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  1. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)本周步反对党领袖埃德米利班德(edmiliband)后尘,呼吁搁置这宗收购。

    The prime minister , David Cameron , has this week trailed the opposition leader , Ed Miliband , in calling for the bid to be shelved .

  2. 而且还要了解,我们自己常有考虑不周之处,非党干部常有许多正确意见,所以我们应倾听和虚心地接受他们的意见。

    Moreover , they should be aware that they are not always thoughtful enough and that non-Party cadres often have many correct ideas . therefore , they should listen attentively and remain open-minded when non-Party cadres present their views .