
  • 网络havana;La Habana;Havaianas;Gran Melia;hav
  1. 昨晚一船补给用品送达了古巴哈瓦那。

    A shipload of supplies arrived in Havana , Cuba , last night .

  2. 去哈瓦那的往返票价是550爱尔兰镑(673美元)。

    The round-trip fare to Havana is 550 Irish punts ( $ 673 ) .

  3. 和哈瓦那另一家制片公司海岛电影(IslandFilm)合作的卡纳汉表示,他被古巴剧组人员的“热情”和古巴演员的素质所打动。

    Mr. Carnahan , who worked with Island Film , another Havana production company , said he was struck by the " passionate " crew and the quality of Cuban actors .

  4. 美国在哈瓦那驻有使团,美国的摔跤手也曾到德黑兰去参加波斯湾杯(persiangulfcup)的比赛。

    The US has a mission in Havana and American wrestlers have travelled to Tehran to compete in the Persian Gulf Cup .

  5. 墨西哥媒体巨头TelevisaUSA此前曾尝试改变过一部英剧,故事发生在前卡斯特罗年代的哈瓦那。

    Televisa USA previously took a stab at an English-language adaptation of the series set in pre-Castro Havana .

  6. 这种气氛给人的感觉并不十分真实,所以我又往前走了几个街区,来到哈瓦那旧城(OldHavana),在一家有顶棚的户外酒吧找了个安静的座位。

    The atmosphere didn 't feel exactly authentic , so I walked a couple blocks away , deeper into Old Havana , and found a quiet seat beneath a canopied outdoor bar .

  7. 比如,在哈瓦那中心地带的特纳里夫大街(TenerifeStreet)有一栋房子,前身是一间工厂,作为雪茄的主要生产和存储的地点。

    On Tenerife Street in central Havana , for instance , is a former factory that was once a major production house and storage facility for cigars .

  8. 在哈瓦那的最后一天,我路过了被誉为“世界唯一一家雪茄主题酒店”的康德维拉诺威瓦酒店(HotelCondedeVillanueva)。

    On my final day in Havana I came across the Hotel Conde de Villanueva , billed as the world 's only hostel dedicated to cigars .

  9. 另一种由哈瓦那(havaianas)生产,售价25英镑左右。

    The other , made by havaianas , cost about 25 .

  10. 在1622年9月4日,NuestraSeñoradeAtocha号从哈瓦那的边界驶向西班牙。

    On Sept. 4 , 1622 , the Nuestra Se ñ ora de Atocha set sail from Havana bound for Spain .

  11. 演员兼模特ClaraPaget出席哈瓦那人字拖新系列凉鞋的2011新品发布会时,穿着一条很帅气的格纹短裤,搭配黑色瘦腰带。

    Actress and model Clara Paget wears cool plaid shorts with a black skinny belt to the launch of Havaianas'new line of Wellies in2011 .

  12. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(HugoChavez)上周五出访哈瓦那,与古巴总统劳尔•卡斯特罗(RaulCastro)及其患病的哥哥菲德尔•卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)协调峰会前的战略。

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stopped in Havana on Friday to coordinate pre-summit strategy with Cuban President Raul Castro and his ailing bother Fidel .

  13. 雪茄怀旧情绪也弥漫着整个古巴。我没见过比迈克尔·菲利普斯(MichaelPhillips)更渴望分享这种情绪的人了,这位英国人在大约25年前移居到哈瓦那,教授英语。

    Cigar nostalgia abounds in Cuba , and I encountered few more eager to share it than Michael Phillips , a Briton who moved to Havana some 25 years ago to teach English .

  14. 他是哈瓦那《雪茄爱好者》杂志读者会(CigarAficionadoClub)的忠实会员。这些会员多是外交官和商人,他们每月聚会一次,一起吃晚餐、抽雪茄、聊天。

    He is a devoted member of the city 's Cigar Aficionado Club , whose members - foreign diplomats and businessmen - meet monthly for dinner , cigars and conversation .

  15. 其中包括古巴首个私立MBA课程(由罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)开办)创办人、古巴文化经济研究中心(TheCenterfortheStudyoftheCubanCulture+Economy)主任,以及哈瓦那大学(UniversityofHavana)法学院的一名知名教授。

    These include the founder of Cuba 's first private MBA programme , run by the Roman Catholic Church , the director of The Center for the Study of the Cuban Culture + Economy and a distinguished professor from the University of Havana law school .

  16. 他甚至回到原来的学校BelenJesuit上学,这所学校是从哈瓦那迁来的。

    He even returned to his old school , Belen Jesuit , which had moved itself over from Havana .

  17. 最近,《MarieClaire》和《W》都在哈瓦那拍了时装照片,《MarieClaire》把图片用在9月刊,是身穿普拉达、巴尔曼和纪梵希的模特,她们身后是贫困的街景。

    Recently Marie Claire and W showcased fashion shoots in Havana , the former in its September issue , with a model in Prada , Balmain and Givenchy posed against the backdrop of gritty street life .

  18. 在去年12月的哈瓦那电影节期间,圣丹斯学院(SundanceInstitute)长片项目组织了一个由演员、导演和编剧组成的代表团,开办了以剧本创作、制片、纪录片剪辑和电影配乐为主题的研讨班。

    During Havana 's film festival in December , a delegation of actors , directors and writers organized by the Sundance Institute 's feature film program offered workshops on screenwriting , production , documentary editing and scoring for film .

  19. 上月,唐·钱德尔(DonCheadle)坐在哈瓦那老城的一家咖啡馆外,拍摄Showtime的喜剧剧集《谎言屋》(HouseofLies)。他抽着粗胖的雪茄,和三位同伴碰杯畅饮。

    During a shoot for the Showtime comedy series " House of Lies " last month , Don Cheadle sat outside a cafe in Old Havana , puffing on a fat cigar and clinking glasses with three compadres .

  20. 劳拉·普兰住在哈瓦那的中心街区CalleNeptuno963号,这虽是一所小小居所,但劳拉始终把它打理得整洁漂亮。

    THE house at 963 Calle Neptuno , in the centre of Havana , was small , but Laura Pollan kept it beautifully .

  21. 卡普里酒店(维达多区,N街与O街之间,与21街交界处,nh-hotels.com/hotel/nh-capri-la-habana),位于哈瓦那中心地带的现代化高层建筑,附近是深受欢迎的餐厅、夜总会及文化景点,距著名的古巴国际酒店仅一个街区。

    Hotel Capri ( Calle 21 between calle N and O , Vedado , nh-hotels . com / hotel / nh-capri-la-habana ) , a modern high-rise in the heart of central Havana , offers easy access to popular restaurants , nightclubs and cultural sights , including the famous Hotel Nacional , a block away .

  22. 古巴吉他手,世界闻名的古巴音乐俱乐部林荫道俱乐部成员曼努埃尔·加尔班(ManuelGalban)在哈瓦那去世,享年80岁。

    The Cuban guitarist Manuel Galban , a member of the world-famous Cuban music collective , the Buena Vista Social Club , has died in Havana .

  23. SiáKaráCafé(Industria街502号,www.siakaracafe.com)位于哈瓦那旧城,提供价格合理的古巴美食。现场音乐演奏也很不错。

    Si á Kar á Caf é ( Calle Industria No. 502 , www.siakaracafe . com ) offers reasonably priced Cuban cuisine in the heart of Old Havana . It is also known for live music .

  24. 哈伯纳斯副总裁哈维尔特雷斯(javierterres)在古巴首都哈瓦那对记者表示,由于禁烟法令,发达国家的雪茄销量大幅下滑。

    Javier terres , Habanos vice president , told reporters in Havana , the Cuban capital , that cigar sales in the developed world had slumped due to anti-smoking laws .

  25. 迄今,已到哈瓦那游学的84名斯特恩商学院MBA学员之所以能去古巴,只是因为非盈利组织路德维希基金会(LudwigFoundation)提供的关系,该组织创建的目的是加强美国与古巴的联系,主要是在艺术领域。

    To date , the 84 Stern MBA students who have taken the trip to Havana have only been able to do so thanks to connections provided by Ludwig Foundation , a not-for-profit body created to build links between the US and Cuba , primarily in the arts .

  26. 周一,哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)单方面宣布停火,与哥伦比亚政府在古巴首都哈瓦那正式展开和谈。

    Colombia 's Revolutionary Armed Forces , FARC announced a unilateral cease-fire on Monday at the start of peace talks with the Colombian government in Havana , the capital of Cuba .

  27. 虽然香港与哈瓦那(havana)纬度相同,但本周连香港的气温都比美国东北部地区低,这影响了数月前美国订购的御寒服装的销售。

    While Hong Kong is on the same latitude as Havana , this week temperatures in the territory have been colder than they have been in the north-east us , affecting sales of cold-weather gear ordered months previously .

  28. 餐厅推荐CaféLaurent(哈瓦那维达多区19街与21街之间,M街257号,cafelaurent.ueuo.com)是一家有格调的顶楼餐厅,家庭自营,因其顶楼的风景和西班牙菜而受到好评。

    Where to Eat Caf é Laurent ( Calle M No. 257 , between 19 and 21 , Vedado , Havana , cafelaurent . ueuo . com ) is a stylish family-run paladar popular for its penthouse views and Spanish-themed menu .

  29. Mamaine(哈瓦那15街与17街之间,L街206号)是一家充满艺术气息的私密咖啡馆,早餐很出名,有墨西哥玉米饼和鲜芒果汁。

    Mamaine ( Calle L No. 206 , between 15 and 17 , Havana ) is an artsy , intimate cafe known for a breakfast menu that includes tortillas and fresh mango juice .

  30. 在哈瓦那附近的信息科学大学(UniversityofInformationSciences,简称UCI),或何塞·安东尼奥·埃切维里亚高等技术学院(JoséAntonioEcheverríaHigherPolytechnicInstitute,简称Cujae,发音Coo-hai),有很多人兼职当自由程序员,利用学校的宽带传输大文件,软件开发者表示。

    Many who work at the University of Information Sciences , or UCI , near Havana , or the Jos é Antonio Echeverr í a Higher Polytechnic Institute , or Cujae ( pronounced Coo-hai ) , moonlight as freelance programmers , using the institutes " broadband to transfer large files , software developers said .