
  • Jay Chou
  1. 音乐人兼演员周杰伦将与范·迪塞尔合作出演《极限特工4》,由D·J·卡卢索担任HCollective电影公司这部片的导演。

    Musician and actor Jay Chou is joining Vin Diesel in the fourth " xXx " movie , with D.J. Caruso directing for the H Collective .

  2. 一些人说他唱的太好了,把他的歌当成周杰伦唱的,盗版CD制造商把他的歌和周杰伦的混合起来,发行了一张叫做“周杰伦最新专辑《桥段》”的专辑。

    Some people said he sang so well that mistook his songs for Jay Chou ' s.Pirate CD makers mixed his songs with Jay 's and released a so-called " Jay Chou 's Latest Album-Love 's Way " .

  3. 昨天姐姐买了一张周杰伦的CD,它非常好听。

    Yesterday my sister bought me a CD of Zhoujielun , it sounds very well .

  4. 唱片行的店员应该要知道蔡健雅,应该要知道周杰伦,应该要多放些中文CD。

    The clerks in the record store should know Tanya Tzi , they should know Jay Chow , and they should play more Chinese CDs .

  5. 周杰伦:现在很多歌手也开始拍MV,陶喆(听歌)也说他想当导演。

    Jay : Nowadays a lot of singers are starting to film MVs , David Tao has said he wants to be a director .

  6. 自2000年发行专辑《Jay》以来,周杰伦在华语世界已经家喻户晓。

    The singer has been a household name in the Chinese-speaking world since the release of his album " Jay " in 2000 .

  7. 中国著名歌手、演员周杰伦加盟本部影片,饰演一位名叫Li的魔术师。而因为饰演哈利波特而名声大噪的演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫也将会出现在本部影片中。

    Chinese singer / actor Jay Chou has joined the cast as a magician named Li , while actor Daniel Radcliffe , who 's famous for playing the boy wizard Harry Potter , and is also set to join the film .

  8. 如果有来世,我化身为F4或是周杰伦,我想我会戴上眼镜和帽子去逛街。

    If I have afterlife , I am F4 or Joy Zhou , I think I will go to shopping with glasses and hat .

  9. 中国社交媒体上一场史诗般的代际之争划上句点,在这场数据之战中,40岁歌手周杰伦的夕阳红粉丝们战胜了以Z世代为主的年轻歌手蔡徐坤的粉丝。

    An epic generational clash waged on Chinese social media has come to a close , with the mostly older fans of 40-year-old singer Jay Chou declaring digital victory over the largely Gen Z followers of young vocalist Cai Xukun .

  10. 台湾歌手周杰伦在CNN周二公布的2009年亚洲地区25名最具影响力的人物中榜上有名。

    Taiwan star Jay Chou was ranked as one of the 25 most influential people or groups in Asia in 2009 , a division of the Cable News Network ( CNN ) announced Tuesday .

  11. 让人们不再流连于各KTV场所和周杰伦等的巨星演唱会,取而代之的是走进各个生动的演出现场,即使对于一个一线乐队来说都是一个巨大挑战。

    Getting people out of the KTV parlors and Jay Chou concerts and into the live houses around Beijing is a bold mission statement for even the biggest of bands .

  12. 国内受欢迎的香港明星周润发和台湾的周杰伦(他在电影版的《青蜂侠》中扮演助手加藤,在红毯上亮相宣传即将上映的影片),韩国的“万人迷”赵寅成、意大利女演员兼制片人MariaCucinotta也出席了仪式。

    Local favorites like Hong Kong star Chow Yun-fat and Taiwan 's Jay Chou , who played sidekick Kato in the movie version of " The Green Hornet " made appearances on the red carpet to promote upcoming films . South Korean heart-throb Zo In-sung , Italian actress and producer Maria Cucinotta also attended the ceremony .

  13. 我喜欢周杰伦的歌你也是的。

    I love Jay Chou , and also you love him .

  14. 周杰伦因为他的音乐在年轻人中间而著名。

    Jay Chow is famous for his music with young people .

  15. 艾薇:你们有周杰伦的新专辑吗?

    Ivy : Do you have the new Jay Chou CD ?

  16. 周杰伦的《外婆》是我最喜欢的歌。

    The pop song Grandmother by Jay Chou is my favourite .

  17. 周杰伦顶尖的亚洲R&B

    Jay Chow : Top of the Asia 's R & B

  18. 周杰伦的新专集预定在本月下旬发行。

    Jay Chou'new album is due for release later this month .

  19. 传言周杰伦与唱片公司决裂?

    Rumours that Jay Chou and recording company have broken off ?

  20. 第二个要数周杰伦和宋祖英的混搭吧。

    The second is Jay Chou and Song Zuying the mix .

  21. 你知道,周杰伦成功是要付出努力的。

    You know , Jay is a successful effort to pay .

  22. 周杰伦,你知道怎样玩篮球吗?

    Do you know how to play B-ball , Jay Chou ?

  23. 当周杰伦来时,所有的影迷都感到激动。

    When Jay Zhou comes , all the fans are excitied .

  24. 也许这个周杰伦不是那个周杰伦。

    Maybe this Zhou Jielun is not that Zhou Jielun .

  25. 这几年周杰伦的歌曲在年轻人中特别流行。

    Zhou Jielun 's songs are prevailing among the young these years .

  26. 试论周杰伦歌词语言的陌生化

    On the Unfamiliarity of Language in Joy Chous Words of His Songs

  27. 首先,我得赞许周杰伦做的这部电影。

    First , I must commend this movie which Zhou Jielun does .

  28. 周杰伦的数学、自然科学和英语成绩很差。

    Chou did poorly at maths , science and English .

  29. 他的头发纯洁如雪。(放首周杰伦的发如雪?)

    Eg : His hair is as white as snow .

  30. 周杰伦要演激情戏,侯主播可不要看哦。

    Jay will have a passionate scene , don 't look patty .