
  1. 她穿着牛仔裤和连帽衫。

    She wore jeans and a hoodie .

  2. 天气比较暖和时,没有必要戴帽子和连指手套

    For milder weather , caps and mittens are unnecessary .

  3. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  4. 在间隙光照下,连产2天的鸡和连产3天的鸡产蛋前血浆T浓度显著高于非连产鸡产蛋前血浆T浓度(P<0.05)。

    Plasma concentrations of T of hens laying on 2 or 3 consecutive days was significantly higher than the hens laying on normal days ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 分别采用α-脱氧核糖氧化法和连苯三酚自氧化法,进行了大豆异黄酮清除羟自由基·OH和超氧自由基O2~-·的抗氧化试验。

    Using alpha deoxyribose oxidation and pyrogallol autoxidation , experiments of soybean isoflavones scavenging hydroxy radical and superoxide radical were respectively made .

  6. 在间隙光照制度下,连产3天的鸡产蛋后血浆E2浓度高于非连产鸡和连产2天的鸡产蛋后血浆E2浓度。

    The plasma concentrations of E2 after laying on 3 consecutive days was higher than the hens laying on 2 consecutive days and normal days .

  7. 对不完全Gamma函数Fm(x)两种向后递推算法(级数展开和连分式逼近)进行了严格的误差分析。

    Strict error analysis is carried out for two kinds of backward recursive algorithm , series expansion and continued fraction approximation , of incomplete Gamma function Fm ( x ) .

  8. 购买者可采用任意数目的虚拟组合,定制自己的cubejacket系列,可加入内置貂皮背心、狐皮袖口和连帽坎肩等。

    Buyers can virtually customise their own cube jacket in any number of combinations , adding inner mink vests , fox cuffs and hooded body warmers .

  9. 武器被PLA地面部队在营和连级装备去提供迅速、直接火力支援给步兵部队。

    The weapon is equipped by the PLA ground forces at battalion and company levels to provide instant , direct fire support for infantry troops .

  10. 含氮杂环-联吡啶、联嘧啶和连氮等杂环化合物及其衍生物-是最常见的多齿配体之一,这些配体与金属Cu(Ⅰ)能形成一维、二维和三维结构的配合物。

    In particular , the nitrogen-containing heterocycle ligands , such as bipyridine , pyrimidine and azine and their derivatives , are most widely used . As their complexes can generate one - , two-and three-dimensional structures .

  11. 26天胚上皮分化基本完成,表面上皮分化为滤泡间上皮(IFE)和连滤泡上皮(FAE);

    On day 26 the differentiation of the epithelium was almost completed . The surface epithelium differentiated into the interfollicular epithelium ( IFE ) and the follicle-associated epithelium ( FAE ) .

  12. 杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)是我国南方最重要的造林树种,但随着杉木栽培面积和连栽代数的不断增加,杉木人工林地力衰退日趋严重。

    Chinese fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb . ) Hook ) is the most important plantation tree species in South China However , yield decline and soil degradation have widely occurred in Chinese fir stands with the increasing of plantation areas and generations .

  13. 这也许能解释为什么,就像时尚界有围裙一样(比如去年2月芬迪[Fendi]时装秀上的强悍铁匠风格皮质围裙和连衫围裙以及MiuMiu的20世纪50年代卡通风格围裙),围裙也有自己的时尚。

    This perhaps explains why , just as there are aprons in fashion ( see the tough smithlike leather aprons and apron dresses in last February 's Fendi show and the cartoonish 1950s pinafore styles at Miu Miu ) , there are fashions in aprons .

  14. 你船的吃水和连桅高度是多少?

    What is your draft and what is your air draft ?

  15. 我还戴着帽子,围巾和连指手套。

    I also have a hat , a scarf and mittens .

  16. 汉语是和连标记的焦点成分语音特征研究

    Phonetic property of Shi and Lian marked constituents in Chinese

  17. “天气比较暖和时,没有必要戴帽子和连指手套。”

    " For milder weather , caps and mittens are unnecessary . "

  18. 轮作和连作田大豆胞囊线虫胞囊上真菌定殖动态

    Dynamics of Fungal Colonization on Cyst in Rotation and Continuous Cropping of Soybean

  19. 四周漫步的人们都身着风雪大衣和连帽衫。

    people were walking around in parkas and hoodies .

  20. 然后,它使用空格替换换行、下划线和连字符。

    Then it replaces line breaks , underscores , and hyphens with blanks .

  21. 此后金元、明清时代去核和连核用都有记载。

    Thereafter , both manner have been recorded .

  22. 现在,车里装备有混合激光、合成器和连了网的电脑。

    In its present form it incorporates lasers , synthesizers and an internet-connected computer .

  23. 利用高斯求积和连分式展开计算电磁张量格林函数积分

    Computation of Green 's tensor integrals for electromagnetic problems using Gaussian quadrature and continued fraction

  24. 海湾天气凉爽,微风拂面;四周漫步的人们都身着风雪大衣和连帽衫。

    The bay was cool and breezy ; people were walking around in parkas and hoodies .

  25. 本论文属于英汉比较研究领域,主要观点源于潘文国和连淑能两位学者的对英汉宏观差异的论述。

    The study of this paper belongs to a growing field-the contrastive study of English and Chinese .

  26. 运用拉氏变换和连分数的方法求得了缓冲器容量的稳态分布。

    Using Laplace transforms and a continued fraction method , the distribution of buffer content is achieved .

  27. 波音的设计,它拒绝谈论的那个,结合了飞翼和连翼布局的优点。

    Boeing 's approach , which it declined to discuss , combines flying wing and joined wing attributes .

  28. 有效的名称只能包含小写字母、数字、点号、下划线和连字符。

    A valid name can contain only lowercase letters , numbers , periods , underscores , and dashes .

  29. 小净距公路隧道是一种介于分离式公路隧道和连拱式公路隧道之间的隧道结构形式。

    The neighborhood highway tunnel with is a tunnel structure which interposes between the separable tunnels and multi-arch tunnels .

  30. 栋单层厂房可分为三种不同类型,独立厂房,半独立厂房和连排厂房。

    The14 single storey factory units can be categorized into three different types : detached , semi-detached and terrace .