
  • 网络Harris;Devin Harris;tobias harris;Del Harris
  1. 克林奇和哈里斯两位击球员,比赛一开始时搭档,共得69分。

    Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69 .

  2. 哈里斯老师、贝特老师和其他三位老师在场。

    Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there .

  3. 我想哈里斯先生正在吃午饭。

    I think Mr Harris is at lunch .

  4. 哈里斯突然出现,又突然消失了。

    Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared .

  5. 哈里斯案激化了人们对死刑的争论。

    The case of Harris has sharpened the debate over capital punishment .

  6. 哈里斯从汽车行李箱里拿出一条绳子。

    Harris got a rope from the car boot .

  7. 哈里斯先生素来不怕使用为许多党内人士所不齿的言辞。

    Mr Harris has not been afraid to use language that many in his party despise .

  8. 哈里斯表示,美国教育正在遭遇“虚假数学”的泛滥——强调死记硬背公式和步骤,而不是理解数学如何影响我们看待世界的方式。

    Harris says that American education is suffering from an epidemic of " fake math " — an emphasis on rote memorization of formulas and steps , rather than an understanding of how math can influence the ways we see the world .

  9. 哈里斯民意调查(HarrisPoll)最近的一项调查显示,79%的美国人说喜欢做饭,30%的人表示“爱做饭”,14%的人不爱进厨房,只有7%的人完全不喜欢做饭。

    A recent Harris poll revealed that 79 % of Americans say they enjoy cooking and 30 % " love it " ; 14 % admit to not enjoying kitchen work and just 7 % won 't go near the stove at all .

  10. 一天,一位军官哈里斯听到了这个故事。

    One day , Harris , an army officer , heard the story .

  11. 一个月后,2016年8月的一天,哈里斯出现在查理的教室里。

    A month later , one day in August 2016 , Harris appeared in Charlie 's classroom .

  12. 哈里斯对查理说:"今天你将成为我们队的一员。"

    Harris said to Charlie , " Today you will become a member of our team . "

  13. 哈里斯当着那个男孩同学的面问他:"你愿意和我一起去兜兜风吗?"

    In front of his classmates , Harris asked the boy , " Would you mind taking a ride with me ? "

  14. 哈里斯2012年大获成功的专辑《18Months》里有8首单曲登上英国各大音乐榜单的前十。

    His wildly successful 2012 album 18 Months launched eight top 10 hits in the UK .

  15. 曼彻斯特大学(UniversityofManchester)生物伦理学教授约翰•哈里斯(JohnHarris)则比较放松。

    John Harris , a bioethics professor at the University of Manchester , is more sanguine .

  16. 这项由哈里斯互动公司(HarrisInteractive)进行的调查询问了400名罹患癌症的成年人,他们都在确诊后选择继续工作。

    The Harris Interactive survey queried 400 adults diagnosed with cancer who were working .

  17. 阿诺•哈里斯是再生能源公司(RecurrentEnergy)的首席执行官,这家公司是太阳能发电项目的领先开发商,也是能源行业的资深企业。

    Arno Harris is the CEO of Recurrent Energy , a leading developer of solar power projects , and an energy industry veteran .

  18. 哈里斯最近出了本书,题为《志在必得:一名华尔街元老的成功之道》(ExpecttoWin:ProvenStrategiesforSuccessfromaWallStreetVet)。

    Harris recently published a book titled expect to win : Proven Strategies for success from a Wall Street vet .

  19. 这是1937年华莱士·K·哈里斯和J·安德烈·福霍克斯为1939年纽约世博会的主题中心设计的模型。

    In1937 , Wallace K.Harrison and J.Andre Fouilhoux designed this model for the Theme Center of the1939 World 's Fair in New York .

  20. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)撰稿人戴维•卡普兰最近对哈里斯进行了专访,他们讨论的话题是,倾听是否比动手学习更加重要。

    Fortune contributor David A. Kaplan recently spoke to Harris about how listening to others can be more important than hands-on learning .

  21. 就像他在Axiom的1500名同事中的大多数人一样,哈里斯是一名律师。

    Like the majority of his 1500 Axiom colleagues , Mr Harris is a lawyer .

  22. 2011年7月的一份哈里斯民意调查(HarrisPoll)显示,越来越多的人开始缩减开支,项目涉及从电子产品到理发等各方面。

    A July 2011 Harris poll shows more and more people skimping on everything from electronic goodies to haircuts .

  23. 从初次在Bark’N’Borrow上联络算起,还不到八个小时我和女儿就在家门外见到了哈里斯女士和皮克尔斯。

    Ms. Harris and Pickles met my daughter and me outside our home less than eight hours after we first connected on Bark'N " Borrow .

  24. 哈里斯互动公司(HarrisInteractive)和珠穆朗玛峰学院(EverestCollege)对1002名成年职场人士进行过一项调查调查。

    Yes , says a new report that sums up the results of a survey of 1,002 employed adults by Harris Interactive and Everest college .

  25. 她甚至在1886年受邀来到哈里斯(W.H.Harris)的NickelPlate马戏团演出,并得到一笔乐观收入,自此过上幸福生活。

    She even starred in W.H. Harris 's Nickel Plate Circus in 1886 and used the profits to better her life .

  26. 哈佛大学本科教育教务主任杰伊哈里斯(JayHarris)表示,此次事件涉及范围之广,影响之大,前所未有。

    This is unprecedented in its scope and magnitude , said Jay Harris , the dean of undergraduate education .

  27. 关于消费者对智能手机之王三星电子的认知,上周二公布的哈里斯民意调查年度声誉指数(HarrisPollReputationQuotient)有一些新发现。

    The annual Harris poll reputation quotient , published Tuesday , sheds some new light on consumers ' perceptions of smartphone King Samsung Electronics .

  28. 韩国梨花女子大学的社会学助理教授哈里斯•H•金说:韩国社会是一个人与人之间联系十分紧密的社会,因此韩国人很注重别人对自己的看法。

    Korean society is very tightly knit , and people here are very concerned about how others view them , said Harris H. Kim , a sociology assistant professor at Ewha Womans University .

  29. NPR新闻,埃米莉·哈里斯耶路撒冷报道。

    Emily Harris , NPR News , Jerusalem .

  30. “能够有机会加盟这支富有传奇色彩的NBA球队,我们感到非常荣幸。”哈里斯在提前准备好的声明中表示。

    " We are honored to have the opportunity to be affiliated with this storied franchise ," Harris said in a prepared statement .