
  1. 它不同于政治道德、行政道德和官吏道德、干部道德。

    It is different from the political morals , the administrative morals , the morals of bureaucracy and the morals of cadre .

  2. 从《周礼》中可以看出国家极为重视市场的管理,并且以法来治理市场,除设置管理市场的机构和官吏外,还制定了一套比较完整的市场法制管理文书及制度。

    It can be showed in Zhou Li that , the State attached great importance to market administration and did it with law .

  3. 在法庭的威严和官吏们的努力下,观众之间的骚乱终于平息了。

    By the authority of the court , and the exertions of its officers , the tumult among the spectators was at length appeased .

  4. 最早指山东一些地方贵族和官吏府上织制的织物,因手感和外观类似于丝绸,故称府绸。

    Mean first that knits the fabric made in your home of noble and government official of some places in Shandong , because feeling and appearance are similar to silk , so call the poplin .

  5. 马克思的廉价政府概念废除了国防费用和官吏行政费用,减轻人民税赋负担,剪裁政府不必要的臃赘职能,政府执政成本小到了极限但效率高。

    Marx 's concept eliminated national defence cost and administration expenses , lightened tax burden on people 's shoulders , and cut off unnecessary governmental functions to minimize the government administration cost and enable it work efficiently .

  6. 我国古代为了实现对官吏的有效管理,建立了严密的监察机构和官吏考课制度,严惩贪官污吏,对维护封建统治发挥了重要作用。

    In the ancient times , for the purpose of effectively managing the officials , the potentate established rigorous and methodical assessment systems and supervision organs . By severely penalizing the corrupted officials , it plays an important role in upholding the feudal rule .

  7. 这些工匠是靠政府和政府官吏获得的多余粮食生活。

    These artificers are fed by the surplus food which has been taken by the government and its agents as their share of the produce .

  8. 曾在鲁国任下级和中级官吏。后自办学校,以教书为业。

    During his youth , Confucius was for a time a low-ranking and then middle official ; then he set up a school and lived on teaching .

  9. 通过端方,本文论述了部分地方督抚和清廷官吏在中国早期现代化中所起的暂时的领导与推动作用,同时也分析了他们所遭遇的困难和面对的两难处境。

    The thesis discusses the effects of some local governors and other officials in early Chinese modernization as transitory leaders , and analyses the dilemma that they had to face .

  10. 为了使这个构想变为现实,商鞅制订了相应的农业政策。商鞅认为,预防和治理官吏犯罪是法治建设的首要任务。

    To act out the conception , shang worked out his econmic policy . Shang Yang believed that defending and fathering bureaucracy delict was the chief assignment of law building .

  11. 诉讼观念是指一定社会一定时期普遍存在的一种对普通大众的诉讼行为和司法官吏的审判行为产生重大影响的诉讼思想和理念。

    The procedure sense , which has inheritance and period , is an kind of procedural thought and idea that exist in the most people of the society in a periodical time and have an influence on common people and judges .

  12. 由于中国古代司法从属于行政的基调,司法官吏的选任并没有独自适用的制度,而是和行政官吏适用同一的选任制度,这种制度可称之为官吏选任的普通制度或程序。

    As ancient China 's Justice subordinate to the administration , the elected officials and the judicial system is not alone application , but the elected and administrative officials apply the same system , which can be called the ordinary system or procedures .

  13. 晋武帝吸取曹魏短命灭亡的经验,分封诸王,给他们配备军队和任用官吏的权利,并让多位宗室成员执掌方镇,出任都督。

    Emperor Wu Wei absorb short-lived experience of destruction and feudal kings , to provide them with the right of the army and appointed officials and members of the royal clan in charge of party to a number of towns , as military governor .

  14. 然而,他骑白马通过关卡时,还是如数交纳马匹过关费,并不和关卡的官吏争执白马是不是马。

    Nevertheless when he passed the pass riding his white horse , he would pay the horse-passing tax and never argued with those guards that a white horse is not a horse .

  15. 文章认为,选用什么样的官吏和怎样选用官吏,对于政权治理的实现和延续具有重大作用。

    This article holds that the selection of officials is important to the achievement and the continuity of regime .

  16. 众人各按各分,将养马与快马的大麦和乾草送到官吏那里。

    Barley also and straw for the horses and swift steeds they brought to the place where it was required , each according to his duty .

  17. 罗马当时的政权机构远没有近代这样健全和周密,仅靠官吏的力量来维护公共利益是不够的,于是授权市民代表社会集体起诉,以补救其不足。

    Compared with the modern political institutions , the governmental organizations at that time were less perfect , and it was not enough to maintain public interests only depending on officials ' power . So people were authorized to sue on behalf of social collectivity to remedy the deficiencies .

  18. 法具有至高无上的权威性,普通百姓、一般官吏和君主都要受法律的约束和控制,一般官吏和君主还要做到严格执法,依法办事。

    Method has the ultimate authority , ordinary people , general officers and Kings are to get legal constraints , and control , common officials and monarch also achieves the strict law enforcement , in accordance with the law .