
  • 网络hyperpnea
  1. 麻醉兎静脉内注射氯化铵(25&50毫克/公斤),可规律地引起呼吸增强,这种效应在切断窦神经、减压神经和迷走神经后不变。

    In the rabbit , anesthetized with urethane or chloralose and urethane , intravenous injection of ammonium chloride ( 25 & 50mg / kg ) invariably induced hyperpnea . This effect still persisted after cutting the sinus , depressor , and vagus nerves .

  2. 氯化铵所致的呼吸增强,可能主要是由于血浆中氢离子增加对呼吸中枢的直接刺激作用,外周化学感受器在这方面不起重大作用。

    From the results obtained , it seemed likely that the hyperpnea induced by intravenous injection of ammonium chloride was duo to direct excitation of the respiratory center by increase in hydrogen ion concentration of the blood , and that the peripheral chemoreceptors played no significant role in this effect .

  3. 结果4例ACPE患者的CVP下降至1~4cmH2O,其特点是出现明显的呼吸增强、增快,表现为呼吸频率35次/min、三凹征和呼吸性碱中毒。

    Results 4 ACPE patients had decreased CVP from 1 to ( 4 cm ) H_2O . All of these four subjects had compensative respiration reinforcement . The respiration rates were all above 35 times per minute with three depressions sign and respiratory alkalosis .

  4. 由于气候变化引起的温度上升、降水增加,进而导致土壤呼吸增强、土壤碳储量降低的问题值得关注。

    The increase of temperature and rainfall caused by climate change induced soil respiration enhancement and soil carbon storage decrease . We should pay more attention to these problems .

  5. 角蛋白在降解过程中可提高土壤内生物活性,使土壤中矿质氮增加、呼吸作用增强,同时还可以调节土壤pH值,提高土壤中的阳离子交换容量。

    Keratin in degradation improves microbe activity , mineral nitrogen and soil respiration . However the pH of soil can be adjusted and the IEC can be improved .

  6. 自然和人工老化的水稻种子经La(NO3)3处理后,发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数都有明显提高,呼吸作用增强;

    The effect of La ( NO 3 ) 3 on natural aged or artificial aged seed vigor of rice was studied . The results show that the germination rate , germination index and vigor index of aged seed of rice increase with La ( NO 3 ) 3 treatments .

  7. 循环系统和呼吸系统增强到一种相当和谐的程度。

    The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree .

  8. 氮沉降增加将导致植物的呼吸作用增强;

    Elevated nitrogen deposition increases plant respiration ;

  9. 健身跑者的呼吸功能增强,包括定量运动时气体交换效率、恢复商、吸氧量、氧脉搏等显著提高,心率与呼吸商减小。

    For example , the efficiency of gas exchange , the amount of oxygen uptake and the recovery quotient were increased markedly , and the heart rate and QR were reduced in the same conditions .

  10. 基于上述结果,我们认为低温胁迫使油菜呼吸作用增强,光合作用降低,植物体通过特异蛋白表达的变化来响应低温胁迫,降低来自低温的伤害。

    Based on the above results , we think that the chilling stress rape respiration enhanced , reduced photosynthesis , plants through specific changes in protein expression in response to low temperature stress , decreased from low temperature damage .

  11. 上述结果说明干旱和高温降低了银杏对光的适应范围,银杏光能利用效率变低,气孔导度下降,最大净光合速率降低,呼吸作用增强,抑制了生长;

    The findings suggest that drought and high temperature not only decreased the adaptability to light , light use efficiency , and stomatal conductance of the saplings , but increased dark respiration rate , thus resulting in inhibited growth .

  12. 与3∶1式比较,3∶2式棉苗基部叶片叶绿素降解慢,叶绿素a/b值增大,暗呼吸作用增强,其相应叶片有效捕捉光能的能力和生理活性提高。

    Compared with 3:1 model , 3:2 model could postpone the chlorophyll degradation of the radical leaves , increase chla / chlb value and strengthen respiration performance , so as to improve leaf physiological activity and ability of obtaining light energy .

  13. 结论与芬太尼相比,舒芬太尼联合异丙酚更能满足无痛人工流产手术的麻醉要求,副作用少,随着舒芬太尼用量的增加,异丙酚用量减少,呼吸抑制增强,舒芬太尼与芬太尼的镇痛效价比为10:1。

    Conclusions Sulfentanil combined with propofol can meet the needs of aponia abortion more than fentanyl and less in side effect , propofol dosage decreases with sulfentanil dosage increased , respiration inhibition increased . Potency ratio of sulfentanyl to fentanyl is 10:1 .

  14. 这提示,适当剂量的He-Ne激光辐照能促进PMΦ的呼吸爆发,增强依氧性吞噬杀菌作用,提高机体的细胞免疫功能。

    The results indicated that appropriate He-Ne laser irradiation may enhance the oxidative phagocytic function of peritoneal macrophages in mice .

  15. 灌水后使大豆土壤呼吸昼夜变化增强,平均土壤呼吸速率增大。

    Watering affected the magnitude and intensity of soil respiration rate and enhanced the diurnal variation of soil respiration .

  16. 结论:推拿治疗缓解期的慢性阻塞性肺疾病,可改善肺功能、减轻呼吸困难,增强运动耐力,值得推广。

    CONCLUSION : Massage can improve pulmonary function , relieve dyspnoea and strengthen exercise tolerance of patients during COPD remission period .

  17. 在加入提取液的初期,土壤的呼吸速率明显增强。但培养了30天以后,所有处理的呼吸速率都降低到与空白对照相似的水平。

    Soil respiration rate was significantly increased by the crude extract when measured at the start of incubation but returned to basal levels after 30 days of incubation .

  18. 练功时耗氧量与CO2排出量都降低,可减少呼吸次数,显著增强肺功能。

    Reduce oxygen consumption and CO2 discharging , lessen respiratory rates and strengthen pulmonary function .

  19. 障碍发生时,高幅δ波丧失节律,幅度衰减,波型不规则,额枕失同步;呼吸循环代偿功能增强程度明显高于障碍前。

    Then these δ activities shown were irregularity in wave form and rhythm , diminution of wave amplitude and out of synchronization of front-occipital activities at the onset of unconsciousness , The compensatory function of circulatory and respiratory systems strengthened more significantly than that played before the onset of disturbances .

  20. 伴有中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停的Cheyne-Stokes呼吸是一种周期性的呼吸节律异常,其特征是交替性发生低通气、呼吸暂停与过度通气,在过度通气阶段,呼吸运动呈逐渐增强&逐渐减弱的形式。

    Cheyne-Stokes respiration with central sleep apnea is a form of periodic breathing in which apneas and hypopneas alternate with ventilatory periods having a waxing-waning pattern of tidal volume .