
  • 网络hallstein doctrine
  1. 但事态的发展表明,在冷战步入缓和阶段的前提下,哈尔斯坦主义只会孤立西德,离统一的目标南辕北辙。

    The development of the situation meat that , on the premise of that the Cold War had went into the detente stage ," Hallstein Doctrine " would only isolate West Germany , made the achievement of reunification impossible .

  2. 究竟如何结束德国的分裂,联邦德国前任总理阿登纳实行哈尔斯坦主义,与东方阵营划分界限,试图借助西方盟友的支持完成统一大业。

    How to end the division of Germany ? The former Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany , Konrad Adenauer , implemented the " Hallstein Doctrine ", tried to complete the reunification by the support of Western allies .