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zī zhònɡ
  • baggage;impedimenta;supplies and gear of an army
辎重 [zī zhòng]
  • (1) [impediments;suplies and gear for troops]∶行军时由运输部队搬运的物资

  • (2) [baggage]∶运输中的(或可以运输的)设备

  • 军队的辎重

  • (3) [luggage,baggage]∶外出的人携带的包裹行李

  1. 辎重跟随在行进军队的后部。

    The baggage followed in the rear of the troops on march .

  2. 所有的军需品和辎重都被敌人夺走了。

    All of the artillery and baggage were captured by the enemy .

  3. 我不想被你的辎重所拖累。

    I 'm not going to be weighed down by your extra baggage .

  4. 生命的辎重意识

    The Impedimenta Consciousness of the Life

  5. 到了辎重营,军兵刚出到战场,呐喊要战。

    He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions , shouting the war cry .

  6. 杜丽娘是晚明第一个生命辎重意识觉醒的东方女性。

    His works - " Sneering at the tiger " tells that it is tragical for people to live without impedimenta consciousness .

  7. 我只是喜欢脂肪轮胎的想法,能够上下楼梯的限制或惩罚其他道路辎重。

    I simply liked the idea of fat tires and being able to go up and down curbs or other road impedimenta with impunity .

  8. 是故军无辎重则亡,无粮食则亡,无委积则亡。

    We may take it then that an army without its Baggage-train is lost ; without provisions it is lost ; without Bases of supply it is lost .

  9. 骑兵车队原有一百二十辆大车,现在已不到六十辆;其余的有些被劫走,有些被扔弃掉。朱诺的辎重队的遭遇也一样。

    Of the cavalry transport , which had at first consisted of one hundred and twenty waggons , only sixty were left ; the rest had been carried off or abandoned .

  10. 他进入你的城门,好像人进入已有破口之城。那时,你的墙垣必因骑马的和战车,辎重车的响声震动。

    Your walls will tremble at the noise of the war horses , wagons and chariots when he enters your gates as men enter a city whose walls have been broken through .

  11. 从流窜那天开始,战场上,只剩下壁垒化的哥萨克辎重车车垒营地提供保护,接着,暴风带来不寻常的大雨。

    On to the field remained only the walled tabor camp of the Cossacks , which was protected from being immediately overrun that day and the next when storms brought unusually heavy rain .

  12. 那天正午,俄国的辎重车队、炮兵和步兵纵队从桥上两侧鱼贯地通过恩斯市。

    The Russian baggage-waggons and artillery and the columns of troops were in the middle of that day stretching in a long string across the town of Enns on both sides of the bridge .

  13. 这三股骑兵的车队、俘虏押送队和朱诺的辎重队一起行军,仍旧构成一个独立的统一的整体,尽管这支队伍在迅速地减员。

    These three bodies , travelling together the cavalry transport , the convoy of prisoners , and Junot 's baggage transport still made up a complete separate whole , though each of its three parts was rapidly dwindling away .

  14. 北方王必回来,他必兴举大军,比先前的更多;过了数年,他必率领大军,带着极多的辎重,凶猛而来。

    For the king of the north will return , and he will raise up a multitude greater than the first ; and at the end of some years he will come unrelentingly with a great army and with much materiel .

  15. 于是大卫和亚比筛夜间到了百姓那里,见扫罗睡在辎重营里。他的枪在头旁,插在地上。押尼珥和百姓睡在他周围。

    So David and Abishai came down to the army by night : and Saul was sleeping inside the ring of carts with his spear planted in the earth by his head : and Abner and the people were sleeping round him .
