence of the property of trust makes it impossible to substitute trust law with other legal regimes , such as , contract law and agency law .

  11. 养老金信托不仅具有养老保障、不可随意撤销等特征,兼有民事信托和商事信托的性质。

    Pension trust not only has the feature such as old-age security , do not arbitrarily revoke , both has the nature of civil trust and commercial trust .

  12. 我国信托制度的发展深受日本等国的影响,商事信托制度较之于民事信托制度更加发达。

    The development of trust system in China under the influence of Japan and other countries , more developed commercial trust system compared with the civil trust system .

  13. 美国从英国引入了民事信托,并逐步从一般信托、民事信托、商事信托发展成为现代金融信托。

    The United States introduced civil trust from Great Britain , and developed step by step from general trust , civil trust , and commercial trust to modern financial trust .

  14. 日本土地信托制度较为常见的模式是等价交换和民事信托合并模式及定期借地和商事信托合并模式。

    The more common models of the land trust system in Japan is the equivalent exchange combined with the civil trusts and the regular lends of land associated with commercial trust .

  15. 从民事信托到商事信托,信托关系的本质完成了从财产无偿移转的手段到企业组织架构的变革。

    From civil trust to commercial trust , the nature of trust relation has finished its transform from the means of property transfer without consideration to building the organization of enterprise .

  16. 被拆迁人将其原有房屋作为信托财产设立民事信托,政府将土地作为信托财产设立商事信托。

    The demolition of the original housing make the house as trust property and set up civil trust . While the government make the land as trust property and establish commercial trust .

  17. 与其它商事信托契约的订立相比,私募股权投资信托在要约邀请、合意内容和契约形式上具有特殊性,另外,在订立的程序上也较其它商事信托复杂。

    In comparison with the conclusion of other commercial trust contracts , the private equity investment trust owns its particularity in offer invitation , agreement contents , and contract forms ; in addition , it has a more complex concluding procedure .

  18. 商事信托之所以能够在发达国家高技术产业化中得到充分运用,不仅在于其自身的制度灵活性,还在于这些国家完善的商事信托立法为其提供了法律保障。

    Commercial Trust has been able to high-tech industry in the developed countries have been fully used , not only in its own system of flexibility , but also because these countries a sound commercial trust legislation to provide a legal guarantee .

  19. 商事信托作为组织法,其具有商事组织的典型共性,而且在制度设计和受托人信义义务的标准上,商事信托也与商事公司制度近年来出现了明显的趋同。

    As an organization law , the commercial trust possesses the typical common features of commercial organizations , and has the tendency of being the same with the system of commercial companies in recent years with respect to the system design and the standard of trustee 's faith obligations .