
hū jiào jiàn lì
  • call set-up
  1. 在所建类库的基础之上,详细描述了系统中基本呼叫建立的C++实现过程。

    On the basis of the class library , this paper de-scribes the C + + implementation of a basic call set-up .

  2. H.323系统C++类库和基本呼叫建立的实现

    The Implementation of a C + + H.323 Class Library and a Basic Call Set-up

  3. ATM网络呼叫建立时延的估算

    An Estimation of Call Setup Delay in ATM Network

  4. H.323协议族定义了注册、允许和状态通道(RAS),呼叫建立通道,会议控制通道,实时流通道和数据通道;

    These protocols define the channels for RAS , call setup , conference control , real time stream and data .

  5. 分布式多媒体系统中,资源管理包括多媒体呼叫建立期间服务质量(QoS)协商、QoS确认过程中的资源分配,以及多媒体传输期间资源监视、QoS重协商过程中的资源调整等内容。

    The resource management consists of resource allocation in QoS negotiation , QoS admission during multimedia call and resource adjustment in resource monitor , QoS re-negotiation during multimedia communication .

  6. 基于这样一种新的协议实现的IP电话系统具有更好的灵活性、更简单的结构、呼叫建立时间短、容易实现补充业务或智能业务、分布式控制等优点。

    An IP Phone system based on this kind of new protocol has more flexibility , more simple architecture , shorter call setup time , easiness of implementing supplementary services or intelligent services , advantage of distributed controlling .

  7. 重点研究设计了传真呼叫建立规程,能够同时与多个传真用户建立传真连接,这是传真网关的基本功能,是实现IP传真的前提,也是课题研究的难点之一。

    The call establishment procedures are studied mainly and Facsimile Gateway can set up the connections with more than one user . It is the basic function and the precondition of FoIP , which is also difficulty in the project .

  8. 数字集群通信是基于CDMA技术在公众移动网络上实现一种具有对讲机功能的移动业务,其网络覆盖面广,呼叫建立时延短,而且能够异地漫游。

    Based on cdma techonology Digital trunking system has realized interphone function in public mobile network . It resolved cover , short call setup delay , roaming and communication problems in a great extent .

  9. 本文分析Skype的主要功能,例如注册,穿越NAT和防火墙,呼叫建立,媒体传输,编解码以及在三种不同网络设置下的会议通讯。

    This report analyzes key Skype functions such as login , NAT and firewall traversal , call establishment , media transfer , nodes , and conferencing under three different network setups .

  10. 讨论了ATM网络的呼叫建立时延,提出了交换节点在呼叫控制处理中通过最佳能力分配分布和平衡处理负荷,从而实现呼叫建立时延的最小化;

    The estimation of call setup delay in ATM network is presented . Our approach is to distribute and balance processing loads among call control processes via optimal capacity allocation , and to minimize the call setup delay in switching .

  11. 接着,网关根据信令的映射关系完成SIP消息与TETRA信令的转换和转发,以及依照信令互通的流程成功实现呼叫建立。

    Then based on the mapping relationship of signaling , the gateway completes the transformation and transmission for SIP messages and TETRA signalings , and successfully achieves the call establishment according to the procedure of signaling interconnection .

  12. 本文案例中,通过对BSC后台参数及天线调整,改善了坏小区比例、呼叫建立成功率、前向误帧率等指标,提高了网络通信质量。

    In the case of this article , we modified the parameters of BSC and adjusted the antenna , so the bad-cell rate decreased , call setup completing rate increased , forward FER decreased , network quality was improved .

  13. 245作为媒体控制协议,呼叫建立过程和媒体逻辑信道建立过程相分离,建立RTP会话之前需要交换大量的信令消息,会话建立时间长;

    The Process of establishment of call and media logical channel are separate . The exchange of a large number of signaling messages is required before RTP session is established . So , it takes long time to establish the session .

  14. 本文根据Winsock的编程原理,即客户机-服务器的通信模式,采用流套接字编程,运用面向对象的方法分析了SIP协议,详细地描述了SIP协议基本呼叫建立的C++实现过程,供读者参考。

    This paper mainly describes the C + + implementation process of the basic call establishment of SIP protocol , based on the Winsock program theory which is the communications mode named client-server , and by the use of the stream sockets program and the object-oriented method .

  15. 网关间呼叫建立规程的研究与实现;

    The research and implementation of call establishment procedures between gateways .

  16. 终端应该至少尝试一个呼叫建立。

    The terminal shall at least try one call establishment .

  17. 在此基础上,描述了会议业务中的呼叫建立、新成员加入和发言权转移等过程的呼叫处理。

    Some service requests proccessings are described on the basis of new CM .

  18. 无线网络优化经验浅谈之处理呼叫建立成功率低的方法

    Wireless Network Optimization Experience for Dealing with the Low Success Rate of Call Processing Methods

  19. 作为呼叫建立的一部分,身份认证与密钥协商协议在其中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    As part of call setup , authentication and key agreement protocol plays a pivotal role .

  20. 最后给出了网关指标中最重要的两个参数互通性与多路同时呼叫建立延时的测试结果及分析。

    At last , the test of the Gateway is shown and the result is discussed .

  21. 在实时呼叫建立阶段,网络的计算负荷有所减少;

    In the real time call setup period , the computing load on the network side is reduced ;

  22. 这些业务氛围下面三个阶段:呼叫建立、呼叫连接和呼叫释放。

    These services are divided into the following three phases : call setup , call connection , and call release .

  23. 此外,为了应对场景切换及视频通信中的呼叫建立与呼叫终止,提出了在相应情况下的参数更新方案。

    Thirdly , to deal with scene change and call initiation and call termination in video communication , a parameter update scheme is applied .

  24. 为了支持多媒体业务,提供呼叫建立、会话控制、接纳控制等功能的信令协议必不可少。

    To support the multimedia operation and supply the function such as call building and session control , the signal protocol is absolutely necessarily .

  25. 基于这一秘密数据,用户与网络之间可以在呼叫建立阶段进行相互认证。

    Based on this secret data , the mutual authentication of the user and the network can be performed in the call setup phase .

  26. 本地路由法可以提高网络的抗毁能力、减少呼叫建立时延及系统负荷。

    Local routing method can reduce delay of connection and system cost , and the most important it can increase the ability to resist devastation .

  27. 深入探讨了传真传输规程,实现了接收端呼叫建立、报文前处理、报文传输、报文后处理、呼叫释放五个阶段。

    The facsimile transmission procedure is researched particularly . The five phases-call establishment , pre-message procedure , in-message procedure , post-message procedure , call release-of the receiver are realized .

  28. 经过网络优化以后,全网的掉话率下降了0.02个百分点,寻呼成功率上升了0.78个百分点,呼叫建立成功率上升了0.09个百分点,其它网络指标都有改善。

    The drop call rate of the network decreases 0.02 % , the paging successful rate increases 0.78 % , the call establish rate increases 0.09 % , other indicators have some improvement after the network optimization is completed .

  29. 通过对SIP协议栈的实现,验证了SIP在建立呼叫及建立信息传输通道的有效性。

    Through to the SIP agreement stack realization , confirmed SIP to call and to establish the data-transmission channel in the establishment the validity .

  30. WCDMA系统是一个干扰受限系统,新的呼叫连接建立将导致上下行负载增加,影响系统已有的激活呼叫的服务质量。

    WCDMA is an interference-limited system . A new call connection setting up will result in the load enhancement of both uplink and downlink and affect service quality of the present activated calls in system .