
yǒnɡ huái shī
  • poems from the heart
  1. 这也是82首《咏怀诗》所诠释出的他的人生。

    His 82 poems of His Heart interprets his life .

  2. 《求阙斋读书录》注解了阮籍82首《咏怀诗》中的52首。

    Qiu Que Zhai Du Shu Lu analyzed 52 poems of Yuan Ji 's Poetry about Reciting Feelings .

  3. 第二章论述《咏怀诗》的内在情感线索与文人化的关系。

    The Second Part has exploited the relationship between the inner feelings of " Yong Huai Shi " and the poem intellectualized .

  4. 而咏怀诗与咏史诗虽有交叉,却异大于同,是两种不同的诗歌类型。

    Although faith lyrics have some crossing field with history commenting poems , they have more differences than similarities as two different poetry categories .

  5. 感遇咏怀诗体现了风骚传统及建安风骨,表现出诗人的高尚情操和政治抱负,对扭转齐梁以来的浮艳文风,起到了重要的作用。

    The poem of voicing feelings reflect the literary excellence and the vigorous style of Jian An and show the poet 's loft sentiment and political aspiration .

  6. 最能代表李商隐诗歌主要艺术成就的是他的无题诗、爱情诗及部分咏怀诗。

    Li Shangyin poetry can best represent the major artistic achievement is that he was an those without , Love Poems and a portion of Yong Huai Shi .

  7. 绪论部分重点梳理阮籍及《咏怀诗》的研究状况、存在的不足,并简略介绍本论文的写作方法。

    The prologue dwelled on combing Ruan Ji , the research situation and shortcomings of the Poem of Yong Huai and the method of writing of the thesis .

  8. 诗歌既有清新自然、颇具理趣的山水诗,也有深沉练达、含蓄蕴藉的咏怀诗。

    There were scenic poems in fresh and natural style and with reason and bright characteristics , as well lyric poems of deep and sophisticated thoughts and of implicit and gentle patterns .

  9. 咏史诗以所咏历史题材是否在诗中占有主体地位而区别于用典,又以其吟咏对象是否为客观历史而区别于咏怀诗。

    Poems on the theme of the history of Wing occupies the dominant position in the poem is distinguished from allusions , and recite whether the object is the objective of its history is different from feeling poems .

  10. 其个人咏怀诗,渗透着现实遭际的纹理,承载着内心的悸动,流露出他内心丰富复杂幽微的情感,同时也刻入了那段历史的印迹。

    It chants the bosom poem personally , is seeping the realistic circumstances texture , load bearing innermost feelings palpitation , reveals his innermost feelings rich complex faint emotion , simultaneously also engraved into that phase of historical signature .

  11. 但上述两者都无法解释这样一种接受现象:并不是所有古典文学作品都能享有《咏怀诗》那样如此丰富的多重解释、如此令人神往的阅读体验。

    Both of them can not explain such a phenomenon of reception : not all classical works have such great variation in their interpretation as " YongHuaiShi " do and such splendid reading experience could be hardly attained in other classical creation .

  12. 其《咏怀》诗旨隐避,寄托深远,不仅包含着深刻的现实喻指和心理内涵,更传达出整个人生不幸的悲哀。

    With a ambiguous theme , his poem " Yonghuai " implied profound hopes , including a metaphor in reality , a psychological connotation and personal tragedies .

  13. 在现实环境和自我意识的压抑下,产生超我&自我的心理冲突和道德焦虑,并在《咏怀》诗中通过自卑与自责的方式凸现出来。

    Inhibited by his self-consciousness and that times ' environments , Ruan Ji had a psychological conflict between ' transcending oneself and oneself ' and an ethical anxiety .

  14. 阮籍《咏怀》诗的主题围绕诗人的生命关怀而展开,它起于对人生困境的思考,终于对精神自由境界的追求,体现了道家的生命价值观。

    Baring My Soul , a poem by Ruan Ji , reflects the value of Taoism through its concern of and reflection on life 's dilemma and the spiritual freedom .