
  • 网络age of peace;TIME FOR PEACE;peacetime;peace
  1. 合作:实现梦想是我们的目标,在这和平年代,合作共赢是最佳的选择。

    Cooperation : Achieve dream is our Target , In this age of peace , Cooperation and win-win is the best option .

  2. 土地革命时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,沂蒙地区发生了许多家喻户晓的感人事迹,遗留下了无数革命遗址、文物、英雄事迹等,在和平年代,这些便成为当地宝贵的文化财富。

    It created many moving stories which were well known and left numerous relics , revolutionary deeds and so on in the period of Agrarian Revolution , Sino-Japanese War , and liberation war . In peacetime , these become the precious cultural wealth .

  3. 好在你活在和平年代。

    Thank God you live in a time of peace .

  4. 生活在和平年代难道不是一种幸运吗?

    That we live in peace is a great blessing .

  5. 在和平年代他们需要轮子。

    They need wheels in time of peace .

  6. 欧洲已进入和平年代。

    Reign peace has reigned in europe .

  7. 《顺道而下》这条路在和平年代几乎已不使用。

    Walking along the street The road is almost out of use at peace period .

  8. 而今在和平年代里,铁丝网的应用也很广泛。

    Now , in peacetime , the barbed wire of the applications are very broad .

  9. 在这和平年代还要了这么多人性命,印度应该停飞米格战机!

    India needs to stop flying MIGs which has claimed more lives during peace time .

  10. 因此,在高校实行军训制度是和平年代藏兵于民,储备高素质后备兵员的有效办法。

    So , it is an effective way to reserve high quality force in peace .

  11. 百威英博崛起于20世纪早期的和平年代。

    The rise of AB InBev began in the halcyon years of the early 20th century .

  12. 我认为你们会赶上人类历史上最为有趣丰富多彩的和平年代

    I think you will live the most interesting , prosperous and peaceful time in human history

  13. 我是在和平年代长大的,对爱国主义并没有具体的认识。

    Growing up in peacetime , I have no concrete understanding of patriotism , he says .

  14. 而我们生活在和平年代的少先队员如何表达对祖国的热爱呢?

    We live in a peaceful era pioneers how to express this love of the motherland ?

  15. 国家的形象属于软实力范畴,这种软实力在和平年代的今天发挥着与经济实力、军事实力等同等重要的作用。

    It plays the equitant important role as economic power , military strength in the peace era .

  16. 哪怕在和平年代,同等规模的通货膨胀也能带来这样的结果,并且的确产生过这些结果。

    They could have been , and were , produced just as well by an equivalent peacetime inflation .

  17. 即使是在和平年代,它也经常被定期自边境发射的火箭和迫击炮击中。

    Even in quieter times , it is hit regularly by rockets and mortars from across the border .

  18. 无论是在战争年代还是和平年代,成千上万这种强大的船只消失在海洋当中。

    Thousands of these mighty ships have been lost in times of war and in times of peace .

  19. 在和平年代中,儿子埋葬父亲。但是在战争中,父母埋葬儿子。“-克洛苏斯”

    In peace the sons bury their fathers , but in war the fathers bury their sons . " - croesus "

  20. 去创造它,正如战争或者和平年代的领袖们创造他们取得胜利的机会那样。

    Make it , as all leaders of men , in war and in peace have , made their chances of success .

  21. 创造机遇,正如战争及和平年代所有领袖创造成功机遇那样。

    Make it , as all leaders of men , in war and in peace , have made their chances of success .

  22. 然而,现实生活中,被称为和平年代最可爱的人却往往是流血流汗又流泪。

    But , in real life , people known as the most lovable person in peace time often bloods sweats and tears .

  23. 我不知道到底是战争是和平年代间的小插曲,还是和平年代是战争间的小插曲。“-乔治?克莱门塞”

    I don 't know whether war is an interlude during peace , or peace is an interlude during war . " - georges clemenceau "

  24. 在和平年代,我或许会写些词藻华美或专写事物写景的书,几乎意识不到我政治上的取舍。

    In a peaceful age ! might have written ornate or merely descriptive books , and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties .

  25. 西方人担忧华为正在建设的网络会被中国情报人员所利用在和平年代用来窃听,并可能在战时突然被封锁关闭。

    Westerners fret that the networks the firm is building are used by Chinese spooks to eavesdrop during peacetime and could be shut down suddenly during wartime .

  26. 遥控靶船是和平年代不可缺少的训练用设备,它可以为海军打靶训练提供更加真实的环境,进一步提高海军的实战水平。

    Remote control target ship is an indispensable training equipment during the peaceful times , which provides real training conditions for the Navy and enhances the combat level .

  27. 有人认为我们的政治制度是如此的微不足道,因为在和平年代,我们所争论的话题都是无关紧要的。

    Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because , in a time of peace , the stakes of our debates appear small .

  28. 这两个在革命年代是英雄,但是在和平年代却又存在着不同的问题,这与作者的意识形态和价值追求有关。

    They were the heroes in the Revolution , but in times of peace there are different problems , which is connected with the author 's pursuit of ideology .

  29. 但是,抱着相似的初衷,这个对英雄和这一系列历史时间的歌颂影片同样赢得了这辈生于和平年代的人的喜爱。

    For similar reasons , a eulogy for elites and a pile of historical events don 't appear relevant to this generation , born in the era of peace .

  30. 近年来,爆炸伤的发生率不仅在战争中较以前有所增加,在和平年代较以前也有所增加。

    In recent years , the incidence of explosive injury has greatly increased both in war times and in peaceful times , and during the detonation maxillofacial region was often involved .