
  • 网络pharyngeal muscle;Thyropharyngeal muscle
  1. PRV注射大鼠咽肌后,在中缝苍白核、中缝隐核、中缝大核和中缝背核中可见少量PRV和SOM双标记细胞。

    After PRV injection into the pharyngeal muscles , numerous PRV and SOM double labeling cells were observed in the raphe pallidus nucleus , raphe obscurus nucleus , raphe magnus nucleus and raphe dorsal nucleus .

  2. 大鼠脑内5-HT能神经元对咽肌的支配及调控

    Innervation and control of 5 HT neurons of the brain to the pharyngeal muscle in the rat

  3. 大鼠中缝核群中生长抑素样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的支配-PRV和SOM免疫荧光双标记法研究


  4. 大鼠孤束核中神经肽Y样神经元与咽肌运动神经元的联系&PRV和NPY免疫荧光双标记法研究

    Connection of neuropeptide Y-like neurons in the nucleus of solitary tract and the motor neurons of pharyngeal muscle in the rat

  5. 用PRV和5-HT免疫组织化学双标记方法研究脑内5-HT能神经元对咽肌的神经支配及调控。

    Innervation and control of 5 HT neurons to the pharyngeal muscle were studied using PRV and 5 HT immunohistochemical double labeling method .

  6. A组咽肌环张开角、内径较B、C、D组明显增大(P<0.05),C、D组间无明显区别。

    The open-angle and the inside diameter of rats ′ pharyngeal-ring in group A were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) than those of group B , C , and D , with no significant difference found between group C and D.

  7. 为了探讨中枢神经系统对咽肌前运动神经元的神经调控机制,用免疫组织化学方法研究了假狂犬病毒(PRV)注射咽肌后跨突触标记细胞在脑中的分布。

    Distribution of transsynaptic labeling neurons in the brain following the injection of pseudorabies virus ( PRV ) into the rat pharyngeal muscle was studied using immunohistochemistry .

  8. 用PRV和PNMT免疫组化双标记方法研究脑内肾上腺素能神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的调控。

    Adrenalinergic neurons control of the premotor neurons of the pharyngeal muscle was studied using PRV and PNMT immunohistochemical double labeling method .

  9. 用PRV、SOM及NOS三标记方法研究了SOM和NOS样神经元在疑核咽肌运动神经元中的共存。

    Colocalization of somatostatin ( SOM ) and nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) in the pharyngeal motor neurons of the nucleus ambiguus of the rat was investigated using the pseudorabies virus ( PRV ), SOM and NOS triple labeling method .

  10. 结论:22d间歇性低压低氧诱导可能通过改变咽肌结构和功能,重建咽腔,从而诱导大鼠OSAS形成。

    Conclusion : Twenty-two days ′ intermittent altitude hypoxia can induce ( OSAS ) in SD rats through changing the structure and function of pharyngeal muscle and remodeling the pharyngeal space .

  11. 目的观察节律性咽肌痉挛(RSPM)对脑干卒中后吞咽障碍患者康复预后的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of rhythmical spasm of pharyngeal muscle ( RSPM ) on the rehabilitation prognosis of patients with dysphagia caused by brainstem stroke .

  12. 30例德国眼咽肌营养不良患者的遗传异质性

    Genetic heterogeneity in 30 German patients with oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy

  13. 吞咽功能障碍患者环咽肌切迹的出现率

    The incidence of cricopharyngeal bar in patients with dysphagia

  14. 甲咽肌的应用解剖及临床意义

    Applied anatomy of thyropharyngeal muscle and its clinical significance

  15. 对40具正常成人尸体标本环咽肌的形态和解剖结构进行详细的观察和测量。

    The morphology of cricopharyngeus muscle in forty normal adult cadavers was observed .

  16. 结论:甲咽肌下端是一个解剖的薄弱环节;

    Conclusion : There was weak element in inferior extremity of thyropharyngeal muscle .

  17. 支配咽肌的运动神经元位于疑核,控制凝核的前运动神经元位于孤束核。

    The motor neurons of pharyngeal musculature are located in the nucleus ambiguus .

  18. 茎突咽肌辅助喉头的上升。

    The stylopharyngeus assists in elevation of the larynx .

  19. 环咽肌的应用解剖及其临床意义

    Applied anatomy of cricopharyngeus muscle and its clinical significance

  20. 结果:甲咽肌在咽后壁的厚度由上而下逐渐减小;

    Results : The thickness of thyropharyngeal muscle in pharynx posterior wall was reduced .

  21. 表明术中切断环咽肌是预防发音钮术后痉挛性发音障碍的一种简便而有效的方法。

    Therefore cricopharyngeal myotomy is a simple and effective method to prevent spastic dysphonia .

  22. Ⅰ期手术失败2例,与气管食管壁分离过多有关;Ⅱ期手术失败1例,系环咽肌切断不完全所致。

    Dissociating tracheoesophageal wall too much and incising cricopharyngeal muscle incompletely resulted in surgery failure .

  23. 方法将腭舌肌、腭咽肌设定为软腭下降肌,用肌电图学的方法进行验证。

    Conclusion Palatoglossus contract can make the soft palate descent and the nasopharyngeal cavity open .

  24. 大鼠延髓和脑桥中生长抑素样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的调控

    Control of somatostatin-like neurons in the medulla and pons the pharyngeal premotor neurons in the rat

  25. 推测可能和调控咽肌的运动有关。

    It is suggested that it might concern with the control of the movement of the pharyngeal muscle .

  26. 吞咽造影复查显示在食团通过时,环咽肌正常开放,误吸消失。

    Video fluoroscopic ( VF ) showed that the cricopharyngeal muscle can open normally when the food went through .

  27. 其中4例单纯憩室行憩室切除+环咽肌切开术,疗效满意。

    Diverticulectomy with cricopharyngeus myotomy was performed in 4 of the 6 cases , and the results were satisfied .

  28. 环状咽肌是肌下缩肌中的一个组织,形成食道的肌肉。

    The cricopharyngeal muscle , a component of the inferior constrictor , forms the muscular orifices of the esophagus .

  29. 脑干卒中后吞咽障碍伴节律性咽肌痉挛的临床治疗研究

    The influence of rhythmical spasm of pharyngeal muscle on the clinical prognosis of patients with dysphagia caused by brainstem stroke

  30. 目的:探讨全喉切除发音重建中切断环咽肌与一侧咽缩肌对发音的影响。

    Objective : To study the influence of amputating cricopharyngeal muscle and unilateral pharyngeal constrictor after total laryngectomy on vocal restoration .